Date: / 1/18/17
Time / Location: / 12:00 PM Ruth Cole Room, Ira Davenport
Present: / Dawn Lindsey,RN; Lorelei Wagner, Public Health Educator; Dr. Dennis O’Connor, Medical Director; Rachel Weimer, Consumer; Kimi Archer ; Kristen VonHagn; Terry Moss
Called in:
Scribe: / Terry Moss
Agenda Item / Discussion / Action Items / Owner / Status (open/ closed)
Approval of minutes / Minutes of previous meeting emailed to members. / Approved / Dawn Lindsey / Closed
Last Quarter / Quarterly PMQI audit summary reports and minutes from PMQI meetings were emailed for review. / Reviewed and discussed. / Dawn / Closed
Discussion /
- Nicole Walker has resigned as a member
- Sodium Grant: Survey will be done next year to see if participants are continuing with decrease in sodium.
- MCH- Report from Kristen. Kristen will report at next meeting wanted to get updated information from daughter.
- Dental Program- No response from Mike Slovac, Darlene will contact HEG. Dr. Smith was the only participating dentist in Steuben County, he has retired and another dentist took over the business. Checking to see if Oak Orchard in Hornell is a possibility in participating.
Policy Updates /
- TB Manual/include testing for TB related to immigration
- STD Manual
- EI Administrative Manual
- Vaccine Storage Plan revised
- Plan for insuring Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate Services
- Protocol to Ensure Access and Reduce Barriers to Care
Manuals were updated and reviewed /accepted and signed by Kimi Archer. / Dawn / Closed
Agency Update / 2016-2017 Flu Season
- 20 positive reports in county residents since the end of November. On 12/28/16, flu was declared prevalent in New York State by the Commissioner of Health. This means that all healthcare and residential facilities and agencies, such as hospitals and nursing homes, must ensure that their personnel not vaccinated against influenza for the current influenza season wear a mask while in areas where patients or residents are typically present.
Wechsler / Closed
- 19 cases diagnosed in the 4th quarter
- As of 1/4/17, there have been 989 cases of Zika virus in residents of New York, the highest number of the 50 states. All have been from travel to affected countries.2 pregnant women were tested for Zika virus this quarter. Both tested negative for Zika.
MCH- Universal Home Visiting
- 66 Referrals, 53 from Corning Hospital, 11 from Noyes Hospital, 1 from Arnot, 1 from MD. 23 of the referrals had a visit, 15 were referred to another agency or already involved with other agency.
Program Updates: / Lead-
- 2016-2017 LPPP Work plan submitted 11/28/16 (still have not heard if this was approved; awaiting as of 1/10/17)
- Lead Presentations
- 11/3/16 City of Corning Board of Health – lead statistics for 14830 x 10 yrs. and lead maps
- 11/21/16 Hornell City Common Council Meeting – lead statistics 14843, lead maps, LPP education, PH recent efforts to increase testing rates Lead Care II screening/COLA money, magnets
- No Lead Recalls this quarter
- Completed lead magnet distribution to all family and pediatric providers 11/4/16; well received
- Offered sharing of COLA money to Guthrie Pediatrics and Virdee Medical Bath Office and Virdee Medical Hornell Offices for purchase and implementing of Lead Care II machines (all 3 offices have accepted this offer)
- Virdee Medical – machines already purchased for both offices
- Guthrie Pediatrics – it appears they will purchase in 2017
- Beginning assembly of Day Care Toolkits (for 133 daycare providers in Steuben)
- 11/2/16 Used IHANS notification system for alerting all public schools of need to populate their “School Lead in Drinking Water” Reporter Roles. Substantial assistance was given to schools to update their contact information and populate this role. (as above in PHEP- a communication tool usually used for EP, but we used it for lead this time.)
- Lead Poisoning Prevention Presentation to DSS Lead Poisoning Prevention on 12/9/16 with speaker Jennifer Becker, Coordinator, Rochester Office, Western NY Lead Poisoning Resource Center – well received by DSS.
Travis / Closed
Lorelei Wagner presented a powerpoint with the statistics of recent NDPP classes. / Lorelei / Closed
Public Health Emergency Preparedness
- WRECKIT 2016 –supported the Emergency Management Office and staffed the PH desk at the EOC on 11/3/16
- 11/2/16 Used IHANS notification system for alerting all public schools of need to populate their “School Lead in Drinking Water” Reporter Roles. Substantial assistance was given to schools to update their contact information and populate this role. This also benefitted the PHEP program as schools have updated their contact information.
- Updating Closed POD Prophylaxis Package Needs Surveys with 20+ partners. Reaching out to other potential partners to become Closed POD Partners.
- ServSTEUBEN MRC volunteer program
- Offering free CPR training for ServSTEUBEN MRC volunteers: seems to be a good way to recruit new volunteers.
- Media blitz (had interview with Mary Perham to promote need for ServSTEUBEN MRC volunteers)
- Held Annual PHEP Training for PH Staff in office
- BP education training to Gentiva Home Care staff and therapists.
Breastfeeding Coalition
- Attend Regional Finger Lakes meetings. Just updated mission and vision, work plan for the year, no significant changes.
- January is radon action month. Health Educator will be on WENY 1/20/17 to speak on this topic. Nurses have been distributing kits on HV’s and car seat classes.
Quarterly Reports / Accidents./Incidents/Complaints:
- None
Performance Management Quality Improvement Audits–
2 records did not document further visits planned.
- EI
- Preschool
- Preschool Administrative
- Communicable Disease
- Immunization-100%
- Communicable & STD Focus Audit
- STD Reports
Satisfaction Surveys-
- NDPP County- Maintained lifestyle changes for health, 1 disagreed.
- Breastfeeding- Reason for stopping breastfeeding, didn’t like it, miserable, not enough sleep.
- Immunization (2)
- Biometric Screening- 513 employees participated.
Performance Measures-Reviewed and discussed4thquarter. (Topics highlighted were ones that need some improvement) / Dawn / Closed
Accreditation / Still working on domains on getting documents in and reviewing for finalization. / Dawn / Closed
Other Business / Regional PMQI Group- Meeting was held on October 25th.
HPV QI Project- There has not been an increase in vaccinations. Have noted a decline.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) - Manual out of date. Needed to be updated and someone needs to be responsible. Updated, added, subtracted product information. Organized sheets alphabetically by brand name. Staff needs to be trained. / Dawn / Closed
NEXT MEETING: / April5, 2017 / 12:00 PM / Ruth Cole Room
Emailed to members03/xx/17
O:\PAC\PAC minutes\2016\PAC meeting January18_2017 minutes.docx1/24/17