FEBRUARY 28, 2017 AT 7:00PM
The regular monthly meeting of the Newville Borough Council was held on Tuesday, February 28, 2017 at 7:00PM in the Newville Borough Office, 4 West Street, Newville, Pennsylvania. The meeting was called to order at 7:00PM by Council President Clarence Fry. The invocation was offered by Vice President Edward Sinkovitz, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. On roll call, the following members were present: Becky Barrick, Joey Diehl, Glenn Harry, Dale Jumper, Edward Sinkovitz and Clarence Fry. Also present were: Borough Solicitor Marcus A. McKnight, III, Code Enforcement Officer Timothy Wolfe, Police Officer Wyatt Wagner, Friendship Hose Company President Troy Wiser, Robert and Cindy Kanc, Kristi Keebaugh, Bobbi Olson, Heidi Badda, Robert S. Over, Robert F. Over, Donald Bowers, Lucy Jansema.
Citizen Comments: Mr. Fry announced signs posted on Centerville Road announcing a bridge closure on March 9, 2017 were posted in error. The signs were intended for the bridge project on West Big Spring Avenue.
Robert F. Over thanked the Borough Council for cleaning the streets.
Tim Wolfe asked for an update on the investigation involving Chief Koser. Mr. McKnight stated the investigation was proceeding, and he was scheduled to meet with special counsel Richard Wagner. There was nothing further to report.
Lucy Jansema commented that she has not observed any problems when traveling on Main Street, now that the meters are out of service.
Minutes: The minutes of the January 31, 2017 regular monthly meeting and the February 7, 2017 Special Meeting were approved on a motion of Ms. Barrick, seconded by Mr. Harry. All were in favor. Motion was passed with six (6) affirmative and zero (0) negative votes.
Finances: A motion was made by Mr. Harry, seconded by Mr. Jumper to approve the payment of bills. All were in favor. Motion was passed with six (6) affirmative and zero (0) negative votes.
A motion was made by Mr. Sinkovitz, seconded by Mr. Jumper to approve the Treasurer’s report. All were in favor. Motion was passed with six (6) affirmative and zero (0) negative votes.
A motion was made by Mr. Harry, seconded by Mr. Jumper to pay one Highway Aid bill in the amount of $1,089.40 to Sherwin Williams for white, yellow and blue traffic line paint. All were in favor. Motion was passed with six (6) affirmative and zero (0) negative votes.
-Fire Chief: Mr. Wiser presented the fire report. There were 30 calls during the month of January. There were no major incidents. There report of Chief Stouffer was accepted as presented.
-Police Chief: The report of Chief Koser was accepted as presented.
-Mayor Toth: The report of Mayor Toth states that fine and other revenues collected by the police department in January totaled $1,334.55. The report of Mayor Toth was accepted as presented.
-Emergency Management Coordinator: Mr. Barrick reported he attended the Cumberland County Local Coordinator’s meeting on February 27, 2017. The Drought Watch for Cumberland County continues. Cumberland County 911 is scheduling informational sessions regarding the new county radio system. A radio vendor has not yet been selected. An enhancement to the 911 system will become operational on April 5, 2017. This will reduce the time required to receive and process a 911 call. Act 72 of 2016 provides taxes credits to fire and EMS volunteers.
Mr. Barrick provided a summary of the Act. The report of Mr. Barrick was accepted as presented.
-Chief Plants Operator: The report of Mr. Lehman was accepted as presented.
-Zoning Officer: The report of the Zoning Officer was accepted as presented. A motion was made by Mr. Harry, seconded by Mr. Jumper to approve a demolition permit for 3 T Investors, LLP, to demolish portions of the structure at 9 West Big Spring Avenue. All were in favor. Motion was passed with six (6) affirmative and zero (0) negative votes. The Planning Commission is scheduled to review a subdivision and land development plan of Charles Adams for several lots on Broad Street at the March 8, 2017 meeting scheduled for 7:00PM.
-Code Enforcement Officer: No report.
-Water and Sewer Field Operations: The report of Mr. Zeigler was accepted as presented.
-Street Superintendent: The report of Mr. Handshew was accepted as presented.
-WCCOG: No report.
-WEMA: Mr. Barrick reported that WEMA will sponsor the annual Health Quest blood screening program on April 8, 2017 at the firehouse, from 7:00AM to 9:30AM.
-Newville Beautification Commission: The next meeting will be held on April 1, 2017 at 7PM in the Borough Office.
Robert Kanc inquired as to the status of the Mayor. The Borough Manager responded that he is in regular contact with the Mayor. The Mayor receives the meeting agendas, and emails the manager regarding police matters. Mr. Toth has explained he is unable to attend the monthly meetings as he is scheduled to work on Tuesday evenings.
Legal Matters: Mr. McKnight has finalized the Trail Structure Agreement for the placement of the pedestrian bridge on W. Big Spring Avenue, and has forwarded a copy to Hubert Gilroy, Esquire to review for the CVRTC. A motion was made by Ms. Barrick, seconded by Mr. Harry to approve the Trail Structure Agreement. All were in favor. Motion was passed with six (6) affirmative and zero (0) negative votes. Mr. McKnight informed Council that the background checks for the police department applicants are nowcomplete, and would be referred to the Personnel Committee.
Borough Solicitor’s Report: Registered surveyor John Bixler presented a proposal to survey the Zion Church lot, in order to finalize the easement to widen Irvine Street. The cost to provide the work will be $1,800. A motion was made by Ms. Barrick, seconded by Mrs. Diehl to accept the proposal. All were in favor. Motion was passed with six (6) affirmative and zero (0) negative votes.
