Detailedengineering design,safeguardsstudiesand Preparation
ofbidding documentsforprioritized 222.83km rural roadsinosun stateofNigeria
The World Bank Group /Nigeria: Environmental and Social Management Plan-ILESA /
P095003 NG: Rural Access and Mobility Project- Phase 2 /
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7/6/2012 /
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1.3.1Cultural Properties
1.3.2Sensitive Features
1.3.3Community properties
1.3.4Farm Lands, Bushes and Tree cutting:
1.3.5Steep Terrain and Soil Erosion Issues:
1.5.1Monitoring of Earthworks Activities
1.5.2Monitoring of Concessionaire / Contractor's Facilities, Plant and Equipment
2.2.1Independent Engineer (IE)
3.2.1Ambient Air Quality (AAQ) Monitoring
3.2.2Ambient Noise Monitoring
3.2.3Water Quality
3.2.4Soil Quality
3.2.5Plantation and Survival Rate
Table 11: Environmental Management Plan
Table 12:Environmental Budget
Table 21: Summary of Reporting of Environmental components and Responsibilities
Table 22: Modules for Training
Table 31: Environmental Monitoring Plan
Box 21: Qualification and Responsibilities of Environmental Officer of Independent Engineer
Box 22: Qualification and Responsibilities of Environmental Officer of Contractor
APHAAmerican Public Health Association
ARAPAbbreviated Resettlement Action Plan
ESIAEnvironmental and Social Impact Assessment
ESMPEnvironment and Social Management Plan
FMEnvFederal Ministry of Environment
HSE Health, Safety & Environment
ICBInternational Competitive Bidding
IEIndependent Engineer
NOCNo Objection Certificate
OP Operational Policy (World Bank)
ROWRight of Way
R&RResettlement & Rehabilitation
SPIUState Project Implementation Unit
WB World Bank
WHOWorld Health Organization
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The Environmental and Social Management Action Plan (ESMP) is required to ensure sustainable development of the road during construction and operational phases. ESMP is site and time specific. For the proposed construction packages of the project road, ESMP has been designed for each clusters. The ESMP has two main component (i) Generic ESMP and (ii) Specific ESMP. The generic ESMP is applicable for all the road clusters, but the specific ESMPs are applicable only to the specific clusters. The generic and Specific ESMPs are being developed considering the operation policies of World Bank as well as the National Policies on Environment.
The implementation of ESMP is important. For this an institutional framework has been developed and roles and responsibilities of the various line departments are made. Some capacity development program are also identified as part of the ESMP as sub-project. The essence of the project is its proper maintenance during and post rainy season. This is also to be considered and need of community based implementation program suggested.
In general, SPIU of Osun state, Nigeria (with assistance from Contractor and Independent Engineer/Supervision Consultant) is the responsible entity for ensuring that the mitigation measures are carried out. Mitigation measures for generic impacts are listed in Table 1.1. The list provides reference implementing organisation and responsible entity.
The role of SPIU in the implementation of ESMP involves the following activities:
- ESIA clearance from Federal Ministry of Environment, if required;
- Clearance of ESIA from World Bank;
- Disclosure of ESIA document in Nigeria as well as in the info shop of World Bank and
- Permission from Forest Department for felling of trees, wherever applicable.
The activities to be performed by the contractor to implement the ESMP shall comprise the following:
- Confirm the Tree Cutting Schedule based on the final design and provide modified schedule to SPIU.
- Fell the trees after SPIU secures Forest Department permission, wherever applicable;
- Fell the trees in farm land after SPIU provides necessary compensation to the farm land owners;
- Finalizing the selection of material sources (quarry and borrow material, water, sand etc.) ;(referAnnexure 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4).
- Selection, design and layout of construction areas, labour camps etc. (Refer Annexure 1.6)
1.3.1Cultural Properties
In this project there is no impact on cultural property (e.g. church, mosque etc.). Impact on cultural properties during the road construction phase in the Corridor of Impact will be avoided through adequate scheduling of vehicles and construction machineries. Care shall be taken for the chance found cultural properties.It is the prime responsibility of the contractor to inform the SPIU’s Environment and Social safeguard specialist regarding the chance found cultural property so that necessary safeguard measure can be taken up.
1.3.2Sensitive Features
Along the various roads identified for development in ILESA, it has been observed that there exist 2 schools nearby to the project road. Though the distance of the schools are sufficiently away from Road.However, a noise barrier has been proposed. At this place a noise barrier may be required to minimize the future increase in traffic noise level from induced traffic. Noise barriers in the form of compound walls have been proposed to a height of 2m.
1.3.3Community properties
As such in this section no such community property is going to get affected due to the proposed construction of project road. There is no impact on ground water resources, bus-shelter/bus stop, school, water tank, palm oil production unit.
