Saint Mary Youth Ministry - September

7th Grade Theology of the Body Middle School

Lesson 1Who Am I? Discovering My True Identity

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Story Starter: You Can’t Take it With You


  1. If I had to leave home tonight and could take only one thing with me, I would take ______.
  2. When I was 8 years old, my idea of freedom was ______


  1. I think a human person needs ______to survive.
  2. I think a human person needs ______to thrive.


  1. Three relationships that helped make me who I am today:




  1. What I think makes humans different from animals is: ______



  1. When I was 5, all I wanted was ______.
  2. When I was 6, I wanted to be a ______when I grew up.
  3. When I was 7, I would have watched ______all day if my mom let me.
  4. When I was 8, my favorite subject in school was ______.
  5. When I was 9, I was afraid of ______, but not now.
  6. Right now, I want ______more than anything.
  7. When I’m 16, I hope I can ______.
  8. When I get to college, I’m going to ______.
  9. When I’m old, I hope I’ll be able to say that I ______.
  10. My biggest goal is to be a ______person.
  11. In the end, I think all anyone really wants is ______.


Even though ______is invisible, I know it is real because ______

______. I’m sure of this because ______


Looking for the Beach

I think ______is a good role model.

Video “Man on the Street” and “Trivia”

Work it Out …

Getting to Know Me. Create a symbolic collage or self-portrait to represent your uniqueness. ~Personality traits that make people laugh or that your friends find most valuable; secret talent or weird ability, something good you’ve done for someone else, favorite something – no people, songs, movies, foods, animals or colors), three blessings God’s given you; quotations from family members, friends, and teachers describing something they love, appreciate or admire about you.

Got it?

  1. Holy men and women inspired by God to share their wisdom with others are called ______.
  2. Pope John Paul II spoke about the true meaning of who you are in a collection of talks called the ______.
  3. The more freedom you have, the more your ______depends on your choices.


Human Person: God created us with both a body and a soul. We are the only creatures God make in his image and likeness, made to love and be loved. All other earthly creatures were made for our benefit. Every human person is unique and unrepeatable. This fact flows from being created in God’s image and likeness, which is uniquely true about humans.

Incarnation: The incarnation refers to the reality that Jesus, who is fully God, become man. God the Son became man so He could die and rise, saving humanity from the destruction caused by sin so that we can really become sons and daughters of God, possessing diving life.

Saint: A saint is someone who has lived a holy life, practiced virtue to a heroic degree, and chosen to love God above all things. Saints come from around the world and from different backgrounds. Some are priests and nuns, others are married, and some even have children. the Catholic Church canonizes, or give the title of saint, to those holy men, women and children, to give us examples of how we should live, too. We are all called to become saints.

Theology of the Body:On Wednesdays from 1979 to 1984, Pope John Paul II gave talks about how the body reveals that human persons are created in the image of God, as male and female, with freedom for loving relationships. The Theology of the Body asks and answers two big questions: Who am I? How should I live?

Tune In Challenge:

Just Like You – Matt Maher This is Your Life - Switchfoot

Here Am I – Mercy Me Everything Glorious – David Crowder

Original – Kelly Pease


Saint Mary Youth Ministry –October

7th Grade Theology of the Body Middle School

Lesson 2 Our Story: God’s Plan, Human Sin, Jesus’ Love

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Story Starter: He-Man in the Garden of Eden


1. The toughest lesson I learned from my parents was when ______.

2.The best birthday or holiday party I ever went to was ______.

3. One time I chose ______when I should have chosen ______.

Share a few words about the negative consequences and feelings you and others experienced as a result of your selfishness.

IF YOU ASK ME… God is ______

To understand yourself, you must know where you have come from, where you are now, and where you are going. The story of your life in Salvation History is truly epic!


  1. When I crave ______, having ______instead is an unfulfilling substitute.
  2. It seems like many people wrongly thing ______will satisfy their craving for love.

Video “Man on the Street” and “Trivia”

Work it Out

  1. Freedom Essay. How would the world be different over the last hundred years if even ten influential community, national, and world leaders used their freedom for the sake of love? Which male leaders come to mind? Which female leaders come to mind? Why?

Got it?

