NHRHS Project Graduation: Class of 2011
Dear Parents and Guardians of the 2011 Graduates:
Plans for the 2011 Project Graduation are underway. On Wednesday night, June 22, 2011, after the Northern Highlands graduation ceremony, the graduates will be taken by coach bus to a “secret” location where they will enjoy a memorable, fun-filled evening with food, dancing and surprises. The purpose of Project Graduation is to give the students one final fun filled night together as a class without the dangers often associated with graduation parties. It will be a well-supervised, alcohol and drug-free night for the Senior Class of 2011. The graduates will return to school by bus tired, safe and happy.
A committee of parents has been working to plan the festivities. We have been exploring many different activities for the evening, and are in the process of finalizing the plans. The projected amount needed to transport, feed and entertain each graduate with a minimum of fundraising efforts is $225.00.
If your child wishes to participate, please send your $225.00 check by November 20, 2010 (this is non-refundable). The check should be made payable to "Project Graduation". Mailing information is on the enclosed permission slip, which must be filled out and sent back with the check. There is also a page of guidelines, which you and your senior must read and agree to before committing to this event.
We do not want to exclude any graduate due to financial considerations. If this is a concern, please contact the Northern Highlands Principal, Mr. Occhino at 201-327-8700, ext. 202, and the matter will be handled confidentially.
We are also seeking donations from the community, local businesses and organizations to help defray the cost of this event. If you can help us directly, or have any information regarding possible sources of support, please contact one of the people listed below. There will also be fundraisers during the year so please watch for details. We will gladly accept additional family contributions in lieu of participation in future fundraisers, if you prefer. Please send any donations with your permission slip to Marla Mazen, 22 Glen Carl Road, Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. We appreciate and count on your support.
We hope you and your senior will be active participants in Project Graduation. Please check the Highlands' website frequently for updates and reminders. This information will be listed under "Parents Groups" and then "Project Graduation". If you have any questions, concerns, or you would like to help, please contact us. Thank you!
Jean Borzilleri 201-818-1559 Ellen Routh 201-934-8177
Marla Mazen 201-327-0811 Robin Schick 201-760-0523
NHRHS Project Graduation 2011 Permission Slip
To Parents/Guardians and Graduating Seniors:
The Project Graduation buses will leave Northern Highlands at approximately 8 PM on Wednesday, June 22nd, and will return to the school at approximately 5 AM the following morning (June 23rd).
Enclosed with this permission slip is a list of the guidelines and agreements regarding participation in Project Graduation. By signing this permission slip, you are confirming that you and your senior have read these guidelines and are willing to abide by these rules and hold harmless agreements.
The permission slip must be completed, signed, and returned with payment of your non-refundable check of $225 made payable to Project Graduation. All deposits and permission slips must be returned by November 20, 2010 to:
Marla Mazen
22 Glen Carl Road
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458
______has my permission to participate in Project Graduation, June 22-23, 2011 in accordance with the information on this form and the Guidelines on the attached sheet. I understand that my son/daughter will be supervised on this trip by parent volunteers. I will not hold the trip chaperones or other volunteers responsible should an accident occur.
Parents/guardian name:______
Parent phone numbers where I can be reached:
Home ______Cell______
Student Cell: ______
£ My son/daughter has my permission to leave his/her car at NHRHS overnight and drive home at approximately 5:00 AM on June 23rd.
£ I will pick up my son/daughter at NHRHS at approximately 5:00 AM on June 23rd.
We have both read and understand the Project Graduation Guidelines and agree to abide by and respect them. Failure to do so will result in my son/daughter being asked to leave, and my having to pick up him/her at any point during the evening.
Parent/Guardian______Date: ______
NHRHS Project Graduation 2011 Guidelines
The following guidelines have been set to insure that Project Graduation 2011 will be a safe, fun-filled, and memorable evening for all to enjoy:
1. No alcohol or drugs will be allowed on this trip. Be advised that we check all bags before they are brought onto the bus. Any graduate possessing, using, or showing the effects of any alcohol or drug substance will be removed from the event and parents/ guardians will be called to pick him/her up at the Project Graduation location.
2. Graduates should leave all money at home. There is no charge for anything all night long. Any valuable jewelry should be given to a parent/guardian for safekeeping.
3. The only cars that may be left in the school parking lot overnight are those belonging to the graduates whose parents/guardians have signed the permission slips allowing them to drive home at approximately 5:00 AM on June 23rd•
4. We, as graduate parents/guardians do hereby agree to indemnify, protect, and hold harmless NHRHS, its Board of Education, and its agents, servants, employees, and all private persons or organizations volunteering services without charge to chaperone graduates while participating in Project Graduation 2011 from any claim or liability whatsoever, including, but not limited to personal injury, property damage, court costs, attorney fees, damages, interest, however caused, as a result of the graduate participating in Project Graduation 2011.
5. The graduate/parents/guardians of the graduate agree herewith that in the event that a parent/guardian cannot be contacted in case of a medical emergency, the undersigned hereby grants full power of authority to the NHRHS Board of Education and its agents, servants, employees, volunteers and chaperones for Project Graduation 2011, in the event of accident or illness of the undersigned graduate at any time from the commencement to the termination of Project Graduation 2011, to do so as follows:
· Arrange for the transportation of the graduate to a facility for emergency medical treatment and to sign such releases as may be required in order to obtain immediate medical or surgical treatment at the recommendation of the medical authorities at said facility.