Title I

No Child Left Behind

Riverview Middle School is a Title I school. The Tennessee Department of Education has released its report of all state schools, indicating whether they made AdequateYearly Progress (AYP) under the No child Left Behind Act. This report measures school progress in the areas of reading, math, student attendance and graduation rates for all students, as well as students who receive special education services or qualify for the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch program.
Riverview Middle accepted and met the challenge by improving scores in reading and math. However, we did not make adequate yearly progress in attendance. We have implemented several strategies which will help us reach our goal this year. Therefore, Parents/Guardians, we continue to solicit your support in this effort. Our students at Riverview Middle are improving daily and with parent and community support, our school willl continue in the right direction.
Information regarding your child's teacher, including licensure and certification, college major and degree(s) earned may be obtained from the Tennessee Department of Education website(http://www.state.tn.us/education/lic_home.htm).