1.3.4Farm Lands, Bushes and Tree cutting:
As such in this section no such farm land is adjacent to project has been identified. The farm land is at least 2-3m apart fromthe road sections and there are naturally grown bushes along the project roads. Private farm land owners shall be compensated if their land is going to be taken for this project for the loss of livelihood, if any.
1.3.5Steep Terrain and Soil Erosion Issues:
The ILESA region is having steep terrain at specific places which is not motorable today. However, these steep terrain areas do have lot of potential from the growth of economic crops like Cocoa, Csava and Palm. During the visit, it has been observed that due to lack proper transportation facility to send their products to market, people have been using the easy way out that is using the economic trees as fuel wood for their survival purpose. In order to stop and to upgrade the economy of the region, the construction of motorable roads in this region is very important. However, this section due to steep terrain is some places are also associated with problems like soil erosion and sometimelandslides. Hence proposed soil erosion protection measures coupled with adequate drainage in this section will be taken care. The measures for soil erosion could be some retaining wall with hole for drainage from the catchment areas and lined drains in steep terrain in order to protect the road.
The Environmental Officer of the contractor should be available for the entire duration of the project and shall be primarily responsible for compliance of ESMP. The Environmental Specialist from the Independent Engineer/ Supervision Consultant shall monitor the compliance of the ESMP and all the design drawings of various civil structures shall be implemented after his approval. The proposed organogram for the implementation and monitoring of ESMP is presented in figure 1.1. The details of the implementation and monitoring schedule of ESMP are described in Chaper-2. The key issues that require special attention along with the mitigations to be implemented have been detailed in Table 1.1.
Figure: 1.1: Organization Structure for Implementation of ESMP| Page (1)
Table 11: Environmental Management Plan
Environmental Impact / Aspect / Mitigation Measures[1] / Location[2] / Time Frame[3] / Responsibility / Cross referenceImplementation / Supervision
Geometric Design / The proposed alignment is selected / adjusted
- to minimise farm land disturbance
- to avoid culturally & environmentally sensitive areas – cultural properties, water bodies etc.
- To provide gentle slope at steep terrain areas.
Issues from stakeholder Consultations / Various issues raised were examined & suitably incorporated based on merit & other road safety measures. / During Design / Contractor / SPIU / ESIA report
Orientation of Implementation Agency / A comprehensive training / orientation schedule has been prepared at different stages of SPIU. / During Design / SPIU / SPIU / Chapter 2, ESMP.
Farm Land Acquisition / Land requirement details to be sent to the Govt. and permission to be taken for the same.
Affected farm land owners to be compensated for their livelihood as per OP: 4.12 (Involuntary Resettlement) / Right of Way (ROW) / Before construction starts / SPIU. / SPIU
Mobilisation & Site Clearance
Removal of Vegetation / Vegetation will be removed from the ROW before the commencement of Construction. / ROW / Before construction Starts / Contractor / IE, SPIU / Feasibility report and design drawings
Procurement of plants and machineries / Specifications of plant and machinery to be procured need to comply to the relevant international standard norms and with the requirements of emission control legislations in Nigeria / Prior to mobilisation at site / Contractor / IE, SPIU / International standard specifications and Air & Noise Standards of FMEnv
Setting up of construction camps / The construction camps will be located at least 500m away from habitations and there must be necessary (temporary) living accommodation and ancillary facilities as approved by the IE/SC. / construction campsite / During Establishment, Operation and Dismantling of Such Camps. / Contractor / IE, SPIU / Annexure 1.6
Setting up of construction plant and machinery sites / Construction plant and machinery site to be located at least 1000m away from the nearest habitation. / At plant location / During erection, testing, operation and dismantling of such plants / Contractor / IE, SPIU
Loss of farm land due to heavy movement of construction vehicles / Temporary impact on farm land is envisaged due to movement of construction vehicles. Proper scheduling of vehicles to be made to bring and dispose of construction materials. Since the road lengths are smaller, hence the storage of material can be made at one end of the road.
Temporary acquisition of farm land due to vehicle movement shall be compensated as per OP:4.12. / RoW / During Construction / Contractor / IE, SPIU
Soil Erosion and Sedimentation control / Main reason of soil erosion is rains. Contractor should plan the activities so that proper surface pitching is done to avoid loose soil. Following preventive measures to be taken such as:
- Embankment slopes to be covered, soon after completion.
- Vegetation growth along the project roads to be maintained for soil stability;
- Proper road side drainage will be given to minimize erosion.
- Retaining and breast wall type of structures shall be provided to protect the steep terrain areas from landslides during and post rainy season in ILESA.
- Top soil from borrow area, construction site to be protected / covered for soil erosion.
