RFP NO. / MOB/ADM/25/06/15-016
ISSUE DATE / 25/06/2015



Mobitel (Pvt) Limited

108, W.A.D. Ramanayake Mawatha,

Colombo 2

Sri Lanka


Request for Proposals forDomestic CourierServices for Mobitel (Pvt) Ltd for a period of 2 years.
RFP NO: MOB/ADM/25/06/15-016
Value of the bid bond is Rupees Seven Hundred & Fifty Thousand (Rs. 750,000/-). The bid bond shall be valid for ninety days (90) from the date of closing Bids. The Bid Bond format is given in Annexure 1.
Office of the Manager – Procurement, Mobitel (Private) Limited, 108, W.A.D. Ramanayake Mawatha, Colombo 02.
Proposals will be received not later than 10.00 hrs on 20thJuly 2015
As per delivery plan given under General Terms and Conditions of RFP.

Section 1



Mobitel (Private) Limited, at 108, W.A.D. Ramanayake Mawatha – Colombo 02, will receive Proposals for Domestic Courier Services for a period of Two(2) Years. The vendor should comply with the terms and conditions of this RFP as outlined below.

  1. RFP Details

1.1Receipt and close of RFP

The RFP should be addressed to the “Procurement Manager” with Commecial offer in sealed envlope with the RFP reference number “MOB/ADM/25/06/15-016”clearly indicated on the top left hand corner of the envelopes and hand delivered to theProcurement Division on the 5thFloor, at Mobitel (Pvt) Limited, Corporate Head Office, No. 108, W.A.D. Ramanayake Mawatha – Colombo 02.

1.2This RFP should be submitted on or before 10.00 hours on 20th July 2015 as above.

  1. Opening of RFP

2.1The Evaluation Committee will open RFP’s the following day at No.108, W.A.D. Ramanayake Mawatha – Colombo 02. The successful Vendor will be informed of the award within Ninety (90) working days of the opening of RFP’s.

  1. Acceptance of RFP

3.1The RFP’s will only be accepted from Vendors who have submitted Proposals on or before the closing time & date of RFP

3.2It is the policy of Mobitel to select the most suitable offer and award the order to the successful Vendor(s). However, Mobitel reserve the rightto reject any orall the Proposals received in response to their request and Mobitel has no obligation to explain to unsuccessful Vendor the reason for rejecting their Proposal. Further there is to be no contract until certain formal documents have been executed and official Purchase Order issued.

3.3Any clarification must be made via email to on or before 15th July 2015

  1. Validity Period of Offer

4.1All offers shall be held good for acceptance for a minimum period of 2 Year from PO date from the date of closing the RFP

  1. Submission of quotes

Vendor should submit the following documents;

5.1.1Vendors must attach a letter undertaking to comply with the conditions of the RFP

5.1.2All offers shall be held good for acceptance for a minimum period of Ninety (90) days from the date of closing of this RFP

  1. Technical Specifications for supply

6.1The Vendor is required to submit their proposals on the basis of the technical specifications of the items and attendant services detailed in Section 2.

  1. Format for pricing

7.1All prices should be quoted as follows by using pricing format in Section 3

7.2Prices indicated shall be firm and not subject to variation except for rates of VAT and other applicable taxes prevailing on the date of closing of RFP.

7.3Credit terms offered must also be in Annex 2and accompanying Notesto format.

8Documents and Details to Accompany RFP

8.1The Vendor must submit the profile of the company, a list of important customers with their contact details for the services Proposed.

8.2All RFP’s should contain adequate particulars in respect of the scope of services in conformity to required scope as per Section 2

8.3All RFP’s shall be the property of Mobitel and shall not be returned to the Vendor.

9Accept or Reject Offers and Intimation of Acceptance

9.1Mobitel reserves the right to decide on the most suitable Vendor/s taking into consideration all concerned facts. Mobitel is not bound to make the award to the Vendor submitting the lowest offer.

9.2The RFP Committee reserves the right to reject any or all RFP’s without adducing any offer. The notice of acceptance of RFP will be sent by registered post to the successful Vendor to the address given by him in the RFP documents as soon as possible after the decision has been made. Intimation of the acceptance of RFP may alternatively be made by Facsimile or e-mail if circumstances so require, and such intimation should be considered sufficient notice of acceptance.

