Français 2Nom ______
Les Gaspillage Alimentaire: Leçon #1
Interprétation –La Lecture
Partenaire A: (
A. Key Word Recognition. Find the French words/phrases that best express the meanings of the following English words/phrases.
1. food waste ______
2. vegetables ______
3. products______
4. food______
5. rejected ______
6. house______
7. garbage can______
8. thrown away______
B. What is the main idea of this infographic? Answer in English.
C. Supporting Details.
1. Check each detail that is mentioned in the article (not all are included).
2. Fill in the information that is given for each detail you have checked. Write in English.
___ The amount of food that is wasted every year ______
___ The proportion of food that is wasted ______
___ The countries that waste the most food ______
___ The resources that are used in vain when food is wasted ______
____ A reason why grocery stores throw away food ______
____ The reasons why consumers throw away food ______
___ The percentage of wasted food that is made up of leftovers ______
___ The percentage of wasted food that is made up of fruits and vegetables ______
___ The percentage of wasted food that is made up of expired dairy products ______
___ The percentage of household wasted food that is made up of bread ______
___ The amount of food that is thrown away by the average household each year ______
D. Guessing Meaning from Context. Find the underlined words/phrases and write what you think they mean in English. The information in parentheses tells you where you will find the world.
1. 1, 3 milliard de tonnes(First section) ______
2. sont jetées ou perdues chaque année dans le monde(First section) ______
3. les étapes du gaspillage(Section: Du champs à la poubelle)______
4.le champ (Section: Du champs à la poubelle)______
5. l’usine (Section: Du champs à la poubelle)______
6. la cantine (Section: Du champs à la poubelle)______
E. Inference. Answer the following question(s) in English, giving us much information from the article as possible to support your response.
1. What can consumers do to reduce food waste? ______
2. Why is it important not to waste food? ______
F. Author’s Perspective. Check the perspective or point of view you think the author adopted as s/he wrote this article and justify your answer with information from the text.
___ 1. People can save money by wasting less food.
___ 2. Wasted food is a global problem.
___ 3. Most food waste is caused by a lack of planning.
Justification from text: ______
G. Comparing Cultural Perspectives. Answer the following questions in English.
1. Have you seen any ads on TV or in magazines about food waste? ______
2. If so, how were they the same or different than this one? ______
3. If not, explain why you don’t think there’s as much of a campaign about wasted food in the U.S.? ______
Français 2Nom ______
Les Gaspillage Alimentaire– Leçon #1
Partner B:
Interprétation – La Lecture
A. Key Word Recognition. Find the French words/phrases that best express the meanings of the following English words/phrases.
1. food ______
2. vegetables ______
3. eggs ______
4. meat ______
5. North America ______
6. Southeast Asia ______
7. bad planning ______
8. so much food ______
B. What is the main idea of this infographic? Answer in English.
C. Supporting Details.
1. Check each detail that is mentioned in the article (not all are included).
2. Fill in the information that is given for each detail you have checked. Write in English.
___ The amount of food that is wasted each year worldwide ______
___ The proportion of food that is wasted worldwide______
___ The amount of money that farmers lose because of waste______
___ The amount of carbon dioxide that is produced by wasted food______
___ The amount of water that is wasted______
___ The proportion of wasted food that comes from vegetables and grains.______
___ The proportion of wasted food that comes from eggs, milk and nuts______
___ The proportion of wasted food that comes from prepared food ______
___ The proportion of wasted food that comes from fish ______
___ The percentage of total food waste that is lost after the food leaves the farm ______
___ The percentage of lost food that comes from food that is thrown away by the consumer in North America. ______
___ The percentage of lost food that comes from food that is thrown away by the consumer in South or Southeast Asia. ______
___ The reasons that people in underdeveloped countries waste food. ______
___ The reasons that people in developed countries waste food. ______
D. Guessing Meaning from Context. Find the underlined words/phrases and write what you think they mean in English.
1. Quels aliments sont les plus gâchés? ______
2. 54% en moyenne des pertes ______
3. Mais le gaspillage n’est pas égal dans toutes les régions du monde. ______
4. Ne gaspillez plus! ______
E. Inference. Answer the following question(s) in English, giving us much information from the article as possible to support your response.
1. Name two ways that you/your parents could reduce food waste in your house.
a. ______
b. ______
F. Author’s Perspective. Check the perspective or point of view you think the author adopted as s/he wrote this article and justify your answer with information from the text.
___ Farmers should improve their agricultural practices so that there is less waste.
___ People in developed countries can make changes to reduce food waste.
___ If people in developed countries made household changes there would be more food for people in developing countries.
Justification from text: ______
G. Comparing Cultural Perspectives. Answer the following questions in English.
1. Does your family throw away much food? ______
2. Why or why not? ______
Français 2Nom ______
Les Gaspillage Alimentaire– Leçon #1
Activité Interpersonnelle
You and your partner have each done some research for a report on food waste in the world. You need to compile the results of your research so that you have enough information for your report.
