2nd Continuation Meeting—

Next meeting will be April 5th at 6:30

Thank you to all parents that attended our 2nd continuation meeting, we had a few new faces. To start the meeting off, we revisited the jobs of each committee and how they contribute to the overall continuation event.

The committee discussed the need for one additional Committee Chair: The 4th grade Coordinator. The coordinator would make contact with the 4th grade teachers and coordinate the 4th grade students and parents to volunteer for both nights of continuation. These volunteers would hand out programs for the continuation ceremony, serve and clean up for the reception. Next meeting- Discuss if we want to ask 4th graders to volunteer dessert foods to compliment what we do for the receptions?

We then talked about the theme of continuation. Last meeting, it was suggested that we consider letting the students in 5th and 6th grade choose from 3 different theme ideas. After further discussion regarding this idea it was decided that it would be easiest if the committee picked the theme. We had several wonderful ideas: Safari, Cruise into your future, Oscars, Hollywood, Peaceful World, Picture your future, Movie night, Oh the places you’ll go, Passport, ect… we found ways that many of these themes could work together. In the end we all decided the Theme for Continuation this year would be:

“Picture your future”

The committee talked about several ways to incorporate different decorations, gifts, program ideas. We split up into committees to talk briefly. Hopefully, we can continue to brainstorm ideas and thoughts. I would like to send out a list of committee members and email address to the group. If you would not like me to send out your email address please let me know before Monday. Otherwise, I will send it out on Monday.

At our next meeting we will:

  • Break into committees for first 20 min.
  • Discuss and agree on a tentative budget for each committee.
  • Ideas for reducing budget/getting donations.

After our last meeting, we had a very generous donation made to the continuation committee for both 5th and 6th grade use. I want to thank this person for their donation; it will go a long way and help!

Remember our next meeting is on April 5th at 6:30—

Come with ideas….Everyone is welcome