Happy Tuesday!

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Thank you for providing your email address so that we can stay in better communication. I have added your names to an AIG group email so that I can send out information regarding AIG. Now that we’ve had a few weeks to settle into school, the students and I are beginning to learn each other’s personality and make connections. I enjoy each and every one of the students and look forward to an exciting rest of the year. I wanted to update you on a few things about the Science Showcase and requirements.

The Science Showcases will be the week of Nov. 17-21st for 9-12. The boards will be displayed in the media center for the judges and other classes to come in and view. Your child will have 3-5 minutes with the judges to explain all about their individual project. This is something you may want to practice at home and we will in class as time allows.

At this time, students are working on coming up with a “question” they want to test for the Science Fair. In class this week, we are discussing how to come up with a topic you are interested in learning more about, questions to ask yourself when trying to decide on a project.

This year, we have created a live binder that organizes all of the information into one website. Everything that we tell the students at school will be put onto this website under the various tabs. Under the yellow “Questions and Ideas” tab, you will find the guiding questions for deciding on a topic, a list of possible experiments as well as a list of helpful websites for deciding on a topic. Students must list at least 3 possible “questions” in their notebook for you and I to check off.

You will also see a tab with due dates for the Science project. These are just a recommendation to help with the progress over the next two months. It’s easy for students to run out of time with this challenging project. I hope you will find the Live Binder useful. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask because I’m sure others have the same question.

Once the experiment is completed, students will need to begin gathering their data so they can start typing everything up and ready to present on the board. Everything must be attached to the board that the students want judged. We will watch video’s, learn a few songs and had lots of discussions to help the students understand the Scientific Method and how to make a thorough Science Project.

I look forward to seeing how all this creativity turns out!! J

Live Binder- http://www.livebinders.com/play/play/1457985

This web address will be posted on my website, District AIG site as well as in the student’s notebook.

Edmodo- A web resource that allows teachers, parents and students to stay connected and share resources. We have created an elementary “AIG Group” for HPS. This is a place all AIG students can have discussions with each other and find challenging puzzles. It also allows me to communicate with the students when I am at another school. I hope the students will use this resource to communicate with other AIG students. I am showing this to the students in class this week.

We are excited to be the AIG teachers this year and will be glad to answer any questions you may have. Because we are at different school, email is the best way to get ahold of us or you can leave a message at one of our schools and we will get back with you as soon as possible.

Thanks for all you support!!

Ms. Janet Hambrick & Mrs. Dawn McDaniel