9.3The notice of acceptance of RFP will be communicated to the successful Vendor who will receive the official Service Order.

9.4MOBITEL reserves the right to cancel the project at its sole discretion at any time prior to signing a contract for any reason and without penalty

9.5 MOBITEL reserves the right to partition the work to the Vendors who are required to fully co-operate with other selected Vendor to collectively fulfill the objectives and requirements for the project.

10Use of Documents and Information

10.1No Vendor shall without prior written approval from Mobitel disclose any document, specification, etc to any outside person or any other Vendor.

10.2The Vendor shall not make use of any document or information except for purpose of executing of the order.

10.3The Vendor shall be responsible for any discrepancies, errors or omissions in written information supplied by the Vendor, whether they have been approved by the Vendor or not, provided that such discrepancies, errors, or omissions are not due to inaccurate information furnished by the Vendor.

10.4The Vendor shall carry out at its own expense any alterations or remedial work necessitated by reason of discrepancies, errors or omissions due to the fault of the Vendor and shall modify the written information. Accordingly, or in the event if the same were done by or on behalf of the Vendor, the Vendor shall bear all costs incurred thereby in agreement with the Vendor

11Canvassing, Gifts & Commissions

11.1Vendor or their Agents should not canvass, offer or agree to give any kind of gifts, commissions rebate or inducement to any person employed by Mobitel.

11.2Breach of this clause may be punishable by law and shall render the RFP invalid And /or cancelled.

12Tests and Inspection

12.1The Vendorreserves the right to obtain information form existing customers of the Vendor with regard to services provided by the Vendor to as confirm their conformity to the specified standards.

13Termination for Default

13.1If the Vendor fails to fulfill the order as specified in the terms of delivery mentioned in the Purchase Order issued, Mobitel may without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of the Contract, has the right to terminate the order in whole or in part and recover any losses from the payments due to the Vendor.

15. Standards of Product

15.1The Vendor shall warrant that the product supplied would conform to the required standards.

15.2The Vendor shall if necessary undertake to sign an agreement with Mobitel for all warranty procedures and provision for alternate Services

  1. The Independent Contractor

16.1The parties intend that an independent contractor-client relationship will be created by their relationship. Mobitel is interested only in the results to be achieved, and conduct and control of the work will lie solely with The Vendor.

16.2The Vendor is not to be considered an agent or employee of Mobitel for any purpose, and the employees of The Vendor are not entitled to any of the benefits that Mobitel provides for its employees. The Vendor understands that Mobitel does not intend to use the Solution provider’s services exclusively. The Vendor will be solely and entirely responsible for his or her acts and the acts of The Solution provider’s agents, employees, servants, and all subcontractors during the performance of the contract

  1. Royalties and Patents

17.1The Vendor shall pay royalties and license fees and defend all suits resulting from claims for, infringement of any patent or other intellectual property rights and the Vendor shall and indemnify and hold Mobitel indemnified completely and at all times from all damages, costs and expenses of the alleged infringement of any patent or other intellectual property rights, on all software, materials, and equipment purchased outright or leased and installed according to the specificationsprovided by Mobitel.

  1. The Vendor shall defend Mobitel at the Service Provider's own cost at any or all such suits or proceedings. If the Equipment or any item thereof is held to constitute an infringement in such action, the Vendor at his own expense will have the choice of taking one or more of the following courses of action;
  1. Replace the item with a non-infringing item.
  1. Procure for Mobitel the right to continue to use such Equipment and item.
  1. Modify the Equipment or any item thereof so that the said Equipment or any item thereof shall cease to constitute infringement of any such rights.
  1. In such an event the Service Provider shall obtain the prior written approval of Mobitel.
  1. Maintenance and Enhancements

18.1The Vendor must define who will provide systems maintenance service, where this/these individual(s) will be located, what the response times are and what service/contract cost options are offered.

18.2 TheVendor will also provide the Mobitel contractually the right to determine an emergency need (as defined by the Mobitel) and the wherewithal to respond within a predetermined time frame. The Vendor must describe how they provide minor/major upgrades, bug fixes available to the Mobitel.

