Nine Steps of Delegation
(excerpted from Management Skills for Managers and Staff, Marilyn Manning)
1. List your responsibilities and tasks in three columns: should delegate, could delegate, and should never delegate.
2. List all the possibilities you could delegate to. Consider outside experts as well. Select carefully.
3. Instruct thoroughly. Set clear standards and provide examples. Don’t assume they understand your explanation. State how you’ll measure results.
4. Monitor and correct. Set timelines. Spell out how to modify if needed.
5. Inform others what and why you are delegating.
6. Deputize. Give clear responsibilities and authority. Let them know who they answer to and where lines of authority fall. Let go.
7. Acknowledge and give credit. Write a follow-up memo for your file, theirs and to post. Acknowledge publically and privately.
8. Keep records of successes and corrections.
9. If you are even thinking about delegating a task or a responsibility, do it! Our common regret is “Why didn’t I do this sooner?” Regularly ask your direct reports, “Which of my tasks could you do as well if not better?”