You can follow the hospital leader and Central Massachusetts Rotary clubs with these simple steps to obtain funding and build enabling relationships
- Hospital learnsfrom UMass/Dr, Picarillo Why/How/Legal/Nursing operations issues.
Suggest emailing Why /What /Family Impact (3 to 5 min.) Videos to start discussions:
Why / What (UMass 3 min.)Family Impact (El Paso 5 min.)
Click Here
UMass Staff Tutorial (1.4 min.)
2.Hospital decides to proceedand selects hospital project coordinator who can evaluate with NICU Staff & Hospital IT which of the two technologies are most compatible to their hospital.(Links:Nicview/900 camerasinstalled orAngel Eye/150 camerasinstalled but with more telemedicine focus).
3. Hospital installs (6) trial camera system> funded by some major "startup" donor (UMass=Xerox, BayState=EvvGirl). Startup donor maybe EvvGirl, Hospital or its Foundation, Corporate or other donor. These donors may have the option (as camera donors secured) to have their initial startup donations repaid all or in part. (see below).Read Bard family honors family member with NICU learn more about the EwGirt Foundation.
4. Hospital area Rotary Clubs & EvvGirl Foundation are invited to help.Even if a single hospital donor can fund an entire project, it is in the hospital's long term donation interest to engage the area community. NICU webcams is a great entry level effort to help establish current and future donor (major donor?) Personal Value Connection/PVC to the hospital. Involvement of Rotary with its members, business connections and other Foundations (like EvvGirl) helps rapidly expand community awareness and the value of camera donations (NICU or later PICU).
5. Rotary & EvvGirl Foundation spread the word and encourage community donationsusually positioned as "how many cameras would you like to support". Donating through Rotary & EvvGirl the donor's donation becomes amplified. Donor advised they can donateONE cameradirectly or if donated through Rotary (TRF Grant$) or EvvGirl Foundation their donation impactbecomes TWO cameras. Appealing logic to most donors. Camera donors receive family web viewer and family password document recognition.
Consider the UMass 49 camera impact: 600+ Families with 17,000 logins, from 200 Massachusetts Towns, 47 States, 30 Countries, and 5 Continents is significant PR exposure for donors. Corporate donors readily see the local community PR value of these donations.If they don'tthey are invited to talk to any of the UMass corporate donors who are willing to share their corporate experience and value of donating to this effort.Examples: South Bridge Savings Bank 164 Facebook likes in hours from their customers praising their bank for donating to this community value project. Webster 5 Bank received praise from their own employees who used the cameras for their family members. Best of all Southbridge & Wachusett Area Rotarian grandparents personally saw the benefit of their donation as it helped their bonding to their new grandchildren in the UMass NICU. Sometimes Rotary good works even helps Rotarians. Be sure to study the examples on the NICView-Rotary web site.
6. Hospital after validating (6) trial camera (Family /Nursing staff reactions?) then installs the remaining units.Most hospitals are financially stressed and do not readily have funds available for NICU web cameras.This can be financedby either: Hospital Foundation (like UMass) or outside donor entity (EvvGirl Foundation, Bank, Corporate or individual donor) LENDSthe projectthe funds to ramp up to full installation and can beREPAIDas individual camera donationsare assigned to donors. This process (repay UMass Foundation ramp up funding) took 12-Worcester area Rotary Clubs approx 12 months. But now that it has been successfully done, the process may take less time. Also, it is the election of the project coordinator and the initial (6) camera startup donor if their initial donation would like repayment as camera reassignment to new donors. In essence this equipment installation becomes fully financed by the community.
7. Hospital yearly maintenance fees(sustainability) can be funded by one or combination of 5-options:
a) Incorporating 1 to 3 years of fees into the per camera donor cost (ie: UMass $1200= camera +1yr fee = $1500). Math to vary by system and should be determined at initial hospital system acceptance. It may include: Startup Cost + Cameras + 1 to 3yr Maintenance Fees divided by # of cameras = per camera donation to promote to donors.
b) Donation button on family viewer screen (PayPal or Credit Card link)
c) Ask camera donor if they would like to contribute toward yearly maintenance fee (Total Cost divided by number of cameras ((Umass $15k / 49 = $306 per camera)
d) Hospital special charity event for maintenance (UMass = some proceeds from their annual golf event)
e) Hospital sees community service value and pays all or portion of fee from operating budget.
Additional Resources
Study the NICView-Rotary website for detailed testimony and information, funding tips, great public relations materials, links to relevant web sites, Rotary and NICView presentations and much more. Click Here >
Contact Roy Balfour (E:) with additional questions, ideas, success stories…..