Wednesday, 20March2013]
1.Questions for oral reply will be printed in full in the Question Paper for the day for which they have been set down for reply.
2.*Indicates a question for oral reply.
44.Mr R S Stevenson to ask the MEC responsible for Education:
(1)When is it anticipated that the construction of three temporary classrooms at the John Masiza Primary School in Port Elizabeth will (a) commence and (b) be completed;
(2)whether work on this project was (a) scheduled to begin in 2012 and (b) subsequently postponed ; if so, (i) why and (ii) what are the relevant details;
(3)whether there is a shortage of (a) desks and (b) chairs at this school; if so, (i) why and (ii) what steps are being taken to ensure that this situation is rectified?
45.Mr M Ntenjwa to ask the MEC responsible for Education:
(1)How many (a) schools in the province are not accessible in wet weather conditions due to the poor state of roads and (b) teaching days are lost as a result;
(2)whether any steps have been or are to be taken with a view to improving the state of these roads to ensure that these schools are accessible to learners in the province; if not, why not; if so, (a) what steps and (b) when?
46.Ms T Dunywa to ask the MEC responsible for Health:
(1)Whether the new oncology department under construction at Frere Hospital in East London will include consultation rooms for doctors and their secretaries; if not, (a) why not, (b) where will these doctors consult with their patients and (c) what are the further relevant details;
(2)whether patients discharged from this hospital are having to wait for transport home due to a shortage of ambulances resulting in the hospital being unable to admit new patients due to a lack of available beds; if so, (a) why and (b) what steps are being taken to address this situation ;
(3)whether emergency medical services (EMS) staff at hospitals in the (a) OR Tambo and (b) Chris Hani district municipal areas are being (i) paid and (ii) given time in lieu respectively for overtime worked; if so, (aa) why is there an inconsistency in the remuneration of such staff and (bb) what are the further relevant details?
47.Ms B Tunyiswa to ask the MEC responsible for Health:
(1)Whether any clinics were built in Wards 13 to 21, Ngqamakwe, in (a) 2009, (b) 2010, (c) 2011, (d) 2012 and (e) from 1 January 2013 up to and including the latest specified date for which information is available; if not,
(2)whether any steps have been or are to be taken with a view to addressing this situation; if not, why not; if so, (a) what steps and (b) when?
48.Mr R S Stevenson to ask the MEC responsible for Human Settlements, Safety and Liaison:
(1)Whether any vehicleswere removed from the South African Police Service (SAPS) purchase order to purchase a BMW X5 for the Minister of Justice; if so, (a) how many, (b) why and (c) what was the total cost involved in the purchase of this vehicle;
(2)whether this vehicle will be utilised solely by the Minister when visiting the province; if so, how many times has he visited the province from 1 April 2012 up to and including the latest specified date for which information is available;
(3)whether it is common practice for the SAPS to purchase vehicles for this purpose in all nine provinces; if so, what are the relevant details;
(4)whether this constitutes the best possible utilisation of SAPS resources in the province given the shortage of vehicles available for visible policing; if not, what are the relevant details?
49.Mr R S Stevenson to ask the MEC responsible for Human Settlements, Safety and Liaison:
(1)Whether any delays are being experienced by the South African Police Service (SAPS) in obtaining responsesfrom the Automotive Fingerprint Investigation System (AFIS); if so, (a) what are the reasons for this delay, (b) what is the current turnaround time and (c) how often is this system updated;
(2)whether AFIS has proven to be an (a) effective and (b) efficient tool in assisting the SAPS in obtaining fingerprint matches; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
(3)whether any steps have been or are to be taken with a view to increasing the capacity of this system; if not, why not; if so, what steps?
50.Mr M Ntenjwa to ask the MEC responsible for Local Government and Traditional Affairs:
(1)How many community development worker posts were (a) filled and (b) vacant in the province as at the latest specified date for which information is available;
(2)(a) to which municipal office do these workers report and (b) what are the relevant details in respect of the evaluation of programmes being implemented by these workers in the province?
51.Mr D B Haddon to ask the MEC responsible for Local Government and Traditional Affairs:
(1)(a) How many court cases were pending against municipalities in the province as at the latest specified date for which information is available, (b) what is the total cost in respect of (i) legal fees and (ii) settlements paid out to claimants and (c) what are the further relevant details;
(2)how many of these cases (a) are being dealt with by internal legal advisers and (b) have been outsourced to private legal practitioners;
(3)whether any processes have been or are to be put in place with a view to assisting municipalities in the province in decreasing the risk of legal claims being lodged against them; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
52.Mr D B Haddon to ask the MEC responsible for Public Works, Roads and Transport:
(1)Whether, with regard to the reply to Question 96 of 15 April 2012, any bi-annual roadworthy inspections of vehicles transporting scholars in the province are being carried out bythe service provider One Future Development 46; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
(2)whether she has been informed of the death of six school children in the province last week as a direct result of being transported in an unroadworthy vehicle; if so,
(3)whether any steps have been or are to be taken with a view to (a) monitoring scholar transport services in the province and (b) improving scholar transport safety; if not, why not; if so, (i) what steps and (ii) when?
53.Ms B Tunyiswa to ask the MEC responsible for Public Works, Roads and Transport:
(1)Whether the construction of roadsintended to provide an access link between Ngqamakwe and (a) Stutterheim, (b) Debe Nek and (c) Peddie had commenced as at the latest specified date for which information is available; if not, why not;
(2)when is it anticipated that work on this project will (a) commence and (b) be completed?
54.Ms B Tunyiswa to ask the MEC responsible for Rural Development and Agrarian Reform:
How many dipping tanks were provided in Wards 13 to 21, Ngqamakwe, in (a) 2009, (b) 2010, (c) 2011, (d) 2012 and (e) from 1 January 2013 up to and including the latest specified date for which information is available?
55.Mr M Ntenjwa to ask the MEC responsible for Rural Development and Agrarian Reform:
(a) How many tractors (i) have been allocated to and (ii) are being utilised by farmers in the province, (b) in which areas, (c) for what purpose and (d) at what cost per hectare?