[No.12-2009] First Session, Fourth Legislature





Tuesday,25th August2009



The Hon. Speaker presided and asked the House to observe a moment of silence for prayer or meditation.


The Hon. Speaker tabled the minutes of the previous sitting held on the 18th August 2009 for corrections and adoption by the Members of the House.

The House adopted the minutes as a true reflection of proceedings of the previous sitting.


a)Motions without notice

Hon. Num, on behalf of COPE, placed a motion without notice to congratulate Caster Semenya on her sterling performance at the Berlin Athletics World Championship. She also condemned the shocking conduct of International Association of Athletics Federation, on an un-procedural gender test done on the young Caster Semenya. She also indicated that irresponsible reporting by media is another example of the abuse of freedom of press by some media house. In conclusion she pledged solidarity to Caster and her family in these trying times, she again urged them to focus on the joy their daughter had brought to the entire nation.

Hon. Mothupi, on behalf of ANC, placed a motion without notice to inform the House about the community work done by the Hon MEC Mabe and the Mafikeng Local Municipality. He mentioned that on the 14th of August 2009 the MEC for Finance accompanied by her departmental staff, went to Magopa village next to Zeerust to hand out blankets and food groceries to 30 needy families. Officials of Mafikeng Local Municipality also went to Phadima village next to Modimola were they donated over 150 blankets. In conclusion he applauded the MEC and Mafikeng Local Municipality for the good work they have done.

Hon. Kheswa, on behalf of COPE, placed a motion without notice to thank the establishment of Bahumagadi forum. He also mentioned that this forum shall play a crucial role in making sure that the role played by Bo-Mmadikgosi is recognised.

Hon. Mokomele-Mothibi, on behalf of ANC, placed a motion without notice to inform the House about the shortage of books in the schools. She also mentioned that it was reported there is a high shortage of books in public schools especially at high school level. In conclusion she urged the department to fasten the process of ensuring that text books are available.

Hon. Mashori, on behalf of COPE, placed a motion without notice to congratulate Bosasa on the running of Mafikeng Secure Care Center. Bosasa are the agents who are managing the institution for young people, previously in conflict with the law, on behalf of Department of Health and Social Development. She mentioned that they (COPE) are impressed by what they observed at the institution during their visit.

The House adopted all the above tabled motions without notice.

b)Notice of motions.

(i)Hon. Hattingh, on behalf of the DA, placed and read a motion about the recent events in the Ngaka Modiri Molema Municipality which included the following: the non-implementation of section 139 (1) (b) intervention, the appointment of the awaiting trial administrator Mr Mojalefa Matlole, the arson at the municipality and the non-service delivery.

The following Members participated in the debate:

Hon. Sebego

Hon. Mfundisi

Hon. MEC Kegakilwe

Hon. Num

Hon. Premier M. Modiselle

Hon. Hattingh concluded the debate and the Hon. Speaker asked the House if they adopt the motion or not.

After the Hon. Speaker could not get a clear indication from the Members, whether they adopt or reject the motion, he then divided the House and asked Members to vote by show of hands.

Eight (8) Members voted in favour of the motion and seventeen (17) Members voted against the motion. The House rejected the motion.

(ii)Hon. Franzsen, on behalf of the DA, placed and read a motion about the recent exposure by Chater Blanch and various media which showed the animal cruelty claims being investigated against a former Member of the House (NWPL). He further mentioned that the DA welcomes the combined investigation presently undertaken by the Department of Environmental Affairs together with SAPD and the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA). He concluded by saying that, the DA maintains its standpoint that any accused is innocent until found guilty.

The following Members participated in the debate:

Hon. Num

Hon. Mfundisi

Hon. MEC. Tshwene

The House resolved that the Department of Agriculture as reported by MEC Hon.Tshwene should continue with its investigation and give a report on its findings to the House.

The House again resolved that the matter between former Member Mr Serfontein and SPCA shall not be debated in the House as the matter is before a Court of law.

(iii)Hon. Motswenyane, on behalf of the DA, placed and read a motion about the cancellation of the North West Female Farmer of the year award ceremony. He mentioned that the contestants in the North West Female Farmer of the year award may have misled the government and judges over their ownership of farms or projects.

The following Members participated in the debate:

Hon. Mfundisi

Hon. Tshwene

The House congratulated the department for not proceeding with the event.

The House then resolved that the department should table the report or its findings after their investigation on the above matter.

(c)Matter of urgent public importance: The acquittal of robbers due to shabby police investigation:

The Hon. Speaker indicated that he received a letter on the 19thAugust 2009from Hon. Hattingh requesting to table a matter of public importance, which he then granted permission in terms of Rule181.

Hon. Speaker then called Hon. Hattingh or any Member delegated to lead the debate. Hon. Franzsenled the debate, He mentioned that on the 22nd December 2005 the Tusk Rio Casino in Klerksdorp was robbed and as the DA they are deeply concerned about the events in the Klerksdorp Magistrate Court, where the Magistrate dismissed the case, due to bad and weak investigation done by a junior official SAPD.

He further said that the case was first heard on the 6th January 2006 and it was postponed numerous times due to lack of evidence.He also mentioned that the Magistrate condemned the police about their actions and the investigating officer. In concluding he indicated that the jacket and the cold drink bottle were not sent for forensic test, identification parade was never held.

The following Members participated:

Hon. Pelele

Hon. Mashori

Hon. Mfundisi

Hon. MEC. Yawa

(d)Notice of motions for the next sitting.

Hon. Kheswa registered a notice of a motion on the re-calling/withdrawal of the Ngaka Modiri Molema District Mayor, Mr Themba Gwabeni by the African National Congress on the 19th August 2009.


Hon. Speaker invited the Premier to table the memorandum of appointment of the members of the North West development tribunal and appeals tribunal. The Hon. Premier presented the above said memorandum.

The House concurred with the appointment of the members of the North West Development Tribunal and Appeal Tribunal. Those members are duly appointed.


The question paper was tabled and the following questions were responded to:

Oral third time appearance {090630-O1}, {090630-O3};

Oral second time appearance {090818-O7};

Oral first time appearance {090825-O10}

Written second time appearance {090818-W5}, {090818-W7}, {090818-W9};

Written first time appearance {090630-W2},

The following questions were redirected to the relevant departments:

{090825-W13}, {090828-W16}, {090825-W27}, 090825-O12}


Hon. Mashori, on behalf of COPE, made a statement about her party’s provincial ordinary congress meeting held on the 22nd August 2009, where internal strengthening of the provincial leadership was embarked upon. She concluded by congratulating the entire leadership on their designated responsibilities, under the leadership of Provincial Chairperson, Professor Derrick Mashau.


The Hon. Speaker tabled the following items for Members information:

(a)Report of the NCOP 2004-2009;

(b)The NCOP perspective on the first 10 years.


The House adopted the PPAC Second Report, 2009 Resolution 1-3 which were tabled at the sitting held on the 18thAugust 2009.


Hon Speaker adjourned the House at 11:35 until further notice.