  1. He created man and woman ______(5 words).
  2. God gave Adam and Eve ______(2 words) which is the ability to choose.
  3. ______(2 words) is something like a lost inheritance.


In His Image and Likeness: The Trinity is three Persons united in one God who give themselves to each other in perfect love. We are meant to do the same, so when we are in loving relationships, we understand more about God.

In the Beginning: The Garden of Eden is named as the place where God created Adam and Eve. Because we know God does not make errors, the way He created us in the beginning is the way humans were designed to live.

Free Will: God created us with the ability to choose. This ability is necessary in order to be able to love. God wanted us to love Him and each other, so He gave us free will.

Original Sin: Original sin is the loss of the four relationships and a wound to our humanity. Original sin hurts our ability to know what is right, choose what is good, and to love; it causes us to suffer and even die; and it makes us prone to commit sin, even when we try not to (CCC 405).

Tune In Challenge:

Your Grace is Enough – Matt Maher Anima Christi – Jenni Pixler

If We are the Body – Casting Crowns Two Hands – Jars of Clay

Saint Mary Youth Ministry November 2017

7th grade Theology of the Body Middle School Edition

Lesson 3 Me, Myself, and I: Body and Soul

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1. I know I’m in trouble when my mom or dad ______.

2.When my mom and dad ______, I know everything’s okay.

3. My friend, ______, always ______when he/she is ______.


  1. I express that I am bored by ______. (How do you express boredom with your body?)
  2. I express that I am excited by ______.
  3. I think God created the human body to say ______.

Pass around a mirror and have each person describe three things that they see. What we see in ourselves is sometimes distorted and it’s hard to see the truth about who we are, made in God’s image and likeness, but Christ makes the truth of our identity and calling clear. The more we ask God to see yourselves as He sees us, the more fully we will also come to know and love God as we recognize his love for us.

Which of your 5 senses are used in each sacrament? Baptism? Eucharist? Confirmation? Reconciliation? Anointing of the Sick? Matrimony? Holy Orders?

Church “Trip” to see the crucifix. Imagine you have never seen a crucifix before. What is the language of Jesus’ body saying? Think about how powerful this image is, even though we often take it for granted.

Small group project: Create a poster that illustrates the message of your passage using images and no words. Present posters one at a time and the other groups try to guess the scripture passage.

Passages: Matthew 25:36Mark 10:21 Matthew 6:6 Luke 9:3

Galatians 5:1Ephesians 5:1Acts 2:42

Video “Man on the Street” and “Trivia”

Work it Out

My Body “Says” Essay. What did God create our bodies to say? Why? Use at least one quote from the chapter to bolster your answer.

Got it?

  1. The human body can ______without ______.
  2. Our bodies allow us to see ______things.
  3. The human person is both ______and ______.
  4. Your body is precious because of what it ______.
  5. Our bodies are the ______that reflect the ______of our souls.
  6. God ______the beauty of the original masterpiece.


Human Person: God created humans with both a body and a soul. We are the only creatures God made in the His image and likeness, made to love and be loved. All other earthly creatures were made for our benefit. Every human person is unique and cannot ever be duplicated, which is why human life is sacred from beginning to end.

The Language of the Body: The major teaching that the visible human body can reveal truths about the invisible human soul, God, our relationships, and how we should act.

Incarnation: The incarnation refers that Jesus, who is fully God (divine) became man. God the Son didn’t just put on a human costume; He really became one of us. He ate, drank, slept, grew, played, laughed, and even cried. He became man so He could die and rise and save humanity from the destruction caused by sin.

Resurrection: After the crucifixion, Jesus rose from the dead. His human body and soul were reunited. Jesus’ resurrection makes it possible for all of us to look forward to the resurrection and reunion of our own bodies and souls after death.

Ascension: After the Resurrection, Jesus literally went up (“ascended”) to heaven with His reunited and glorified body and soul, where He still lives in a constant offering of love. One day, He will return to earth again, this time in all His glory, to bring us to live with Him forever.

Tune In Challenge:

Alive Again – Matt MaherThe Motions – Mattthew West

Who I Am Hates Who I’ve Been – Reliant K More than Fine – Switchfoot