Next Week’s Worship – 12thJune 2016
Third Sunday after Trinity
8.00am: Holy Communionwith Revd Poppy Hughes
9.30am: Parish Eucharist with Revd Poppy Hughes
Readings: 2 Samuel 11.26-12.10,13-15; Galatians 2.15-21; Luke 7.36-8.3
This week’s Diary commencing 6th June2016
Monday: / Noon / Funeral of Irena Niadiotis at Tetbury ChurchTuesday: / 10.00am / Clergy and Reader team meet at the Vicarage
Wednesday: / 9.30am / Holy Communion at Tetbury Church
Thursday: / 4.00pm
8.00pm / Wedding rehearsal at Tetbury Church
Taize at Tetbury Church
Friday: / 2.00pm / Wedding of Alexander Johnson and Laura Hamlin at Tetbury Church
Parish Priest’s Day off: Monday
Prayer List (Please pray daily for the sick and departed)
Monday: Loretta, Jo, Immy, Harry and family
Tuesday: Karen, Reg, Pauline, Dee, Vera
Wednesday:Alan, Susie, Miles Clarke, Reg, Jim
Thursday:Louise Booth, David, Clarissa, Win
Friday:Pat, Breeda, Karen, Jon, Simon
Departed: Margaret Vera” Pearce, Eric Dodds, Irena Niadiotis, Christine Dodds
Years Mind: Jennifer “Jeffi” Openshaw (06/06)
(“Year’s Mind” is to mark the first anniversary of a death – often a difficult time for family and friends)
Praying for the Town Hampton Street and Cornwall Close
Praying for St Mary’s School Year 5/6 Class Ash with Claire Wheeler / Rachel Danton and Jackie Rudge
Second Sunday after Trinity 5th June 2016
Welcome to all visitors and those new to the Church. Please make yourselves known to us.We particularly welcome the family and friends of Jack Patrick Hennessey Francis and Sophie Linda Croome who are to be baptised this morning.Coffee will be served at the front after the service 9.30am. Join us if you can.
There is a loop system for the hard of hearing, and large print copies of the service and the hymn book are available from the sidesmen.
All are invited to come to the altar at the time of Communion. Members of other churches who would receive at their own church are welcome to do so here. If receiving communion is not appropriate, please come up to receive a blessing (it helps us if you bring a service book to indicate if you would prefer to receive a blessing). If you would like Communion brought to you please tell one of the sidesmen.
Worship Today
8.00am: Holy Communion with Revd Poppy Hughes
9.30am: Family Service with Holy Communion with Baptism with Revd Poppy Hughes
6.00pm:Friends of the Choir Evensong
Lord, you have taught us that all our doings without love are nothing worth: send your Holy Spirit and pour into our hearts that most excellent gift of love, the true bond of peace and of all virtues, without which whoever lives is counted dead before you. Grant this for your only Son Jesus Christ’s sake, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. . Amen
Parish Priest: Revd Poppy Hughes, The Vicarage, 6 The Green, Tetbury,GL8 8DN. Tel: 01666 502333 Day off: Monday
Curate: RevdKim Hartshorne email:
Revd Kim Harthorne will be ordained to the priesthood is at 3pm on the Saturday18th June at Gloucester Cathedral. All are welcome. There is no reserved seating, so get there early to get a good view.
Thank you to all those concerned who helped with the Tours up the Tower on Monday. 52 adults and 5 children climbed the 102 steps to the top helping to raise nearly £291.40for St Marys’
Christian Aid Thank you to everyone who has given, collected, sponsored or helped in any way in this year’s Christian Aid appeal. Eileen’s marathon run raised approximately £2,770 and Stuart’s Nailsworth to Tetbury walk another £1.000. Fantastic! The house to house collection is still being counted. If you have not yet handed in your bag or envelope to Perry Bishop’s please do so as soon as possible so that I can give you that total too. Thank you all once again. Any queries contact Alison.
