A quick way to build a list colleges which meet your requirements. This is your record of colleges you are considering for application, which of your majors each college offers, which quarter of the class you will expect to graduate at each college, whether an honors program is available, and your three best impressions of the campus and student life gained from a campus tour.
Where can I get the form?
This free Word document with an example is available for download from our FORMS webpage at COLLEGE SCREENING SCORECARD.
How the SCORECARD shows your progress along the pathway:
a) Shows the colleges you are investigating;
b) Shows if you have compared your SAT/ACT scores with those of each college’s student body to determine which quarter you could graduate from each college;
c) Shows if you are considering college majors and if each college offers these majors;
d) Shows if you might qualify for Honors program if offered at each college;
e) Shows if you have toured the campus and have identified the best features of each college.
How to gather the information for the SCORECARD:
a) For the initial list of colleges: See how to start a list at our webpage CHOOSE MY COLLEGE.
b) The procedure for comparing your SAT/ACT scores to predict your rank in the class at each college: from our webpage PREDICT MY CLASS RANKING.
c) The majors offered at each college, city and state, number of undergraduates, and honors program requirements can be obtained from the website of each college.
d) The rank of the college in the United States and the SAT/ACT scores of the entering freshman class at each college may be available from each college or by subscription to U.S. News & World Report BEST COLLEGES.
How the SCORECARD shows what to do next:
Missing columns of information indicate that you haven’t taken the SAT or ACT tests, or haven’t focused on selecting majors, or haven’t made campus tours, all of which should be done before deciding which colleges to apply to.
If you find yourself eliminating too many of the colleges on your list, this shows you must add more colleges for your consideration.
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