A motion was made by Mrs. Diehl, seconded by Mr. Jumper to request that Mr. Bixler also plot the location of the speed timing lines on North High Street, and prepare a plan for the police department. All were in favor. Motion was passed with six (6) affirmative and zero (0) negative votes.
Committee Reports:
-Finance: Mr. Fry reported that the EIT for February totaled $8,539.55; LST totaled $274.00. Real estate taxes will be mailed to residents on March 1, 2017. A motion was made by Ms. Barrick, seconded by Mr. Harry to authorize Pemcor Printing to prepare the 2017 Occupational Assessment Taxes at a cost of $550.00. All were in favor. Motion was passed with six (6) affirmative and zero (0) negative votes. A motion was made by Ms. Barrick, seconded by Mrs. Diehl to authorize the Borough Manager to file an application with the Cumberland County Conservation District for a $25,000 Dirt and Gravel Roads Grant to fund drainage improvements. All were in favor. Motion was passed with six (6) affirmative and zero (0) negative votes. A motion was made by Mr. Sinkovitz, seconded by Ms. Barrick to sell the 1985 GMC Dump Truck on Municibid, as is, with a disclosure of the transmission problems, with no set reserve bid. All were in favor. Motion was passed with six (6) affirmative and zero (0) negative votes.
-Community and Economic Development: Ms. Barrick reported the committee is finalizing a schedule for the summer concert series. Concerts at the park will begin in May, and will conclude in October. Plans are being finalized for the Community Empowerment Series. This will include a series of one evening seminars focusing on home ownership, owner rehabilitation, home accessibility for the elderly and disabled, and a small business start-up and retention seminar. The committee meetings will now be held on the second Thursday of each month at 5:00PM in the Borough Office.
-Personnel Committee: There was no report.
-Public Safety Committee: Mrs. Diehl reported that her committee continues to work to establish additional off-street parking on Irvine Street, to benefit the residents of North High Street.
-Recreation Committee: Mr. Sinkovitz reported that for two years in a row, the Zion Lutheran Church has contributed $300 each year toward the replacement of the word carpet material at the playground. Mr. Sinkovitz presented a proposal from George Ely and Associates to furnish 100 c.y. of wood carpet at a cost of $2,100. A motion was made by Mr. Jumper, seconded by Mr. Harry to accept the proposal of George Ely and Associates to provide wood carpet for the playground at a cost of $2,100, delivered to the park. All were in favor. Motion was passed with six (6) affirmative and zero (0) negative votes. Mr. Sinkovitz thanked the Big Spring School District for donating used chainlink fence to the community park, and to the Diller Mennonite Church Softball league for their help installing the new fence. Mr. Sinkovitz requested a letter of appreciation be forwarded to the school district. Picnic tables for the park and trailhead were repainted.
-Public Works Committee: Mr. Jumper reported that street sweeping on February 22nd and 23rd focused on cleaning anti-skid from the state roads. PennDOT has requested a tree limb be removed from a tree in front of 73 South High Street.
Mr. Fry acknowledged a letter from the North Newton Township Board of Supervisors supporting alternate truck routes around the borough, given the turn restrictions in place at Main Street and High Street. Mr. Fry commented that the support of the North Newton Township Supervisors will be helpful as the truck study moves forward.
Committee Recommendations:
A motion was made by Mr. Harry, seconded by Mr. Jumper to authorize advertising for a part time community and economic development coordinator to work 10-15 hours per week. All were in favor. Motion was passed with six (6) affirmative and zero (0) negative votes.
Old Business: None.
New Business: A motion was made by Mr. Harry, seconded by Mrs. Diehl to authorize the Borough Manager to prepare specifications and advertise bids for seal coating and resurfacing of streets and alleys. All were in favor. Motion was passed with six (6) affirmative and zero (0) negative votes.
· A letter was received from Teamsters Local No. 776 advising that Officer Wyatt Wagner was appointed to serve as the Union Steward for the Newville Police Dept.
· A motion was made by Mr. Harry, seconded by Mr. Jumper to approve a request from the South Newton Township Board of Supervisors to authorize the Friendship Hose Company Fire Police to provide assistance to South Newton Township at four (4) upcoming community events. All were in favor. Motion was passed with six (6) affirmative and zero (0) negative votes.
Citizen Comments: Steve Wiser commented the problem with truck traffic through
Newville is due in large measure to the GPS devices that the various trucking companies use to navigate their vehicles. He commented that there has been increased truck traffic on West Street.
Dawn Helman, 20 North High Street informed council of problems that she has experienced with open burning from a neighbor’s fire pit. The problem has resulted in several responses from the fire company and the police department. Officer Wagner suggested that the open burning ordinance be amended to allow for better enforcement. Council informed Ms. Helman that they will look into amending the existing open burning ordinance.
Borough Manager’s Report: A motion was made by Ms. Barrick, seconded by Mrs. Diehl to authorize the Borough Manager to order the play structure equipment for the Trailhead Park from George Ely and Associates, and to authorize Mr. Ely to prepare the foundations for the play equipment. All were in favor. Motion was passed with six (6) affirmative and zero (0) negative votes. The Borough Manager’s report was accepted as presented.
Council President’s Remarks: Mr. Fry had no comments.
Adjournment: With no further business to come before the Newville Borough Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00PM on a motion of Ms. Barrick, seconded by Mr. Harry. All were in favor. Motion was passed with six (6) affirmative and zero (0) negative votes.
The next meeting of the Newville Borough Council will be held on March 28, 2017 at 7:00PM in the Borough Office.
Fred A. Potzer, Borough Manager/Secretary
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