The next OMF Prayer Group meeting will be on Monday 6th June at 46 Close Gardens from 2.30pm until 4.00pm. The speaker will be Heather Simmons from Thailand. All welcome
The next Taize Service will be in Tetbury Church on Thursday 9thJune at 8pm. All are welcome to this candlelight service of song and prayer.
The Avening fete will be on Sunday June 12thfrom 2pm and includes duck races, fun dog show, bouncy castle, raffle, tombola, cakes, the elegant sausage, children’s area, Bric-A-Brac, books, mini traction engibe rides and much more. There will beart & craft stallsin the church.
A volunteer is needed to distribute the praying the town leaflets in London Road and Combers End (12th June). Please contact the Parish Office to arrange.
Parish Administrator: Diana Sharp, All items for inclusion in the Sunday news-sheets should be sent by Thursday 8.30am at the latest. Please limit notices to 75 words. Tel: 500088; e-mail:
Parish Office: The Parish Office will be open 9.00am – 1pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday. web-site:
Treasurer: All financial enquiries e-mail:
Sunday 5th June 2016
Second Sunday after Trinity
Old Testament 1 Kings 17.8-16
The word of the LORD came to Elijah, saying, 9‘Go now to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and live there; for I have commanded a widow there to feed you.’ So he set out and went to Zarephath. When he came to the gate of the town, a widow was there gathering sticks; he called to her and said, ‘Bring me a little water in a vessel, so that I may drink.’ As she was going to bring it, he called to her and said, ‘Bring me a morsel of bread in your hand.’ But she said, ‘As the LORD your God lives, I have nothing baked, only a handful of meal in a jar, and a little oil in a jug; I am now gathering a couple of sticks, so that I may go home and prepare it for myself and my son, that we may eat it, and die.’ Elijah said to her, ‘Do not be afraid; go and do as you have said; but first make me a little cake of it and bring it to me, and afterwards make something for yourself and your son. For thus says the LORD the God of Israel: The jar of meal will not be emptied and the jug of oil will not fail until the day that the LORD sends rain on the earth.’ She went and did as Elijah said, so that she as well as he and her household ate for many days. The jar of meal was not emptied, neither did the jug of oil fail, according to the word of the LORD that he spoke by Elijah.
New Testament Galatians 1.11-24
I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel that was proclaimed by me is not of human origin; for I did not receive it from a human source, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ.
You have heard, no doubt, of my earlier life in Judaism. I was violently persecuting the church of God and was trying to destroy it. I advanced in Judaism beyond many among my people of the same age, for I was far more zealous for the traditions of my ancestors. But when God, who had set me apart before I was born and called me through his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son to me, so that I might proclaim him among the Gentiles, I did not confer with any human being, nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were already apostles before me, but I went away at once into Arabia, and afterwards I returned to Damascus.
Then after three years I did go up to Jerusalem to visit Cephas and stayed with him for fifteen days; but I did not see any other apostle except James the Lord’s brother. In what I am writing to you, before God, I do not lie! Then I went into the regions of Syria and Cilicia, and I was still unknown by sight to the churches of Judea that are in Christ; they only heard it said, ‘The one who formerly was persecuting us is now proclaiming the faith he once tried to destroy.’ And they glorified God because of me.
Gospel Luke 7.11-17
Jesus went to a town called Nain, and his disciples and a large crowd went with him. As he approached the gate of the town, a man who had died was being carried out. He was his mother’s only son, and she was a widow; and with her was a large crowd from the town. When the Lord saw her, he had compassion for her and said to her, ‘Do not weep.’ Then he came forward and touched the bier, and the bearers stood still. And he said, ‘Young man, I say to you, rise!’ The dead man sat up and began to speak, and Jesus gave him to his mother. Fear seized all of them; and they glorified God, saying, ‘A great prophet has risen among us!’ and ‘God has looked favourably on his people!’ This word about him spread throughout Judea and all the surrounding country.