

Reviewed: July 2016

Next Review date: July 2018 or earlier if required


Policy version control sheet
Document Status / Current
Policy Number
Version Number
Date of Policy / July 2016
Next review date / July 2018(This policy is reviewed every two years or earlier if required)
Name of originator
Approved by
Date of approval
Target Audience / Staff
Referring authorities
Parents and carers
Regulatory bodies
Links to other policies / Assessment Recording & Recording Policy;
Assessment Framework Appendix
See all Education Policies
Changes to previous version
Next Review July 2018 (This policy is reviewed every two years or earlier if required)
Intranet / Website / Email to managers
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Reviewed: July 2016

Next Review date: July 2018 or earlier if required



1.1To provide pupils and staff at 3 Dimensions School with guidance when they are not satisfied with the following areas related to Assessments and Exams:

  • Appeals against results – when a centre is still dissatisfied with an examination result or results following the enquiries about results process.
  • Appeals against malpractice decisions – following a decision to apply a penalty because of malpractice in an examination/assessment.
  • Appeals against decisions made in respect of access arrangements and special consideration.
  • Errors on the exam paper.
  • Internal assessments.


2.1Please note that appeals are not accepted by the awarding body from internal candidates and/or their parents or carers. Enquiries and appeals must be made by the Exams Centre. In the event that a candidate or their supporters disagree with the grade given they are to apply to the head of centre. The Head of Centre shall consider this application and their decision is final.

Exam appeals procedure:

  1. Enquire with your Exam Centre (3 Dimensions School) via the Subject Teacher by 6th September, in writing.
  2. The teacher shall raise this appeal to the School Supervisor to decide whether to support the enquiry. They shall reply with their decision in writing within 7 days. They may include details about the JCQ Procedures for Appeal.
  3. If the Centre does not support the enquiry, an explanatory letter with the final decision, will be given in writing by the subject teacher within 7 days. Once this decision is made it is Final.
  4. If the Centre agrees to support the enquiry then the Centre are to follow the procedures outlined below:
  • The first step to take is to make an enquiry about results. Full details of enquiries about results services are given in the JCQ publication Post-Results Services – Information and guidance to centres -
  • If doubts remain about the accuracy of the results, following the enquiry about results process, the head of centre should refer initially to the regulator’s Code of Practice and the JCQ publication Post Results Services – Information and guidance to centres. If after consulting these documents, the centre is convinced that the awarding body has not followed due procedures, it is possible to submit an appeal in line with the awarding bodies procedures.
  • If an appeal is accepted, an investigation into the candidates’ or centre’s results, and the awarding body’s procedures will follow. An appeal investigation does not generally involve a further review of candidates’ work.

2.2Appeals must be made within two calendar weeks of receiving the outcome of the enquiry about results. This time scale is determined by the regulators and does not make allowance for the time the centre may be closed for holidays. There may be fees charged if the grade is maintained by the awarding body.

Appeals against Internal Assessments Procedures:

2.3Enquire with your Exam Centre (3 Dimensions School) via the Subject Teacher, in writing, the head of centre shall consider the enquiry and provide a decision based on the information provided. The appeals procedure is to allow the candidate to request an appeal to have an opportunity to have a personal hearing if they are not happy with the written response they have received. The teacher(s) and candidate should have the opportunity to hear each other’s submission to the panel at the hearing.

  • Appeals will be considered by at least three people, at least one of whom has not been involved in the internal assessment decision – Class teacher, School Supervisor plus one other.
  • Two weeks’ notice is to be given, by the centre, of the hearing date and all parties are to have access to relevant information and paperwork.
  • The candidate can be supported in the presentation of their case by a parent / guardian / friend.
  • A written record of all appeals will be maintained by 3 Dimensions School.
  • The written record should include the outcome of an appeal and include reasons for that outcome. A copy should be sent to the candidate.
  • 3 Dimensions School will inform the Awarding Body of any outcome from an appeal which has implications for the conduct of the examination or the issue of results at the centre.
  • Full details of any appeal will be made available to the Awarding Body on request.

3If you think there is an error in the paper

3.1Errors on papers are very rare. However, if you think there is an error that will impact on how the question is answered, you should follow the advice below.

Advice to centres

The exam should continue and not be stopped and the Exams Officer should contact the relevant awarding body immediately. Awarding bodies’ key priority will be to ensure all students taking the paper are treated fairly and that no-one is disadvantaged or advantaged.

Advice to students

You should raise your hand and inform an invigilator. As with all exams, the advice is not to spend a disproportionate amount of time on a question. Continue with the paper and, if you have time, return to a question you have been unable to answer. Listen carefully to any instructions given by an invigilator.

Use of Special Consideration: If an error is confirmed, teachers are urged to apply for Special Consideration for anyone who was affected in this way. Special Consideration is a tried and tested system, well known to schools and colleges, for dealing with a wide variety of events that can impact candidates’ performance.

4Guidance and Contact details, deadlines for 3 Dimensions staff to follow

4.1Please see the following:

  • The JCQ’s “A guide to the awarding bodies’ appeals process”.
  • The JCQ’s “Post-Results Services”.
  • The JCQ’s “Examinations advice to centres and students”.
  • The JCQ’s “Arrangements for internal appeals about internal assessment decisions and enquiries about results”.


Reviewed: July 2016

Next Review date: July 2018 or earlier if required



Reviewed: July 2016

Next Review date: July 2018 or earlier if required