NIHR Research Design ServiceNorth West (RDS NW) - advice and support request form
Please complete all of the information below where applicable.Providing as much information as you possible will allow us to approve your advice request as quickly as possible and will help facilitate the advice process.
For possible answers marked **, please see last page for definitions.
If you have any problems filling in the form then please try the PDF version of this form here. Alternatively please email us at .
Data Protection, Privacy and terms of service
Before sending this advice request form, please read our Charter, Working Agreement and Terms and Conditions found at submitting this advice request form you agree to the contents within these documents and the terms of our service.
The details you provide on this form will be handled and processedin-line with our data protection and privacy statement. This can found at
If you are unable to view any of these documents please contact us using the contact details at the end of this form.
Information about you
TitleFirst nameSurname
ProfessionIf ‘Other’ please specify
Please classify your profession **If ‘Other’ please specify
EmailRepeat email
About your role on the project
Please select where applicable
About the project team (not including the chief investigator)
Do any of the research team members fit into the following roles (please fill in all that are relevant)?**
Clinical Clinical academic Academic NHS manager If ‘Other’ please specify
Role of chief investigator
Please select if not yourself**If‘Other’ please specify
Your research proposal and intended funding stream
Title of your project (you can enter a working title here or topic area if not known)
Planned study design and methodology (if known)
For which funding stream do you intend to submit? Not known yet, select ‘Unknown’
If ‘Other’ please specify
For which submission deadline date (dd/mm/yyyy) are you aiming?
What stage of the application do you need advice on?Outline Full/Single Stage Application
More about your research proposal (if applicable)
Is this a previously submitted rejected NIHR Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB) proposal?
At what stage of the application process did it fail?
Please send any comments made by the preliminary scrutiny committee and/or the Peer Reviewers.
What kind of support or advice would you like from the NIHR RDS NW?
Please tick all that apply:
Epidemiology Ethics
Evaluation design Formulating a research question
Health economics Identifying and contacting collaborators
Identifying funding sourcesLiterature Searching/Systematic review
Mixed methods Public involvement
Public Health Qualitative
Statistics Structuring and writing a proposal
Survey design Trials design
Critical Reader/Friend Other – Please specify
Briefly outline your query
Previous advice given for this project
Please tick if you have sought RDS NW advice before concerning this project
Please specify who advised you
If you were assigned an ID please enter here
Involving your R&D office/department
Please tick if you have informed your R&D office/department of this project?
Mailing list and other information
Tick if you want to be added to our mailing list to keep up-to-date with RDS NW/related information
How did you hear about us? - Please give details
Please email your completed form as an attachment to . If you have a draft proposal or any other supporting information, please send it as well. We aim to respond to you in two working days. You can contact us on 01524 593209. Alternative methods of contact can be found at .
Find the RDS NW useful? - help us help others
Please let others know about the RDS NW. You can help by letting your colleagues know about the service e.g. by placing a link to our website on websites/newsletters/blogsetc. that you have access to or by providing some information about our service at your organisation. For more information on how you can help promote the RDS NW or for materials about the RDS NW, that can make available at your organisation, please contact . Your help is very much appreciated.
Clinical - the individual is a health and social care professional
Clinical academic- the individual holds a clinical academic post
Academic- the individual holds an academic post only
NHS Manager-the individual holds a nonclinical management post within the NHS
Research Design Service North West Advice and support request form - Version 12.3 – 2017-09-22Page 1 of 3