Present: Cllr D Buchanan (Chairman), Cllr A Parker, Cllr Mrs Shorthouse, Cllr Mrs A Topliss, Cllr G Plowman, Cllr Mrs S Ellis, Cllr Mrs D Smith

In attendance: Cllr M Ford (to 8.43pm), Cllr J Bladen (to 8.43pm), Cllr Mrs Wheeler

Mrs J Storer (Clerk), 2 residents, Mr I Hey (SDDC)


1.  Presentation by Mr I Hey on grant funding options

Cllr Parker reiterated that matters relating to the Recreational Field are still at the research stage and that consultations will be taking place prior to any decision being made.

Mr Hey explained how the Overseal project was achieved and that there is a need to have a clear understanding of the users needs and requirements in order to comply with any grant funding regulation.

Mr Hey stated that it is preferable that the land is owned or that a long lease is held and that this needs to be clarified first.

An invitation was given for any interested person to attend a Funding Fair on 22nd October at Sharpe’s Pottery.

2.  Matters raised by the public.

None were raised

3.  County Councillor, District Councillor and Police Matters.

None raised

4.  Members to talk on declared prejudicial interests

None were raised


08/86 Apologies for Absence: no apologies were received

08/87 Variation of Order of Business: No variation was required.

08/88 Declaration of Members Interest: No declarations were received

08/89 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held 12.09.08 were read, approved and signed by the Chairman

08/90 To determine which items if any should be taken with the public excluded. No items were deemed necessary to be taken with the public excluded.

08/91 Matters arising.

Condition of roads within the Parish

A site has now been identified near to the Newton Park entrance for the siting of the


safety camera.

A meeting is to be arranged with Mr P Leigh (DCC) in order to address all matters and to advise how the systems will progress. The report of the Committee will be placed on the website. The 20 mph school zone should be in place before the end of the current financial year.

07/175 a) Pruned Willow Tree

The branch has now been removed.

07/175 f) Arching tree

The promised work by DDC is still awaited. Cllr Ford will pursue this matter.

08/78 To receive an update as to the suitability of a site for Affordable Housing

There was nothing further to report.

07/60 iv) Obscured Sign

The hedge has been cut and the repositioning of the sign will be raised at the meeting with Mr P Leigh.

08/74iii) Tree planting

It was agreed that there is a need to ensure that the verge is maintained properly before any trees are planted. Part of the grass verge has been damaged by vehicles which have in effect generated another layby, which is being used as such.

RESOLVED: Cllr Parker will liaise with Mr Winter as to the species and size of tree required. Cllr Bladen will pursue the matter of the verge maintenance.

08/79 Play area fencing

This has been repaired.

08/92 Clerk’s report.

No further report was provided

08/ 93 Chairman’s report.

No report was provided

08/94 To receive reports from parish councillors

Meetings attended

i.  Village Hall meeting

RESOLVED: to accept Cllr Mrs Topliss report of the meeting held 7.10.08

ii.  SDDC Liaison meeting – 24.09.08

It was reported that the District Council is still examining a system for the concurrent function refund

Future meetings

i)  Area Forum – 11/11/08 @7pm at Hartshorne

ii)  Remembrance Day – either the Chairman or the Vice Chairman will attend

iii)  Environmental Forum – 4/11/08 @ 7pm at Repton – Cllr Mrs Ellis will attend

iv)  Joint Highways Forum – 11/12/08 @ 10am at the District Council offices – Cllr Mrs Ellis will attend.


08/95 To consider and draft a response to the changes to the East Midlands Regional Plan

RESOLVED: no response will be given.

08/96 To consider the Village Project

No report was available.

08/97 To discuss improvements to the Recreational Field facilities

RESOLVED: to investigate the land ownership with the Charity Commission and then progress can be made towards the consultation process. In the meantime, Cllr Parker will undertake further investigation into the connection of the utilities.

8.43 pm Cllr Bladen and Cllr Ford left the meeting

08/98 Planning applications and decisions.

Planning Application

9 2008 0897 FH – the erectionof anextension at Poplars Farm, Repton Road


9 2008 0932 FH – The erection of an extension at Hillside, Bladon Paddocks, Newton Road


9 2008 0997 TP – The felling of a Corsican Pine Tree covered by SDDC TPO No 129 at Bladon House School, Newton Road, Newton Solney


Planning Decisions

9 2008 0732 CC – The demolition of section of wall at 22 Main Street, Newton Solney

GRANTED subject to conditions

9 2008 0694 TP – The pruning of a silver maple tree and a cherry tree together with the felling of a beech tree covered by SDDC TPO Number 176 at land at 1 and 19 Newton Park, Newton Solney


9 2008 0722 FH – The erection of an extension at Holly Wood Cottage, Newton Road, Newton Solney

GRANTED subject to conditions

08/99 Committees and Working Parties of the Parish Council

RESOLVED: The Bonfire Group will become a Parish Council Working Party. Cllr Parker will be a member of the Working Party and all the funds of the Working Party will come to the Parish Council. It was agreed that any surplus funds from the Bonfire Event will be used in the Parish, subject to the limitations of S137 funding.

08/100 Correspondence.

All correspondence was circulated.

1. SDDC – Thanks for broadband comments

2. SDDC – 2008 Summer play programme questionnaire


RESOLVED: the Clerk will complete the questionnaire giving a positive response.

3. DALC – Circulars

RESOLVED: a strong letter is to be sent to DALC regarding the excessive increase in the subscription.

4. SDDC – Joint meeting with Parish Councils

5. Communities and Local Government – The making and enforcement of Byelaws (Consultation) – deadline = 20/11/08

6. SDDC – Recommendations & Reports of Committees 02/10/08

08/101 Accounts.

a)  Accounts for Payment

The following accounts were passed for payment

s/o Mrs J Storer - Clerk’s fee for Oct £88.09

s/o Mrs J Storer - Clerk’s fee for Aug £88.09

s/o DCC – pension contributions for clerk & PC £24.01

s/o DCC – pension contributions for clerk & PC £24.01

0101 Audit Commission – Audit fee 07/08 £141.00

0102 HMRC – Clerk’s PAYE £74.55

0103 Mrs J Storer - Clerk’s expenses £40.27

Money received

None received

b)  To consider requested for funding under S137

No requested were received

c) To receive the report of the Audit Commission

The Annual Return for 2007/2008 has been returned and no areas of concern or comments have been made. All statutory notices relating to the audit have been displayed.

d) To receive the financial report to 30.09.08

RESOLVED: to accept the report as previously circulated.

08/102 Future agenda items

i)  Recreational Field Facilities and ownership

ii)  Membership and Terms of Bonfire Working Committee

08/103 Dates of the next meeting. The next Ordinary Parish Council meeting will be held on:

14th November, 12th December, 9th January, 13th February,13th March, 17th April, and 8th May (including Annual Meeting of the Parish).

All meetings are to commence at 7.45pm in the Village Hall, Newton Solney.

There being no further business, the Chairman thanked all for attending, and closed the meeting at 8.56pm.