1. Fill in the information that you have.
2. Ask your partner questions in French so that you can fill in the missing information.
3. Here are some questions that will help you:
- Combien de…. est-ce que …?(How much/many… do…)
- Quelle proportion de… (What proportion…)
- Quel pourcentage de … (What percentage of …)
4. If you have any questions or comments about the information you have compiled, write yourself a note in the last column.
Fact / Answer / Questions/CommentsThe amount of food that is wasted each year
The proportion of food that is wasted
The amount of money that farmers lose because of waste
The amount of food that each family throws away
The proportion of people who are suffering from malnutrition
The percentage of wasted food that come from leftovers
The percentage of wasted food that comes from fruits and vegetables
The percentage of wasted food that comes from cereals
The percentage of wasted food that comes from meat
The percentage of wasted food that comes from fish
The percentage of wasted food that comes from bread
The percentage of wasted food that comes from dairy products
The percentage of wasted food that comes from unopened packages
Présentation- Ecrite
Your mom, who’s away on business, has just sent you a PM asking what you learned today in French class. Fortunately, she knows French. Reply to her message, summarizing what you learned about food waste. Write at least 75 words.
Presentation – Orale
Be prepared to present a summary of what you learned about food waste today.
Interprétation – Comprehension Orale
Listen to the video and complete the following.(
A. Key Words. Write down some French words you heard that helped you understand this video.
B.Main Idea. What is the goal of the creator of this video? Write in English. ______
C. Supporting Details.
1. Check each detail that is mentioned in the article (not all are included).
2. Fill in the information that is given for each detail you have checked. Write in English.
___ The woman’s name ______
___ The woman’s age ______
___ The date of her crime ______
___ Her crime ______
___ The weight of the food she left on her plate ______
___ The length of her sentence ______
___ The amount of her fine ______
___ The amount of food that is wasted each year ______
___ The number of people who die of hunger each year ______
Français 2Nom ______
Les Gaspillage Alimentaire: Leçon #2
Interprétation – La Lecture
A. Key Word Recognition. Find the French words/phrases that best express the meanings of the following English words/phrases.
1. to buy ______
2. meals ______
3. fresh/cool ______
4. label ______
5. to organize ______
6. to clean ______
7. food ______
8. leftovers ______
9. cafeteria ______
10. to throw away ______
B. What is the main idea of this article? Answer in English.
C. Supporting Details.
1. Check each detail that is mentioned in the article (not all are included).
2. Fill in the information that is given for each detail you have checked. Write in English.
___ A way to make sure that food doesn’t get thrown away by the grocery store ______
___ A way to avoid having buying food that won’t be eaten ______
___ A way to keep cold food from starting to spoil before you get it home from the store ______
___ A way to keep food from spoiling during a cookout______
___ A way to know whether a food is actually unsafe to eat______
___ A way to make sure leftovers get eaten before they go bad______
___ A way to keep food from spoiling if you can’t eat it right away______
___ A way to avoid wasting food at home or when you’re out to eat______
___ A way to avoid wasting food when you’re having a dinner party______
___ What you should do at the end of a meal______
___ A way to avoid throwing away fruits, vegetables and leftovers______
E. Guessing Meaning from Context. Find the underlined words/phrases and write what you think they mean in English.
1. Congeler pour mieux conserver ses aliments ______
2. ne pas avoir les yeux plus gros que le ventre ______
3. ne jeter que les aliments ou les restes qui ne peuvent pas être conservés ______
Activité Interpersonnelle
1. Ask your partner whether s/he (or his/her family) does each of the following food-wasting things and write O (oui) or N (non) in the second column.
2. Then find out why or why not and take notes (in French) in the third column.
3. Here are some sentence starters that might help you with your reasons:
- J’aime/Je n’aime pas…
- Nous aimons/n’aimons pas…
- Je mange/ne mange pas…
- Je n’ai pas/Nous n’avons pas (le temps, l’argent, etc.)
- Il y a/Il n’y a pas de…
O/N / Pourquoi/Pourquoi pas?
1. Ta famille achète des fruits et des légumes directement d’une ferme?
2. Vous mangez beaucoup de plats préparés?
3. Ta famille achète des fruits et des légumes mochesau supermarché?
4. Tu manges tout le repas quand tu dines dans unrestaurant?
- Si non, tu gardes tes restes?
5. Tu jettes tes restesaprès un repas à la maison?
6. Tu jettes tes restes à la cantine?
7. Tes parents jettent beaucoup de fruits et de légumes?
8. Tes parents planifient vos repas (avant d’aller au supermarché)?
9. Ils achètent les produits frais en dernier?
10. Vous mangezdes produits après leur Date Limite de Consommation?
11. Vous rangez logiquement les aliments dans le réfrigérateur?
12. Vous nettoyez souvent le réfrigérateur?
13. Tu apportes des restes à l’école pour ton déjeuner?
14. Vous partagez des fruits et des légumes avec les amis ou les voisins?
Présentation – Ecrite
Based on what you learned about your partner’s habits, write him/her a note with at least 8 suggestions about what s/he should do so that his/her family wastes less food. Make sure to include a reason for each suggestion.
