Deshler Public School
1402 Third Street
Deshler, Nebraska 68340
Phone 402-365-7272
Fax 402-365-7560
DR. AL MEIER, Superintendent/Elementary Principal
MR. JACK WAITE, Secondary Principal
MR. JOSH NASH, Activities Director
August 21, 2009
Dear Ms. Castaneda:
Welcome to Deshler Public School! We are glad to have Makayla as a part of our system and look forward to working with you. To get your child's files in order, we are required by law to have a copy of his/her birth certificate. This letter is to inform you that we do not have a certified copy of the birth certificate for your child. Please stop by the school office with the birth certificate by September 21, 2009.
LB 599, referred to as the Missing Children's Identification Act, was passed in May of 1978. When their child is enrolled for the first time, this law requires parents to furnish the school with a certified copy of their child's birth certificate or provide an affidavit explaining the inability of obtaining a certified copy of the birth certificate. Parents have thirty (30) days from enrollment to meet this requirement. The law also requires schools to notify parents in writing if the school has not been furnished with a certified copy of the birth certificate. If parents fail to comply within 10 days of their second notification, the school is required to notify the local law enforcement agencies.
If you do not have a copy of your child's birth certificate, and your child was born in Nebraska or Kansas, an application for a birth certificate has been enclosed with this letter. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the school. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Jacki Porter,
First Request
Deshler Public School
1402 Third Street
Deshler, Nebraska 68340
Phone 402-365-7272
Fax 402-365-7560
DR. AL MEIER, Superintendent/Elementary Principal
MR. JACK WAITE, Secondary Principal
MR. JOSH NASH, Activities Director
September 17, 2009
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hunt:
Welcome back to school! We are glad to have your child as a part of our system and look forward to working with you. To get your child's files in order, we are required by law to have a copy of Dana’s birth certificate. This letter is to inform you that we do not have a certified copy of the birth certificate for Dana. Please stop by the school office with the birth certificate by October 17, 2009.
LB 599, referred to as the Missing Children's Identification Act, was passed in May of 1978. When their child is enrolled for the first time, this law requires parents to furnish the school with a certified copy of their child's birth certificate or provide an affidavit explaining the inability of obtaining a certified copy of the birth certificate. Parents have thirty (30) days from enrollment to meet this requirement. The law also requires schools to notify parents in writing if the school has not been furnished with a certified copy of the birth certificate. If parents fail to comply within 10 days of their second notification, the school is required to notify the local law enforcement agencies.
If you do not have a copy of your child's birth certificate, and your child was born in Nebraska or Kansas, an application for a birth certificate has been enclosed with this letter. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the school. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Jacki Porter,
First Request
Deshler Public School
1402 Third Street
Deshler, Nebraska 68340
Phone 402-365-7272
Fax 402-365-7560
DR. AL MEIER, Superintendent/Elementary Principal
MR. JACK WAITE, Secondary Principal
MR. JOSH NASH, Activities Director
August 20, 2009
Dear Ms. Dobbins:
Welcome to Deshler Public School! We are glad to have Amy and Perry as a part of our system and look forward to working with you. To get your children's files in order, we are required by law to have a copy of their birth certificates. This letter is to inform you that we do not have a certified copy of the birth certificate for your child. Please stop by the school office with the birth certificates by September 21, 2009.
LB 599, referred to as the Missing Children's Identification Act, was passed in May of 1978. When their child is enrolled for the first time, this law requires parents to furnish the school with a certified copy of their child's birth certificate or provide an affidavit explaining the inability of obtaining a certified copy of the birth certificate. Parents have thirty (30) days from enrollment to meet this requirement. The law also requires schools to notify parents in writing if the school has not been furnished with a certified copy of the birth certificate. If parents fail to comply within 10 days of their second notification, the school is required to notify the local law enforcement agencies.
If you do not have a copy of your child's birth certificate, and your child was born in Nebraska or Kansas, an application for a birth certificate has been enclosed with this letter. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the school. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Jacki Porter,
First Request