NHS Addendums to National Constitution


The name of this chapter shall be the National Honor Society of Minooka Community High School.


The purpose of this chapter shall be to impact the community through leadership and service while abiding by the four pillars of the National Honors Society


National Honors Society members will be selected during the fall semester of the junior or senior year. Members are selected following the local chapter’s selection procedures as published by the school district.


In order to be considered a member in “good standing,” club members must at all times uphold the criteria in which they were selected and adhere to the National Constitution and the respective chapter by-laws. Graduation recognition will only be awarded to students in good standing.


Section 1. Regular meetings shall be held the first, third, and fifth Thursday of each month.

Officers shall give reports and information regarding business conducted between meetings and lead the meetings according to the agenda.

Section 2. Attendance is mandatory for all members. Attendance shall be taken at the beginning

of each meeting.

Section 3. Absence from a meeting will be considered excused if a member emails the presiding

officers his or her name and reason at least 24 hours prior to the start of the meeting.

The reason must be valid, such as a serious illness or family emergency, or at a

higher level than a group meeting, such as a competitive sport event. To preserve the

integrity of the chapter, a member is allowed a maximum of four excused absences.

Upon reaching four, the member is no longer in “good standing,” and any further

absences will result in referral to the NHS faculty council for disciplinary action.

Section 4. Absence from a meeting will be considered unexcused if a member fails to notify the

officers via email or provides an unsatisfactory reason, such as oversleeping or forgetting the meeting date. In addition, arriving late to a meeting—defined as arriving after the officers begin speaking—will count towards unexcused absences unless the member can provide a valid excuse, such as a car breakdown. For every two late arrivals, the member is given one unexcused absence. A member is allowed two unexcused absences before he or she is no longer in “good standing.” Any further unexcused absences will result in referral to the NHS faculty council for disciplinary action.

Section 5. In special or outstanding cases, the officers may deliberate and decide with a majority

vote whether to classify an absence as excused or unexcused.


Section 1. Members must participate in a minimum of 15 hours of community service per

semester of membership.

Section 2. Members are expected to attend all major service events or activities organized by the

club. Attendance will be taken at each event.

Section 3. Absence from a service activity will be considered excused if a member emails the

presiding officers his or her name and reason at least 48 hours in advance. The

reason must be valid or at a higher level than the event. To preserve the integrity of

the club, members are allowed two excused absences. Upon reaching two, the

member shall no longer be in “good standing,” and any further absences will result in

referralto the NHS faculty council for disciplinary action.

Section 4. Absence from a service activity will be considered unexcused if a member fails to

notify the officers via email or provides an unsatisfactory reason. In addition,

arriving late will count towards unexcused absences unless the member can provide a

valid excuse. For every two late arrivals, themember is given one unexcused. A

member is allowed one unexcused absence. Upon reaching one, the member shall no

longer be in “good standing,” and any further unexcused absences will result in

referral to theNHS faculty council for disciplinary action.

Section 5. In special or outstanding cases, the officers may deliberate and decide with a majority

vote whether to classify an absence as excused or unexcused.


Any violation of the selection criteria or the constitution and its respective by-laws will result in notification of the faculty council by the advisor. Only documented evidence can be brought to the attention of the faculty council. A disciplinary hearing will take place for violations. Dismissal proceedings will follow the National Honors Society handbook and the National Constitution.


The constitution and its by-laws may be amended, repealed, or altered in whole or in part. Additional by-laws may be added by the advisors on a yearly basis at their initiation or that of the board members. All members shall be notified of all changes.


A member of the faculty or administration of Minooka Community High School shall serve as the advisor. The advisor will have the final say on all activities, and all materials used by the members must get prior approval by the advisor before distribution. The advisor is appointed yearly by the principal.

I have read and understood the chapter by-laws.
