Tuesday 22 January 2013
Who was here: Jennifer Kelsey (Co-Chair, Just Advocacy), Marcia Lawman (PB rep),Mo Rowe (parent/carer), Bernard Pearcey (parent/carer), Alison Martin (parent/carer), Paula Page (parent/carer), Ian Penfold (parent/carer, Wendy Gannon (Carers Together), Alison Cooper (Parity for Disability), Amanda Kent (Speakeasy Advocacy), Stuart Outterside (HCC), special school governor/Parkside trustee), Bernadette Chuter (Just Advocacy supporting Marcia), Florence Garland (HCC Admin),Sermin Cinar (Just Advocacy)
Apologies: Sam Davies, Linda Burgess, Simon Cartland, Kim Mears, Catherine Wheeler
Notes of the last meeting and matters arising
No agenda prior to the meeting was sent out. Apologies from Chair.
Hampshire LD Partnership Board: some improvements have been made since the last meeting took place.
SDS matters: still on going. There is a recognition that things are not working and a review of SDS is taking place. It was suggested that this is a national picture but the Chair noted that it is a little more evident and transparent in some neighbouring local authorities.
CCGs (Clinical Commissioning Groups) replacing Primary Care Trust (PCTs) from 1st April 2013. A list of names/contacts has been sent out. It is important that the voluntary sector engages with CCGs. Supporting people with a learning disability has been identified as a priority area.
Mo said that some surgeries in Basingstoke are still not offering annual health checks.
Part of the health needs assessment report is to look at populations and the age profile of people with a learning disability.
There was some discussion about the importance of everyone knowing how to communicate with CCGs via their local Healthwatch. We should have more information about this soon.
The Chair expressed concern about the infrastructure that would support people to receive some hospital treatments in their home. Professionals will be with patients for brief time slots during the day after which reliance will be on low paid support staff with variable knowledge and training.
Health Watch will be replacing the LINK which will feed in health issues.
There is no liaison nurse currently in Basingstoke but someone is covering from Winchester. Each main hospital in Surrey has their own Liaison Nurse and this has made a significant difference to people with LD receiving a better service at all levels of contact.
Action: Flo to invite our lead for the CCG in the area (Dr Hugh Freeman).
Role of the Partnership Board from Ian Penfold
Could the Partnership Board please clarify their role please? Does the P.B. exist to champion the needs of the learning disabled community as a whole within Hampshire or is their remit, and that of the .LI.G.s, restricted to Adult services only? If the services of the P.B. are for adults only could they please clarify the definition of an ‘adult’ In this context and also advise as to who carries out the same role on behalf of children with learning disabilities in Hampshire?" - Ian Penfold
The Partnership Board is intended to represent the views of service users, parents and carers for adult with learning disabilities across Hampshire. Adult Services support people in all aspects of social care when they reach 18 though we do employ transition social workers who work with Children's Services including education, across the county to support eligible young people and their families with their transition into Adult Services. There is a Children's Trust Board in Hampshire which is responsible for developing, publishing and monitoring the Children and Young People's Plan. Andrew Fawcet , NEH Partnership Board, will pass your question to colleagues in Children's Services who may be able to get back to you with more detail.
Stuart to find out more about the Health and Wellbeing Board.
Hampshire LD Partnership Board - Health
Marcia went to the health meeting with Andy McDowall on 8thJanuary. This meetingtook place before Partnership Board Meeting so that Reps received a more detailed explanation. The self assessment framework was easy to read with set targets and dates. Andy took time to explain all the points.
On 9th January, the main topic for our LD Partnership Board was health. We had a presentation from the LIG reps. Heather Hauschild explained what CCG’s were. We also worked on a letter for GPs which can be amended by LIGs. Marcia said that she would work on her own version of the letter to her GP. Michelle Stickland gave a report on health (Flo has sent the report out to all LIGs). Linda Burgess talked about the LD strategy and how we can work on it. We could work in small groups or one big group. It is up to us how we want to do it. We will also hold events where people can have their say.
The next topic will be people with complex needs and safeguarding. Marcia and Sam will be meeting some groups and the LIG can work on the questions at the next meeting. Please talk to your groups, focus and bring feed back directly to the Blue LIG meeting or email to Jennif who will then collate and forward questions/thoughts to Flo/Andrea.
The Partnership Board meetings will now be longer from 10 am to 2 pm so that LIG reps have more time in between topics and have a lunch break.
As a carer rep for the Blue LIG, Mo thought the meeting was interesting. She was impressed with Marcia and Sam. It is a good forum and involve strong personalities. Ruth Dixon (the chair on the day) was very good and the STOP/QUESTIONS cards were useful. Tanya read her notes in Braille.
Other things:
Flo has now booked more LIG dates for the end of the year. See below.
Alison Cooper mentioned the “Involve me project” .
Mark Houston would like to come to the LIG to explain what is “Category Management” (how the council buy services). The LIG agreed to invite him towards the end of the meeting (Flo done). Questions for Mark: timescales, why/what are they doing/impact/efficiency
Safeguarding: can get hold of Alison Ridley for next time + CCG. Sam/Marcia would like to write something from service user perspective.
Amanda said that she was going to Community Action Hampshire meeting ref HCC contracts (cost/quality).
Bernard mentioned the ILF (independent living fund) which will close in March 2015. Responsibility to go to local government.
Dates for your diaries at Elizabeth Hall (room 4), Raven Road, Hook, 10.30 am to 12.30 noon
2013 dates:
5 March
23 April
4 June
23 July
10 September
29 October
10 December