  1. Governing Language

19.1All correspondence and other documents pertaining to the RFP shall be written in the English language. If any printed documents written in any other language are furnished, the English translation shall have to be certified by the relevant embassy or High Commission.

  1. Applicable Law

20.1 The RFP and any Contract resulting there from will be governed and abide by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.

  1. Arbitration (Only in the event of Parties entering in to a Contract)

21.1`The Parties shall use their best efforts to settle any dispute difference or question between them arising out of a resulting Contract in an amicable way. The subject matter shall be discussed in good faith.

21.2If however, the subject matter remains in dispute despite the Parties efforts to settle the dispute in question either party may submit the matter to arbitration as set out below.

21.3All disputes differences or questions between the Parties with respect to any matter arising out of or relating to the resulting Contract shall be finally settled under the Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration Act No 11 of 1995 and the rules of the Arbitration Centre of the Institute for the development of Commercial Law and Practice, in Colombo (Sri Lanka) by three(3) arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said Rules and proceedings and the proceedings shall be conducted in the English language.

  1. Taxes and Duties

22.1All taxes such as VAT, payable in Sri Lanka by the Vendor relating to the execution of a resulting Contract shall be borne by Mobitel.

22.2The Vendor who should be registered for VAT shall submit to Mobitel complete and sequentially numbered invoices stating the VAT numbers of both parties and showing the component of VAT separately and Mobitel shall pay such total tax invoices.

22.3However personal income tax and corporate income tax of the Vendor, the Vendor’s employees or his Sub Service Providers payable whether in Sri Lanka or outside Sri Lanka shall not be borne by Mobitel.

22.4Any taxes outside Sri Lanka shall not be borne by Mobitel.

22.5Any taxes whether in Sri Lanka or outside Sri Lanka by Sub Service Providers or employees of the Vendor shall not be borne by Mobitel.

  1. Prevention of Damage

23.1The Vendor shall, at his own expenses, provide facilities necessary to prevent damages to Works, Goods, adjacent structures or a third party until the Works has been completed and accepted.

23.2The Vendor shall whenever he considers it necessary for the prevention of accidents, take proper measures at his own cost, and notify Mobitel of the measures taken. The Vendor shall be solely responsible, should any accident occur.

23.3The Vendor shall not enter for any purpose, buildings other than those concerning with the project, without obtaining the permission of the person in charge.

  1. Non-Disclosure Agreement


(1) The Complete NDA should be submitted

(2) The NDA should be executed in the following manner

Company - By the persons authorized by the Company’s Articles of Association. Generally it is a Director (in a single Director company) or Two Directors or a Director and the Company Secretary. However in large companies delegation takes place as such a Manager or other official might be authorized to sign the NDA on behalf of the Company. In the latter case please obtain a copy of the document by which the Board has given authority to the individual to sign on behalf of the Company. Plus the rubber seal (or the common seal if available) of the company to be placed on the NDA (this is required for the purpose of refuting any allegations that might be made by the other party on the basis that the NDA was signed by a person not authorized by Company.

(3) The two witnesses should place their signatures (the witnesses by placing their signatures would be witnessing the placing of the signatories’ signatures)

(4) NDA should be submitted in two copies

NOTE - IF a NDA has already been executed with Mobitel, it is not necessary to submit a separate NDA with this RFP.

  1. Correspondence

25.1The Vendor will name a representative to communicate with Mobitel. The representative must be a person authorized to negotiate a contract in the company’s name. The Vendor must also identify a person who will act as the Vendor’s contract administrator. This person or a successor must have full authority to resolve disputes with Mobitel

25.2Any correspondence in this regard should be sent in writing, e-mail to the following address. All communications about this Request for Proposals must be directed through the following officer who is the coordinator for this RFP.

Alicia Slemmermann

Senor Procurement Executive

Mobitel (Pvt) Ltd

108, W.A.D. Ramanayake Mawatha,

Colombo 02.

Tel : 0716910142


Section 2

Technical Clarification

  • Scope of Services;

-The Service Provider shall arrange to collect Goods, Documents and Mobitel Corporate Customer Bills in accordance with the delivery timelines set by Mobitel.

