Nisonger Center Leadership Group
March 25, 2009
Staff Present: Gene Arnold; Maureen Meck; Betsey Benson; Paula Rabidoux; Vicki Graff; Dave Hammer; Deb Schenerlein; Luc Lecavalier; Karen Ratliff-Schaub; Ed Sterling; Margo Izzo
FY10 Compensation Guidelines – Maureen Meck
- Compensation confusion: Executive Vice President and Provost Joseph Alutto announced through OSU Today daily e-mail that FY10 merit increases would average 2.5%. Senior Vice President, Health Sciences CEO of COM Dr. Gabbe sent an e-mail stating the FY10 COM/OHS increases would be 2%.
- COM-OHS Administrators suggest at their monthly meeting they would rather have it be 0% and keep employees and have no lay offs
- NisongerCenterreceived two budget cuts from our general fund. One cut was in October 08, the other in January 09.
- Nisonger was asked to submit two plans for the FY10 budget, one with a 5% cut and one with a 10% cut to our general funds. Budget meetings for these new budget constraints are to be held the first week of April 09.
Hiring Form – Kim Oyer
- Created two new forms to better streamline and to follow up on HR processes
- The ”Appointment Form” was created to inform of HR changes of FTE changes, funding changes and new appointments
- The ”Salary/Off Cycle Request” was created for increasing salary of new employees after their 6-month probation, for those who did not receive an increase in October
- Both these forms are on Nisonger’s webpage under Manager Resources
FY10 Board of Regents Equipment Budget – Maureen Meck
- Funding from the Board of Regents is $52,000 and is to be shared among NisongerCenter, Prior Health Science Library and Center of Knowledge
- The funds are to be use or educational purposes only
- Paula will submit a request to install 12 carrels in the LEND Trainee room. Paula will work with Tamara and RSFI for price. Paula would also like “ear buds” to communicate with the Trainees during evaluations.
- Deb Schenerlein will submit a request to update the observation rooms to each ECE rooms 151; 163; 263; 267
- Submit a request to update Clinic observation rooms 204 and 241
2009 Campus Campaign – Maureen Meck
- Information regarding Campus Campaign and donation forms will be put in employee mailboxes soon
- All funds donated to Campus Campaign go into University Development Accounts of which NisongerCenter has 9 funds
- 100% of donated money goes directly to the Development fund
OneVoice Survey – Maureen Meck
- Please encourage your employees to take part in the survey which can be submitted on-line
Announcements - All
- Dr. Gabbe has been invited and agreed to attend a Leadership Committee Meeting but Wednesday mornings are not a good time for him. Possibility of having a special meeting on a different day or time
- April 22nd Leadership Committee Meeting will include Project One Development. Other MedicalCenter programs located in McCampbell Hall have been invited to attend and discuss the issues surrounding the demo of buildings near McCampbell Hall and how it will affect patients and our ECE student buses
- Dr. Gabbe has agreed to fund the abatement of McCampbell Hall’s gym floor and ceiling, and this has been sent to Eric Kunz for process
Respectfully Submitted
Kim Oyer
Next meeting:
Apr 22nd