- Along sections abutting water bodies, stone pitching needs to be carried out.
- Community based maintenance of road be made during and after rainy season
and equipment storage sites, etc. / Upon completion of construction activities at these sites.
During construction / Contractor / SPIU / Standard engineering practices, community based maintenance program
Loss of farm land top soil /
- The top soil will be covered;
- Top soil to be stripped to a specified depth of 150mm
- Top soil to be stored in stockpiles and shall be covered.
- Stockpiles to be designed in such a way that slope do not exceed 1:2 (vertical to horizontal).
- Silt fencing to protect the edges of the pile and height of stockpiles to be restricted to 2m.
Compaction of Soil and Damage to Vegetation / Construction vehicles should operate within the Corridor of Impact avoiding damage to soil and vegetation.
Diversions, access road used during construction period will be redeveloped by Contractor, to the satisfaction of the owner / villagers.
Construction vehicle, machinery and equipment shall move or be stationed in the ROW only. While operating on temporarily acquired agricultural land for any construction activities, top soil will be preserved in stockpiles. / Throughout Project Corridor and all areas temporarily acquired. / During construction / Contractor / IE, SPIU
Contamination of soil /
- Oil & fuel spills from construction equipment shall be controlled by good O&M practices;
- Contaminated soil shall be disposed of as per guidelines of Fen;
- Vehicle maintenance and refueling in construction camps should be confined to areas with traps oil / grease to prevent wastewater from entering into rivers and streams
1. Quarrying
2. Material sources /
- Quarry material shall be sourced from approved and licensed aggregate and sand quarries. Copy of licenses to be submitted to the IE.
- For operating new quarries, the Contractor shall obtain materials from quarries only after consent of concerned authorities and only after development of a comprehensive quarry’ redevelopment plan.
- Adequate safety precautions shall be ensured during transportation of quarry material from quarries to the construction site. Vehicles transporting the material shall be covered to prevent spillage. Operations to be undertaken by the Contractor as per the direction and satisfaction of the IE.
Generation of Debris
/ Debris generated due to the dismantling of the existing culverts and other concrete structures and cutting materials shall be suitably reused in the proposed construction as fill materials for embankments / Throughout Project Corridor. / During Construction / Contractor / SPIU
Dust Generation /
- Vehicles covering construction materials shall be covered;
- The plant and machineries shall be at least 1 km away in the downwind direction from nearest human settlements;
- Regular water sprinkling at morning and evening hours at the construction yards.
Equipment Selection, Maintenance and Operation /
- Regular pollution under check for construction vehicles shall be made;
- Further, idling of vehicles to be stopped during construction period;
- Automatic diesel logger may be installed in vehicles to minimise idling
Alteration of drainage due to construction /replacement of culverts /
- Diversions will be constructed during dry season, with adequate drainage facility, and will be completely removed before the onset of the rainy season.
- Debris generated due to the excavation of foundation or due to the dismantling of existing structure will be removed from the water course.
- Temporary Silt fencing to be provided on the mouth of discharge into natural streams.
Runoff and drainage /
- Throughout continuous drain is provided.
Water requirement for project /
- Contractor will provide a list of sources (surface / ground) for approval from IE.
- Prior to use of source Contractor will take written permission from authority, to use the water in construction activity, and submit a copy to IE
Silting / sedimentation /
- Measures suggested under “Soil Erosion and Sedimentation control” will be enforced.
- Silt fencing is provided around water bodies.
- Construction activities will be stopped near water bodies during the rainy season.
- Soil trap are suggested / will be provided in all ancillary sites and camps.
Contamination of water /
- Measures suggested under “Contamination of soil” will be enforced.
- Construction work close to water bodies will be avoided during the rainy season.
- Labour camps will be located away from water bodies.
- Car washing / workshops near water bodies will be avoided.
Noise from Vehicles, Plants and Equipment /
- Construction activities near habitation areas shall be prohibited between 9 p.m to 6 a.m.
- Maintenance of vehicles, equipments and machinery shall be made.
- All plants and equipments to confirm to the noise standards of FMEnv.
- Provision of ear-plugs to contractors exposed to high noise levels.
- Noise barriers to be given at sensitive location
Flora & Fauna
Loss of trees and Avenue Planting /
- Plant a minimum of 2 times of trees as compensatory afforestationfor the number of tree cutting along the ROW. Cost of plantation included in the ESMP Budget.
- Concessionaire / Contractor has to make sure that no trees / branches to be fell by labourer for fuel, warmth during winter. Enough provision of fuel to be ensured.
Fauna /
- Construction workers must protect natural resources and wild animals.
- Hunting will be prohibited.
- Nesting grounds & migratory paths, if any are protected.
Socio – Economic Environment