Recruiting Games

Nice to meet you, Too!

This is a great way for guests to get out of their comfort zone and get to know each other. They’ll also be encouraging each other to host a Pure Romance party and asking you how they can become a consultant!

Everyone gets a copy, with instructions not to peek until you say .GO. They need tofind a different guest to sign one line that applies to them. Depending on the size ofthe crowd, you might allow them to sign two lines. Each person may sign his or herown page ONCE. The person who completes their page gets a ticket!

Nice To Meet You too! – Rules: you can only sign one block yourself. Guests can sign up to 2 boxes each. The most boxes filled receives 3 tickets, 2ndreceives 2 tickets, 3rdreceives1 ticket.

I have a picture of my children with me / I have taken a vacation in the last 3 months / I’m the hostess of this Great Nite Out! Thanks for coming! / I have toiletries or makeup that is over 5 years old.
This is the first Pure Romance in Home party I have attended / There are dirty dishes in my sink at home / I’m booking a Great Nite Out for myself so I can get FREE products, too! / I love to read
I LOVE orgasms!! / I traveled more than 10 minutes to attend this Great Nite Out / I kissed my husband/sig. other this morning / Um…I have to admit the 7th heaven is AmAzInG!!
I’m pregnant! / I have two or more daughters / Coochy is my favorite product / I’m going to ask the Consultant how I can join Pure Romance!

Ask Me About My Job

Supplies: roll of tickets.

Say “For the next 2 minutes we’re going to play ‘Ask Me About My Job’. The first person to come up with a question will get 3 tickets, the 2nd person will get 2 and every question after that earns 1 ticket.” Questions like “How many hours do you work a week?” and “How long have you been doing it?” will start coming at you. Answer them as positively as possible. Ie. “I only work evenings and weekend because I want to be home with my children.” “I’ve been doing this job for 18mos and I’ve never had so much fun.”

At the end of the Q & A you can either draw for a prize right then and there, or you can tell the guests to hang on to their tickets and do a little more Q & A towards the end of the party (they may have thought of other questions by then).

It’s a lot of fun when the questions start coming in fast and furious… guests try to out-do each other and ask the most questions (they want to be the one with the most tickets) and it’s GREAT for teaching people about your business and how it might benefit them.

Switching Roles

In the middle of your presentation, ask for a volunteer. Havetheguest that volunteers present an item from your collection/products at the party. If your company uses script cards, give one to that guest. If not, and you use notecards, give one of them to the guest. If you don't use any notes, write out what you would say about the item and have the guest read your notes.

Say ” I need a volunteer. I am going to show you how easy my job is, Sally you are going to present the next item. Here’s the card and the item, you will be rewarded for your efforts.” Afterwards give her a prize or ticket.

“Thank you Sally for showing everyone how easy my job is, if you can read, you can do this job.

Stealing Hearts
Take the 13 heart cards out of a deck of playing cards. Tell the guests, "Ask me a question about my business and you'll receive a card." Once every heart card has been handed out, pull out a second set of 13 cards (I like the black cards so I don't accidentally mix any up), 3 small prizes (samples work well), and a small gift bag filled with a sample or two and literature on your business opportunity, sealed so no one can see what is inside (I call it my "mystery bag").
Tell the guests that you're going to call a card and the person with the matching card gets to choose a prize. Once all four prizes are handed out, you'll continue to call out the remaining cards and the people with the matching cards can then steal each others prizes.
After all 13 cards have been called, those holding the prizes may keep them. Make a comment about how you wanted the opportunity to share information about your business with them because, Pure Romance has stolen my heart...
Be sure to approach the person who has the mystery bag and the person who asked the most questions to offer them the opportunity to look into your business. The person with the mystery bag will already have the literature, but follow up is key.

Give everyone a piece of paper:

If I won the lottery, the first thing I'd buy is______!
Gather all the slips.
Quickly sort them in piles to see what is the most popular item. Read that one last.
Start with the most unusual, and then ask the guests to guess which guest or guests wrote that down.
Then, let them know, that by joining your business, they can save towards that item or tell a story about a consultant you know who was able to buy their dream house thanks to your company!

Fake Money

Make 3fake $100 bills, or use
At your party, say:
--A standard shopping spree is $100 or more dollars!
“Who here would love to just spend $100 on my products?”
Hand her the $100 bill.
“Great! Of course this is fake money. But if any of you spend $100 with me tonight, I will give you 5% off your most expensive item, or whatever special you’d like to give!” For visual learners, you can put the special on the back of the bill.
--“Who here would love to have a FREE $100 shopping spree!”
hand her the bill
“Great! That’s what my typical hostess gets with a $400 party! Plus, she gets $40 for free out of the catalog when 2 of her very best friends and family book your own party! For anyone who books tonight you get 10% off your most expensive item!” This encourages them to order something instead of waiting until their party.
--“Who here would like to make $100 a night!”
Hand her the bill!
“Wonderful! That is what I make base pay on an average party! Often times more! If you want to turn that into cash, meet with me after the party and we’ll get you started!”

