The Quakershaker

Every Week:

April, 2014

Newsletter of the Yellow Springs Meeting of the Society of Friends



10:40 am Group hymn singing “for joy”

11:00 am Meeting for Worship (childcare available, beginning at 11:15)

Noon Social time and snacks/potluck

THURSDAY: 2:00 pm Worship Sharing Group, Rockford

SATURDAY: 12-1 pm Peace Vigil, corner of Limestone and Xenia Ave.


QUAKER LUNCH at Emporium Wed April 2at 1pm: Come enjoy Quaker fellowship the first Wed of each month


April 6- First day school with Peg
April 13- Decorating Easter Eggs
April 20- The Parable of the Good Samaritan/Easter egg hunt at the rise of meeting.
April 27- The Parable of the Great Pearl


April 6 Terry Snider reflections on winter at Black Mesa Navajo Reservation, Arizona.
April 13 New Jim Crow book discussion participants share their thoughts on this provocative book. The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander lays out the damage done in the African American community by the “War on Drugs” launched by President Reagan and supported by every American President since 1980. The growth of prisons in America, mass incarceration of young black men, the militarization of local community law enforcement agencies and the damage done in the courts to our Bill of Rights are all reasons that Quakers need to know about this major issue.
April 20 Worship sharing, What does Easter Mean to you?
April 27 Singing

SOUP AND SIMPLE SUPPER at Alice Robrish's home, Wednesday April 16, 6:30pm. All are welcome!
The first in M & A simple supper series - come for Quaker fellowship. Sign up on social room bulletin board.

TREASURER’S REPORT: The good news: Year-to-date contributions are $23,585, leaving the Meeting still $3,670 short of the budgeted goal but ahead of last year-to-date by $3,835. Keep it up everyone! The bad news, spending is also up, general fund spending by $600 and building fund by $200.Overall the good news outweighs the bad as of this writing, March 27. - Carl Champney, treasurer

CONSIDER THE FGC GATHERING This summer (June 29-July 5) the Friends General Conference annual Gathering will take place near Pittsburgh, about four hours away. This year’s theme is “Let Love Be the First Motion. “ Check out the Web site for more details: http://www.fgcquaker.org/connect/gathering If you have never been to a Gathering talk to a member of Ministry and Advancement. There is some financial support possible if you apply early enough. Contact Alice Robrish for additional information.

Yellow Springs Friends Meeting

Minutes of the Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business

Yellow Springs Friends met at Rockford on Third Month 2, 2014

In attendance were: Dan Beverly, Carol Simmons, Tony Novello, Susan Hyde, Chris Ravndal, John Eastman, Honour Horne-Jaruk, Pat DeWees, Peg Champney, Carl Hyde, Bruce Heckman, acting clerk, Carolyn Treadway, Sarah Hyde, Janeal Ravndal, Deb Kociszewski, recording clerk

The meeting opened in waiting worship, as Friends considered the third query from the Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice.

Are love and unity fostered among you? Do you manifest a forgiving spirit and a care for the reputation of others? If differences threaten harmony among your members, is prompt action taken in a spirit of meekness and love? Do you visit one another frequently? Do you keep in touch with inactive and distant members?

.1. Minutes of the Second Month 2014 Meeting for Business.

.The minutes of the Second Month, 2014 Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business were accepted as read.

2. FCNL Priorities

Carl Hyde reported that Yellow Springs Friends met to consider suggested priorities for FCNL. The five priorities were: Support peace, Counter global warming, Reform drug laws and sentencing priorities, Medicare for all and the Protection of human rights. Friends discussed changes to the descriptive language of some of the points. Carl Hyde will make the changes requested and submit the priorities to FCNL.

3. Rockford Chapel Lease

John Eastman reported for the committee consisting of John Eastman, Veronica Frost, and Carl Hyde that has met to consider the lease with Antioch College for the use of Rockford Chapel. He distributed an information sheet describing the history of Rockford Chapel and the relationship with Yellow Springs Friends and read a letter drafted by the group. With minor revisions, Friends accepted the letter and agreed to prepare a copy for the clerk to sign and send to Mark Roosevelt, the President of Antioch College with the intention of requesting a meeting.

4. Nominating Process

John Eastman reported that the Ministry and Advancement and Membership and Pastoral Care committees have met to consider the overlapping issues in the committees’ charges. Included in these overlapping issues is the nominating process. Chris Ravndal reported that the joint meeting of these committees recommended that the Nominating Committee be reestablished. John Eastman would clerk the reestablished committee. Members of the Nominating Committee would be appointed for three year terms. Membership and Pastoral Care would nominate the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee would invite committee clerks to provide a summary of the committee’s strengths and needs. The Nominating Committee would prepare a clear and detailed description of its charge. Friends approved the recommendations.

5. Rockford Carpet

Dan Beverly reported that the carpet is scheduled for cleaning at the end of March of each year. Dan recommended that, given the age of the flooring in Rockford, Friends consider replacing the carpet and possibly changing the surface in the social room. Friends agreed to forward the matter to the Building Care and Maintenance committee.

The meeting closed in silent worship

The next Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business will be held on Fourth Month 6, 2014 at Rockford.

Yellow Springs Friends Meeting

Box 45

Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387