NHS Event 2016 –“It Ain’t What You Do It’s the Way That You Do It” - Case Studies

In case you are interested in some of the innovative work around improving staff experience and engagement that is currently being undertaken we thought you might find this summary helpful. Contact details are provided in case you would like further information.

Title / Summary / Board / Contact
Engaging our Staff / An innovative programme designed to help staff recognise the benefits of good staff engagement covering engagement and disengagement and how we feel and deal with handling difficult conversations. / NHS Ayrshire &Arran / Anne Egan

“What Matters to me” / Domestic Assistants, Healthcare Support Workers, and Nursing Assistants have been identified as having higher than average absence from work. Work was undertaken to explore and understand the influences work and family life has on the physical, mental and social wellbeing of this representative cohort of staff. / NHS Forth Valley
‘Opportunity Knocks’ / Public Health and Intelligence operates a rotation system for the bulk of its analytical staff; including as part of this an initiative called ‘Opportunity Knocks’ where available posts are advertised. The system of rotation is generally viewed as positive by staff as it helps their development and opens up new opportunities for them. Key to its success is the use of generic job descriptions covering large numbers of staff. / National Services Scotland / Shona Cowan -
Carol Sinclair –
Well at Work / NHS Fife Well at Work group engaged with staff through a series of surveys and events to establish how best to support them around health issues. As a consequence they are actively supporting staff health by raising awareness of various topics. / NHS Fife / Rhona Waugh
Head of HR

Ward Team – develop and Promote principles of good attitude & behaviour / The Ward Team developed Team Principles which have been developed into posters sited within their work area and used as a basis for positive conversations and behaviours within the Team. / NHS Dumfries & Galloway
Staff Achievements award scheme / NHS Fife Chairman launched and hosted a staff achievements award scheme to recognise the hard work and achievements of staff across clinical and support services along with volunteers, friends and patient partners. The awards are divided into 10 categories. / NHS Fife / Norma Aitken
Head of Corporate Services

Quality Assurance system for Personal Review &Planning / NES introduced a Quality Assurance (QA) process to ensure progress is measured not just as task completion, but also via the quality of outcomes, specifically: performance objectives and personal development plans (POPs). This established a baseline that will be used to measure both organisational progress embedding PR&P activity and the impact of the support provided to staff as they prepare to complete this work each year. / NHS Education for Scotland / Jacqueline Smith
Executive Assistant to Director of workforce & Depute Director of HR

Quality and Impact of Personal Development Reviews / Designed as an integral part of the performance management system, managers should use the framework to help staff do well in their current job and to select the right learning and development activities to assist staff in planning their CPD/Revalidation needs. / NHS Borders
Facilities Directorate Senior Management Restructure / Following an open consultation on shaping the future senior management structure various options were discussed with the group until such time that a structure that was safe, effective and person centred was put forward for agreement. This case study outlines how NHS Grampian have taken forward. / NHS Grampian
Live Positive / The Live Positive toolkit was developed as part of NHS Tayside’s approach to assessing and managing work related stress. It contains guidance and advice for both staff and managers on the causes, symptoms, assessment and management of stress and stress related illness. / NHS Tayside / Iain McEachan
HR Business Lead
Keeping Staff Well Informed / During 2014, the OD & Learning Team began to use Mail Chimp software to monitor the penetration of E Mail communications around training courses and other initiatives affecting staff. This allows the team to run reports on whether particular E Mails, and links in them, were opened by intended recipients. Over time, this will allow for improved targeting of E Mail communications, as well as the identification of topics that staff would be better engaged with via other communications channels. This led to several initiatives including a review of how subject headers can be used more effectively to "hook" E Mail recipients in future and a greater emphasis is now being placed on Digital technology to improve and modernise the presentation of corporate information. / NHS Education for Scotland / Jacqueline Smith
Executive Assistant to Director of workforce & Depute Director of HR

iWill - Addressing Workplace Health inequalities / iWill was introduced as a one year pilot for staff who do not receive face-to-face health checks and is part of NHS Ayrshire and Arran’s Health, Safety and Wellbeing strategy.The purpose of iWill is to help staff live well, work well and achieve more. iWILL helps with supportive information and a personal training plan with small, achievable goals, it is a free resource that can be accessed either at work or at home. / NHS Ayrshire & Arran / John Somerville, Occupational Health
“It’s Up to Us” / During their Adult Mental Health capacity review there was a pre-decision consultation conducted for all involved staff.This led toevery team member attending a 3 day “It’s Up to Us” service redesign workshop where they were able to participate and help design the new models of care.A similar process is about to be conducted relating to the new North Ayrshire Community Hospital development where early discussions have taken place to co design a staff experience tool to ensure all staff are involved in the day to day decisions that will affect them. / NHS Ayrshire & Arran / Thelma Bowers, Head of Mental Health Services
Dignity at work
e-learning Module / In September 2014, NHS 24 launched an interactive Dignity At Work eLearning module, which aimed to help engage staff in NHS Scotland's values and to signpost key resources. The module includes a video and supporting information and it provides a thought-provoking learning experience which encourages self- reflection of personal behaviour as well as that of others. / NHS 24 / Gayle Baxter, Learning Infrastructure Manager, or Stuart Marshall, Learning Technologist,
Clinical Services Review / The Clinical Services Review was launched in October 2014 – a special staff brief was prepared and this was widely distributed across the organisation and posted on the staff intranet. A special edition of Community Health News was produced which was used to support staff meetings, presentations and briefs and shared widely with local community groups and organisations across Forth Valley. Staff were encouraged to share feedback, ideas and suggestions via a new online form on the Staff intranet and further work was undertaken to secure feedback from frontline staff across the organisation. This generated hundreds of responses. Following the launch ongoing work has been undertaken to raise awareness of the Review and feedback was encourage through various means. This generated more than 500 responses which have helped identify a series of common themes and issues. / NHS Forth Valley
Clinical Resource Review / The Clinical Resource Review (CRR) is a Programme initiated to review how NHS 24 recruit, engage and retain clinicians, to support them to deliver a safe, effective and person-centred service to the people of Scotland. A communications plan was developed with the help of nursing staff and clinical managers and engagement continued throughout the process. To date some early successes include the introduction of a new band 5 nurse practitioner role, the redesign of how we recruit nurses, incorporating the 2020 Values and clinical assessment. A radically new approach to inducting new nurses. / NHS 24
Change Management Programme Board / The establishment of a specific Change Management Programme Board to retain an overview of organisational change across NES, complemented by HR business partnering support with regard to policy and procedure has minimised the risk of a reduction in Partnership confidence with regard to the organisation's ability to effect change. The board authorises all stages of organisational change and monitors progress and feedback in line with NES change policy. a Managers Toolkit was developed/ to support the organisational change policy. / NHS Education for Scotland / Jacqueline Smith
Executive Assistant to Director of workforce & Depute Director of HR