CAWA has managed to arrange a visit to WA by GM Nigel Short MBE to give a 30 Board Simultaneous on Sunday March 6, 2016. In 1993, after defeating Boris Gelfand, former world champion Anatoly Karpov and Jan Thimman, Short qualified to play Gary Kasparov for the world title, a match he not surprisingly lost. At the age of only 10 Short defeated the great Viktor Korchnoi in a simul and qualified to compete in the British Championship when only 11. At 14 he became the youngest British champion and then the youngest ever IM. He was second to Kasparov in the 1980 Junior World Championship. He has represented England with distinction in 15 Olympiads and has won a multitude of tournaments, the most recent being the 2015 South African Open. He is also a prodigious chess columnist and an outstanding coach.

Nigel will be the guest of Gordon and Christine Dunlop while in WA before flying east to continue his Australian tour. The venue is the Rhein-Donau Club, 110 North Lake Rd, Melville, starting at 1pm with the a talk/lecture by Nigel, which will be open to anyone, before the simul at 2pm. Hopefully WA can take a few wins from the event and to this end over half the places will be offered to leading local players. The cost to CAWA will be considerable and the charge to players will be finalised at a CAWA executive meeting on Monday 8th Feb but it appears that an amount of $70 (which is the charge levied by South Australia), or $50 for juniors, will be decided on which includes the lecture. It is also hoped that members will stay for dinner at the club afterwards. While CAWA is subsidising the event it is hoped most of those playing will be prepared to make a donation in addition to the entry fee (I personally shall donate an additional $30). Moreover it is intended that about 12 or more places are open to those prepared to make a donation (no obligation to donate if not awarded a place).

Players on the short (pun intended) list are:

WA Champions: 2000+ Players:

Yita Choong 2336 Stephanus Kurniawan 2368

Tristan Boyd 2384 + Ihsan Ferozkohi 2192

Tim Hare 2041 Michael Horstmann 2093

David Ellis 1998 + Marc Vlietstra 2081

Wolfgang Leonhardt 1855 Adam Kelly 2031

Mike Partis - Robert Maris 2020

Stuart Byrne - X Michael Kueh 2013

WA Senior Champion: Derwent Maggs 2003

Gordon Dunlop 1870 Eddie Seah 2001

WA Women Champions: 1900+ Players

Kathryn Hardegen 1950 Leon Taylor 1997

Natalie Maris 1758 Peter Roza 1990

Juniors & ex Junior Champions: Andrew Hardegen 1966

Patrick Gong 2061 Derek Elkington 1957

George Carolin-Uncovich 1948 Albert Cin 1946 +

Ignatius Yap 1697 Akef Saleh 1927

Ben Hurst 1590

Thomas Pinnock 1959

Sri Krishna Dharmapuri 1648

+ = Intending to play: X = declined to play:

Apologies if I have left anyone off the list.

David Ellis (CAWA President)


Name …………………………………………………………………………………….

Telephone ………………………………. Email ……………………………………….

I wish

to attend lecture and play in Simul ($70) *

to attend lecture only ($10) (welcome to watch play)

to only play in Simul ($65)

I wish to make a donation of $...... Only if selected to play

I wish to stay for dinner Number of places ……..

(please tick relevant boxes)

Rating (if known) ………..

* …… Provisional amount at present

This is at this stage merely a statement of intent not as yet a definite commitment.

Players of any standard welcome to nominate.

The deadline for entry is Sunday 28 February

although all places might be filled before then.

Please return at earliest opportunity to

David Ellis at

or 27/25 Parkhill Way, Wilson 6107

Enquiries 0439798607