-Arrange to dispatch Goods and Documents according to agreed procedures

-Issue an Acknowledgement against the receipt and delivery of goods undertaken by the service provider.

-Document handling and maintain systematic recording and reconciliation of monthly courier invoices.

-In the event of emergency deliveries besides the regular schedule Mobitel would require the service provider to arrange to collect and deliver on need basis.

-Reachability in terms of delivery by indicating the service providersislandwide distribution network/ locations.

-Possess adequate resources and systems to track the dispatches undertaken.

-Nature and extent of the Insurance provided for the items accepted by the service provider for deliveries.

-Possess the required experience and capability – Certifications and other Accreditations held by the service provider should be disclosed.

-Transportation capabilities of the service provider by disclosing the vehicle / delivery mode of courier dispatches and standards maintained.

-Level of security and safety of goods and documents during transit

-Whatever the returned items should be re-couriered without any additional chargers to Mobitel.

-The Service Provider should submit the organization structure for the distribution operation and the communication plan.

-The Service Provider should nominate a high level single point of contact (spoc) to coordinate with Mobitel.

-Any other value-added services requested by Mobitel.

  • Penalty on Delayed delivery / Wrong Delivery ;

-In case goods are delivered to the wrong location, the delivery should be done to the correct location immediately within a stipulated timeframe. Mobitel will not pay for deliveries done to wrong location and should be provided free of charge by the Service Provider.

-The service provider if in agreement to above, should indicate the minimum and maximum times frames for collection and delivery for such returned documents or goods on notice received from Mobitel.

Mobitel locations

Company / Address / Zone
1 / Singer Mega, Rajagiriya / 227, Castle Street, Borella / Colombo
2 / Singer Mega, Colombo 4 / 4B, Duplication Road, Colombo 4 / Colombo
3 / Cnet Lanka (Pvt) Ltd. / NO. 65/1/A, Baseline Road, Colombo 08. / Colombo
4 / Designcom (Pvt) Ltd. / NO. 104, Pamankada Road, Kirulapona. / Colombo
5 / G.L.Telecom Services (Pvt) Ltd. / NO. 106-1/21, 1st Cross Street, Colombo-11. / Colombo
6 / ST Distributors (Pvt) Ltd. / NO. 238, Mahavidyala Mawatha, Colombo 13. / Colombo
7 / Regional Telecom Office, Sri Lanka Telecom, Lester James Peiris Rd, Havelock Town, Colombo 05. / Colombo 05. / Colombo
8 / Sri Lanka Telecom RTO ,No 800, Maradana Rd, Colombo 08. / Punchiborella / Colombo
9 / Sri Lanka Telecom, Lower Chathum Street, Colombo 01. / Fort / Colombo
10 / Singer Mega, Maharagama / 272, High Level Road, Maharagama / Greator Colombo
11 / Singer Mega, Mount Lavinia / 326, Galle Road, Mount Lavinia / Greator Colombo
12 / Singer Mega, Nugegoda / 4D, Nawala Road, Nugegoda / Greator Colombo
13 / Aiken (Pvt) Ltd. / NO. 165, Saousiri Shopping Complex, 2nd Floor, High Level Road,Nugegoda. / Greator Colombo
14 / Charuthma Distributors (Pvt) Ltd. / NO. 75/A, Main Street, Battaramulla. / Greator Colombo
15 / D Net Technologies (Pvt) Ltd. / NO. 60, Moratuwa Road, Piliyandala. / Greator Colombo
16 / G.L.Telecom Services (Pvt) Ltd. / NO. 169/A,OldKottawa Road, Mirihana, Nugegoda. / Greator Colombo
17 / Softrings Technologies (Pvt) Ltd. / NO. 50/1, High Level Road ,Homagama. / Greator Colombo
18 / Softrings Technologies (Pvt) Ltd. / NO. 107, Old Galle Road, Moratuwa. / Greator Colombo
19 / Taiyo Phone Co. (Pvt) Ltd. / NO. 83, Galle Road, Mt.Lavinia. / Greator Colombo
20 / Regional Telecom Office, Sri Lanka Telecom, Kotte. / Kotte / Greator Colombo