NLOHSA 58th Annual Conference & Trade Show

Wednesday, May 14to Friday, May16, 2014

Gander Community Centre & Arts & Culture Centre


DAY 1 WEDNESDAY, May 14,2014

11:00 - 12:45Registration

1:00 - 1:45WelcomeAddress

Mayor Claude Elliott, Town of Gander

Official Opening

Hon. Dan Crummell, Minister, Services NL

Introduction of the Board of Directors

Joseph Lake, President, N.L.O.H.S.A

1:45 –2:00President’s Report

Joseph Lake, President, N.L.O.H.S.A

2:00 – 3:00“Promoting Talent: Succession Planning in a Turbulent Labour Market”

Lynn Best, Gardiner Centre, Memorial University

The recent and emerging shifts in demographics and the labour market are creating an urgent need for employers to be more strategic about the development of their employees. Succession planning is a key part of a human resources strategy that supports organizational success. This tool can assist organizations realize their vision by aligning and developing talent toward future goals. Promoting Talent will focus on how succession planning can promote leadership development, ensure organizational sustainability, reduce risk and encourage knowledge transfer, while retaining key talent. The 4 step process to succession planning will be presented within the context of today’s ever changing labour market.

3:00 - 3:30Annual General Meeting

1. Minutes of last general meeting

2. Business arising

3. New business

4. Report of nomination committee

5. Election of officers

6. Adjournment

3:30 – 5:00Exhibitors’Wine & Cheese Reception

Delegates are encouraged to visit the exhibitors’ booths

7:00Greet & Grub

Hotel Gander, Salon A

Kitchen Party (Bring your instruments)

DAY 2 THURSDAY, May 15, 2014

9:00 – 10:00“Beyond Your Workplace Hearing Conservation Program”

Alison Butler, Canadian Hard of Hearing Association

Newfoundland & Labrador has an aging workforce, combined with a new generation of young workers constantly plugged into noise. This presentation deals with why employers should care about recreational noise and hearing loss off the job, and thoughts on creating safer work environments for those with hearing challenges.

10:00 – 10:25Coffee & Viewing of Exhibits

10:30 11:15“Investigating and Information Gathering Using Scientific Interviewing Techniques”

Brent Snook, Professor in Psychology, Memorial University

Sgt. Todd Barron, Royal Newfoundland Constabulary

Interviews are conducted for a variety of purposes and with a variety of goals in mind. For instance, in many organizations, an interview is conducted to gather the information required to carry out a root cause analysis. We will outline a five-phase model of investigative interviewing that can help any professional gather the information required to make consequential decisions, manage risks, and minimize exposure to liabilities.We will present an overview of the scientifically derived techniques that maximizes the quality and quantity of information gathered from individuals in an ethical fashion.

11:15– 12:00“Confined Space Entry: The Law and What You Should Consider”

Dan Curts, 3M Canada

Confined spaces can be deadly places to work in if the proper controls are not put in place. This session will give you a short overview of what the laws require a company to do when they have a confined space entry followed by some examples of typical mistakes that are made by both companies and workers and how to mitigate those errors.

12:00 - 1:30Lunch


1:30 - 2:15“Vehicle Fleet & Road Safety”

Const. Daryl Nixon, Royal Newfoundland Constabulary

This is an analysis of the impact of distracted driving on one’s ability to drive attentively and safely. A driving simulator will be used for demonstration purposes during this presentation.

2:15 - 3:00“Safety Innovations in Driving Technologies and Hazards Associated”

Jim Brazil, Safety Services, NL

There have been innovations created over the last few years intended to facilitate driving. These new technologies may indeed provide for ease of operation on some level but there are also difficult issues around safety that the driver needs to understand.”

3:00– 3:25Coffee and Viewing of Exhibits

3:30 – 4:30“The Relevance of Health & Safety in a Entrepreneur's World.”

Paul AntleChairman, President and CEO, West Mountain CapitalCorp.

A view on the importance of health & safety investments from the perspective of a serial entrepreneur and the role technology has played in making those investments more critical.

6:30 - 7:00Reception - Cash Bar

7:00N.L.O.H.S.A. Annual Dinner (Hotel Gander)

- Scholarship Presentation

- Committee of the Year Award

- After Dinner Entertainment by: John Curran

DAY 3 FRIDAY, May 16, 2014

9:00 – 10:00“Electrical Safety in the Workplace”

Robert Murdoch, Newfoundland Power

Ray Saunders, Personal Story

This is a hazard in every workplace exposing both electrical and non-electrical workers.The focus of this presentation will be on preventing personal electrical contacts (high and/or low voltage), legislation & standards, Arc Flash hazards, prevention techniques such as, competent workers, PPE, Lockout/Tagout.

10:00– 10:15Coffee

10:15 – 11:00Working Alone Program Review

Mike Yetman, Workplace, Health, Safety & Compensation Commission

Victim’s Story

Employers are required to determine if they have workers who work alone or in isolation and develop a working alone program which includes check in procedures. Michael will provide an update on the working alone program which will include information from employers and workers who have developed the check in procedures, what works and real life experiences from workers with working alone procedures and without.

11:00 – 12:00Multicultural challenges in the workplace (Panel)

Association of New Canadian Representative (TBA)

Cathy Bennett, CEO, Bennett Group of Companies

Workforce Representative (TBA)

Multicultural Panel Discussion - representatives from the Association of New Canadians along with an employer, Cathy Bennett and workforce representative ( TBA) will discuss the challenges faced or managed on health and safety orientation for New Canadians.

11:45 – 12:00Door Prize Draw & Closing Remarks

Joe Lake, President



NL Occupational Health & Safety Association 2014 Conference and Trade Show

“Health & Safety: New Frontiers”

Please make cheques payable to NLOHSA and mail to: P. O. Box 5055, St. John’s, NL, A1C 5V6 or fax this form to (709) 576 1409. To avail of Discount, Registration & Payment must be received before April 04, 2014.

No refunds after April 18, 2014.

First Name (Voting Delegate):Last Name:______




City/Town:______Province:______Postal Code:______


Please list additional delegates here: (Photocopy as needed)






Registration Fees per Person

Accommodation is NOT included in fees. Registrants are responsible for their own reservation.

All Fees include 13% HST

Full Conference(includes Wine & Cheese, Greet & Grub, Luncheon & Dinner)

HST # 854849875

Before April 11, 2014After April 11, 2014Dollar Amount

Full Conference (each participant)$367.25 $423.75 ______

Extra Luncheon ticket available $28.25 $33.90______

Extra Dinner ticket available $50.85 $56.50______

Student Rate: $124.30$141.25 ______

Total Fee (Prices Include 13 % HST)$______

No refunds after April 18, 2014.

Do you have any special dietary requirements?______

Method of Payment:

 Cheque or money order enclosed.  Visa  MasterCard

Card Holder Name:______Card #:______

Exp. Date:______Card Holder Signature______

Thank you to our 2014Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors

3M Canada

Astaldi Canda

Atlantic Safety Centre

BrenKir Industrial Supply

Dexter Institute

Hazmasters Inc.

Iron Ore Company of Canada

McLoughlan Supplies Ltd.

Molson Coors

Newfoundland Power

North Atlantic Refining

Pennecon Limited

Roger Enterprises Limited (REL)

St. John Ambulance

Source Atlantic

Gold Sponsor

Cliffs Natural Resources