Tickets Please

Make some Tickets or buy them. Then ask the following questions. When they raise their hand, hand them a ticket:
Who here would like to:
--eliminate one bill a month?
--Take care of a car payment?
--Take your family on a fun vacation?
--Make some extra money?
Who here would like to:
--Get out of the house?
--Find some adult interaction?
--Meet new people
Who here would like to:
--work your own hours?
--Be your own boss, while being part of a team?
--And own your own business?
Who here
--loves to help people?
--loves to have fun?
--Finds themselves buying lots and lots of makeup and toiletries?
Pure Romance At Home can help you follow your dreams! It’s a great way to make some extra money, or just get some awesome products. I’ve made many wonderful friends, and built a successful business. So can you.
All you need is just one ticket to get started. Turn in your ticket when you check out and I’ll help you jumpstart your year with Pure Romance At Home.

Order Forms

On their order form or on a piece of paper, ask each guest:
If you had an extra $100 a month, what would you use it for?
If you had an extra $500 month, what would you use it for?
What if you had an extra $1000?
Have everyone share their answers if they’d like! Then mention, with 1 night a month, you can earn $100! With 1 night a week you can earn $500, and just 8 nights a month will help you to earn $1000! That’s about 20 hours outside the home!

Memory Game

Materials Needed:
A pen and paper for each guest
This is a great game to play to get your guests’ undivided attention. Before your show, explain that you will be playing a memory game at the end of the show ----- so they should pay attention to your demonstration, and keep notes about our Pure Romance At Home Host program as you recite it. For each right answer give a ticket
1. How long has Pure Romance been in business?
2. How long have I been selling Pure Romance?
3. How much do I profit in a night?
4. How do you get free products?
5. What is ______going to get if her party is over $1000 in sales?
6. What is my name?
7. What is my favorite product?
8.. How much does it cost to receive a $ kit?
9.For 5 tickets: Are you booking a party tonight?
10. For 5 tickets: Would you like more information on a Pure Romance At Home Career?


Present your guests with a brochure on your company. Then give the reasons people typically become a consultant. Have them guess why you became a consultant. Give tickets to whoever gets it. You will have heard from them the reasons why they would consider being a recruit.

Recruiting Activity: Hot Potato
Now I’m going to give you the opportunity to ask me anything you can think of about what I do – you can ask how often I do shows, what I love about my job, how much I typically make per show, what it takes to get started, anything! I’m going to set my timer for a short amount of time and pass around this item and when you get the product ask me a question about my job. If you can’t think of one pass it to the next person.When the timer goes off whoever has it gets to keep it!”

Set the timer for 2 minutes. Be sure to answer the question briefly and simply. i.e. If someone ask “How many nights a week to do you this?” Answer: “I do _ shows, but what I love about this business is that you’re your own boss and you get to decide how much or how little you work.”

Quick Math Quiz

We’re going to do a little math quiz on the back of your order form. Who ever gets the answer first will win a prize. The first number I want you to write down is 500.

That is how much it costs to buy a Pure Romanceconsultant kit and that includes $1000 worth of products. Now subtract 250 because the company has the kit for ½ price right now.

Next, when you hold your first party the average is about $400 in sales and you get to keep 35% so you’ll make $140. So subtract 140 from the number you have.

The number you have is the amount you will be investing in starting your own Pure Romance business. What’s that number?

Now, who wouldn’t want $1000 in free products and a continual 35% discount for a measly $10 bucks!

