All evidence must be page numbered, sectioned, and indexed.

Signed statement of integrity

Curriculum Vitae (Inclusive of work and education history)

A verified copy of both sides of current Annual Practising Certificate (APC) or a copy of entry on NCNZ online register with any conditions of practice.

A verified record of practice hours (a minimum of 450 hours over the last 3 years). This must be stated in hours (e.g. 940 hours) and not proportion of FTE or number of days worked.

Any evidence of Level 8 post graduate education (or currently working towards) relevant to your area of current practice (a verified copy of the certificate or course transcript are required). This can be included in the 60 hours of professional development.

A verified record of professional development (60 hours over the last 3 years, with full attendance dates; day/month/year), and including a separate written reflection on three professional development attendances, describing the difference this learning has made to your nursing practice.Senior nurse reflection should demonstrate leadership and innovation applicable to their WCTO role, and describe work that improves equity of health outcomes for children and reduces health disparities for Maori and Pacific populations.The record must include evidence that professional development on the Code of conduct and Guidelines: Professional Boundaries has been completed before July 2015 as per NCNZ requirements (Nursing Council of New Zealand 2012).

A Performance Appraisal completed within the last 12 months.

A PDRP senior nurse self-assessment and peer assessment record completed within the last 12 months with reflection and specific examples describing your nursing practice. For PDRP application:

  • Plunket senior nurses working only in indirect client care areexempt from those competencies in domain two (management of nursing care) and domain three(interpersonal relationships) that only apply to clinical practice, but must show evidence withintheNCNZcompetencies for their specific role (either management, education, policy development, or research).
  • Those Plunket senior nurses practising in direct care and in management, education, policy and/or research must meet both sets ofcompetencies in domains two and three. This does not mean submitting 2 portfolios but provision of evidence for therelevant competencies for direct health consumer care and also in either management, education, policy development, or research, within the same portfolio.
  • In the self-assessment section within foreach competency, one practice example of your everyday practice (from your current role, and within the previous 12 months), must demonstrate senior level practice. While more than one example can be provided, threeexamples foreach competency is the maximum.Within each self-assessment section for each competency, one (and maximum of three)supporting pieces within the portfolio should be cited(add the page number where that supporting piece is located within the portfolio).
  • In the peer assessment sectionwithin foreach competency, one practice example of your everyday practice (from your current role, and within the previous 12 months), must demonstrate senior level practice. While more than one example can be provided, threeexamples is the maximum.
  • Senior nurse examples of practice describe the active process of how you have acted as a leader in your management, education, research or policy role to show;innovation, quality improvement activities, integration of evidence, reflection on the learning and development of colleagues, active participation and leadership in wider service, professional or organisational groups or activities andquality monitoring and analysis of professional processes and how this information has been used to affect improvements in healthcare delivery.
  • Any one descriptive practice example, and any onesupporting piece cited may apply to several competencies.

Supporting pieces of evidence (held within the portfolio and cited within the self-assessment section of the PDRP senior nurse self-assessment and peer assessment record) may include: evidence based reflections on practice and professional development, attestations, examples of involvement in quality improvement activities (e.g. feedback to policy review, participation in Te Wana, participation in audit etc), examples of presentations you have given (include outline, references and participant feedback and/or team acknowledgement), reflection on undertaking peer reciprocal supervision, examples of community advocacy you have undertaken to improve health outcomes.

All evidence must demonstrate cultural competence, cultural responsiveness and cultural safety in well child health.

All evidence must demonstrate the ability to apply the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi / Te Tiriti o Waitangi to well child health and practice in a culturally safe / Kawa whakaruruhau manner.

Client and staff records must not be accessed for the purposes of putting your portfolio together. Do not include any copies of client records or any information in your portfolio which can result in those involved being identifiable. This means no client or colleague personal details and any identifiers can be used (‘identifiers’ include information such as a person’s date of birth, address or NHI, minority ethnicity, occupation, work situation and community). It also means ensuring you do not provide context and description of a situation to a degree that could identify a person/people. The exception is where a piece of evidence requires a colleague’s name/role on it, such where a piece has been signed by or verified by a colleague e.g. an attestation, performance appraisal. For further guidance see the NZNO Guidelines: Privacy, Confidentiality and consent in the use of Exemplars of Practice, Case Studies, and Journaling (2016).

Plunket PDRP: template version date November 2017