These phrases will help you write suggestions:
- Tu devrais – you should
- Vous devriez – you should
- Ta famille devrait – your family should
- Tes parents devraient – your parents should
These words and phrases will help you connect your reasons to your suggestions:
- parce que – because
- puisque – since
- donc/alors – so
- si – if
- Comme ça (that way)
Tu devrais aider tes parents à planifier les repas. Comme ca, vous n’allez pas avoir tant de restes.
Présentation – Orale
Be prepared to present what you learned about your partner and his/her family in terms of food waste.
Interprétation – Comprehension Orale
A. Key Words. Write down some French words you heard that helped you understand this video.
B. Main Idea. What is this video about? Write in English.
C. Supporting Details. Check each detail that is mentioned in the video. Then fill in the information that you hear for each detail.
___ The amount of food that each French person wastes per year ______
___ The amount of wasted food that is unopened ______
___ The amount of wasted food that comes from leftovers ______
___ The total amount of extra garbage that comes from wasted food ______
___ The amount of money that each French household spends on wasted food ______
___ A step you can take to reduce waste before you go to the store ______
___ A reason you should be careful about some sale products ______
___ A step you can take to reduce waste when you get home from the store ______
___ What you should do if you have leftover vegetables ______
___ The types of food you should compost ______
___ The reasons you should drink tap water ______
Français 2Nom ______
Les Gaspillage Alimentaire: Leçon #3
Interprétation – Partenaire A
A. Key Word Recognition. Find the French words/phrases that best express the meanings of the following English words/phrases.
1. a country ______
2. the field ______
3. the most food ______
4. the plate ______
5. the waste ______
6. our kitchens ______
7. a grain of salt ______
8. leftovers ______
B. What is the main idea of this article? Answer in English.
C. Supporting Details.
1. Check each detail that is mentioned in the infographic (not all are included).
2. Fill in the information that is given for each detail you have checked. Write in English.
___ The percentage of food that is wasted by the consumer
___ The percentage of food that is wasted during transportation
___ The amount of fruits and vegetables that are thrown away by Canadian families each year
___ The amount of boneless red meat that is throw away by Canadian families each year
___ The amount of bread that is thrown away by Canadian families each year
___ The percentage of a Canadian family’s budget that is spent on food
___ What happens to food that isn’t good-looking
___ A food that you can eat, even after it’s expiration date
___ A food that you shouldn’t eat after it’s expiration date
___ The reasons why Canadians end up throwing away so much food
D. Guessing Meaning from Context. Find the underlined words/phrases and write what you think they mean in English. The information in parenthesis tells you which paragraph the word appears in.
1. Pourquoi autant de gaspillage? ______
2. Certains groupes luttent contre le gaspillage ______
E. Inference. Answer the following question(s) in English, giving us much information from the article as possible to support your response.
1. Name 3 things a Canadian do after reading this infographic.
F. Author’s Perspective. Check the perspective or point of view you think the author adopted as s/he wrote this article and justify your answer with information from the text.
___ Canadians waste so much food because of its agricultural practices
___ Canadians can’t afford to waste so much food
___ Canadians don’t value their food as much because it’s relatively inexpensive
Justification from text: ______
G. Comparing Cultural Perspectives. Answer the following questions in English.
1. Do you think Americans waste more or less food than Canadians? Why do you think so?
Français 2Nom ______
Les Gaspillage Alimentaire: Leçon #3
Interprétation – Partenaire B
A. Key Word Recognition. Find the French words/phrases that best express the meanings of the following English words/phrases.
1. on average______
2. unopened______
3. food waste______
4. each year______
5. trash can______
6. freezer______
7. average cost______
8. annual waste ______
B. What is the main idea of this infographic? Answer in English.
C. Supporting Details.
1. Check each detail that is mentioned in the article (not all are included).
2. Fill in the information that is given for each detail you have checked. Write in English.
___ The amount of food that the average French person wastes each year
___ The amount of unopened food that is wasted by each person in France
___ The percentage of wasted food that is caused by the consumer
___ The percentage of wasted food that is due to storage
___ The percentage of wasted food that is wasted during transportation
___ The percentage of wasted food that comes from restaurants
___ The amount of water which is used to grow food that will never be eat
___ The amount of money that farmers lose due to wasted food
___ The total amount of food that is produced each year
___ The percentage of food that ends up in the trash
___ The amount of energy that can be saved by defrosting your freezer regularly
___ The amount of money spent the average French family spends on wasted food
___ The amount of food that is wasted in France each year
D. Guessing Meaning from Context. Find the underlined words/phrases and write what you think they mean in English.
1.…utilisées pour faire pousser des produits… ______
2.C’est l’énergie consommé en moins grâce à un congélateur dégivré régulièrement. ______
E. Inference. Answer the following question(s) in English, giving us much information from the article as possible to support your response.
1. Name 3 things a French person might do after reading this infographic.
F. Author’s Perspective. Check the perspective or point of view you think the author adopted as s/he wrote this article and justify your answer with information from the text.
___ French people waste more food than the people in most developed countries
___ There are many things that French consumers can do to reduce waste
___ Waste happens during all stages of food production
Justification from text: ______
G. Comparing Cultural Perspectives. Answer the following questions in English.
1. Do you think Americans waste more or less food than French people. Why do you think so?