The “Hand Game”/”Show me the Money!”
Near the end of the show, I have all the guests take out their order forms.
I have them go over the order form with me, I show them where to put their name, address, phone #, email. I encourage them to put the email because I will use that for my preferred customer list.
I tell them that the GNO date means “Girl's Nite Out” date and the date is ___.
I tell them their host's name, and then I go through the three circles on the right hand side of the order form. I first talk about the opportunity to host.
I tell the guests to check the theme that sounds best to them. I explain each theme,and ask them to check the circle that they are interested in doing.
I then tell them to check the circle if they are interested in the business opportunity.
I tell them to turn their order forms over, telling them we are going to play a game called “Show me the money.”
I ask them that to play they just need to trace their hand on the back of the order form, after they trace their hand, I tell them to write down 5 ideas of where they could spend an extra $800-1000 a month. They need to put an idea on each finger. I help them brainstorm if they are slow to think of some things. I may suggest: home improvements, shopping spree, car payment, day at the Spa etc.
I tell them that $800-$1,000 is what an average consultant can make by holding 2 GNO's per week.
After they each have five items (one on each finger), I tell them the we will go through the room and everyone needs to share one item on one of our fingers. The first person to have all five of their fingers crossed out, gets to stand up and say “Show me the money!' I will then give the winner a gift. I then explain the current month's recruiting offer.
Once we are finished, I let them ask me 5 questions, any questions. I tell them I encourage serious questions which would help them consider the business or would help them refer a friend who would be great. I tell them again to check the business opportunity circle to let me know if they are interested in the business opportunity. I tell them they can take home more information and/or set up a time to meet and talk more about it over coffee or a smoothie.
I then follow up the next day with people I have sent information home with or expressed an interest—this is key—next day follow up.

TV Show Game

I am going to read you a little story, every time I mention a TV show, just make a little tally mark. The person whorecognizes and marks down the most TV shows mentioned will win.
(The words in all CAPS are the TV shows.)
WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE? We all do. I was THIRTY SOMETHING, living through THE WONDER YEARS with my FAMILY and my husband taking it ONE DAY AT A TIME. We were doing okay, but THE FACTS OF LIFE are that we were not born with SILVER SPOONS in our mouths. Our savings were in JEOPARDY and we didn't want to be in debt for the rest of THE DAYS OF OUR LIVES.
I finally told my husband, it's time to get out of THIS OLD HOUSE or at least start making some kind of HOME IMPROVEMENT. I didn't want to start a FAMILY FEUD and end up in ER, but that it is time to GET SMART. Without being THE CRITIC, I was in search of AMERICA'S MOST WANTED job. FAMILY MATTERS to me and I don't want to miss out on PRIME TIME with my kids by hiring THE NANNY to raise them. Pure Romance At Home offers a great opportunity. The PRICE IS RIGHT and..... WHO'S THE BOSS???? I am!
I remembered thinking...could I get up in front of a FULL HOUSE of PERFECT STRANGERS for 60 MINUTES and show people these fabulous products? Of course I could. I have experienced some GROWING PAINS, but soon I was able to spread my WINGS and watch my business BLOSSOM. Pure Romance At Homehas made me feel like I am a part of the A-TEAM. I have GOOD TIMES at home with ALL MY CHILDREN. My family has the extra income needed, and my husband CHEERS when I come home from the show with the dough!!
Soon...I'LL FLY AWAY to paradise--a dream vacation for which Pure Romance At Homewill pay for. My husband and I will be like HONEYMOONERS again, sharing HAPPY DAYS in ANOTHER WORLD!!
Pure Romance At Homemay not be for everyone, as they say, DIFFERENT STROKES for different folks. But if your are MARRIED WITH CHILDREN and have strong FAMILY TIES, I then feel obligated to share the Pure Romance At Homebusiness opportunity with you!!
There are 38 TV shows mentioned.

Recruiting Activity: Why Bag

Use a Profits with Principles Bag filled with your items to show what our company does for its consultants. (I usually preface this with the fact that I started this businss for reasons that a lot of us have: to earn $$ and get free product. These are the reasons WHY I am STILL selling withPure Romance!!....many of these are "bonuses" that I never even knew I would be getting!)

• Baby Bib that says “IRS deduction” - Would you like to stay home with your baby, and still contribute to the household income? (also mention great expense write-offs)
• Crying Baby Picture: Do you need some time OUT of the house?
• Matchbox Cars: Mini Van & Sportscar: - Maybe make a car payment on a car or the car of your dreams?
• Picture of 2nd Home, Investment Property:
• Wedding Dress Picture: Maybe you have a wedding to pay for (plug registry)
• Photo of PC Friends: I have met so many wonderful friends through Pure Romance At Home.
• On Track Gift for the incentive trip: explain incentive trips.
• Products Picture: FREE Products !!!- explain how much I have received free.
• Computer- You can also write off many of your business tools
• Fairy Princess wand - So many wonderful incentives (jewelry, trips, ect) and the wonderful support of the company truly makes me feel like a princess,
• Credit Card, cut it in half, taped it to card stock – Paid off debts?
• $1 Bill - Think how great it would feel to pay cash for Christmas !!!!
• Payday candy bar - Every Payday- I realize how blessed I am to work for myself, doing what I love, and making FULL-TIME pay on PART-TIME hours, and every time I go to work, it's a PARTY!!!!!
• Clock- flexible schedule- you can work as much or little as you want
• College Pennant - Maybe you are looking for ways to pay that tuition bill.