The QuakerShaker

Every Week:

May, 2014

Newsletter of the Yellow Springs Meeting of the Society of Friends



10:40 am Group hymn singing “for joy”

11:00 am Meeting for Worship (childcare available, beginning at 11:15)

Noon Social time and snacks/potluck

THURSDAY: 2:00 pm Worship Sharing Group, Rockford

SATURDAY: 12-1 pm Peace Vigil, corner of Limestone and Xenia Ave.


QUAKER LUNCH at Emporium Wed May 7, at 1pm: Come enjoy Quaker fellowship the first Wed of each month.


May 4- The Parable of the Mustard Seed

May 11- Listening for God

May 18- Guest First Day School teacher

May 25- Last day of first day school- intergenerational breakfast celebration at 9:15. at 10:00 Intergenerational talent show!

BREAKFAST CELEBRATION May 25 9:15 - 10:00 Come enjoy bagels, english muffins, fruit and more.
May 4 Vocal Ministry
May 11 Vocal Ministry
May 18 Terry Snider and friends share experiences on Navajo Reservation with Grandma Ida
May 25 Intergenerational Talent Sharing
MAY concludes this year's First Day School and Adult Meeting for Learning programs. Both will start afresh in September.
YS Friends Meeting (Quaker) is delighted to present Sunday, May 4 at 4 pm at the YS Senior Center:

Cathy Roma “Hope for You: New Spirituals Emerging from Modern Mass Incarceration”, a lecture recital.
In her presentation Cathy Roma will bring together an analysis of song lyrics and an investigation of musical forms and genres of compositions by men in prison. These songs descend directly from the tradition of slave songs and spirituals. She says, “I will make the case that these “new spirituals” arise out of the lived experience of incarcerated African American men today”.
Michelle Alexander in her highly acclaimed book, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, describes mass incarceration of African American men as the “main racialized system of control in America today and considers it the continuation of its historical precursors: slavery and Jim Crow.
As director of two prison choirs in Ohio (UMOJA Men’s Chorus at the close security Warren Correctional Institution and UBUNTU at the medium security prison Madison Correctional Institution), Roma offers recordings, video footage, and transcribed musical scores of original songs written and performed behind prison walls.
The compositions and performances present a vivid example of art as refuge and strength in a contemporary struggle for freedom.
Catherine Roma is currently Professor of Music at Wilmington College in Wilmington, Ohio. Through her association at Wilmington, Catherine founded and directs UMOJA Men’s Chorus at the Warren Correctional Institution in Lebanon, Ohio. She is Minister of Music at St. John’s Unitarian Universalist Church in Cincinnati, and was co‐founder and co‐director of the Martin Luther King Chorale. Recently Roma started the UBUNTU Men’s Chorus at Madison Correctional Institution. Roma retired as founder and artistic director of MUSE, Cincinnati’s Women’s Choir this past spring after 30 years. She directs the World House Choir in Yellow Springs.


This summer (June 29-July 5) the Friends General Conference annual Gathering will take place near Pittsburgh, about four hours away. This year’s theme is “Let Love Be the First Motion. “ Check out the Web site for more details: http://www.fgcquaker.org/connect/gathering If you have never been to a Gathering talk to a member of Ministry and Advancement. Contact Alice Robrish or Pat Dewees for additional information.

State of the Meeting report will be brought to the May Monthly Meeting for consideration. The current draft, drawn by Victoria Burke is as follows and will also be included the Yearly Meeting’s Quaker Quill.

Meeting for worship seems newly infused with the Spirit. While we always have visitors there are also additions to our regulars. We lost one member and one attender this year: Mark (Radar) Brown-Middleton and Walt Tulecke. Children grow up and there are just a few young ones now. But, we continue well attended. Twenty-five in meeting for worship is small.

Committees, groups and individuals are active and lively. A reading group, a monthly “Quaker lunch” at a local café, hiking in the Glen, simple suppers and the Inner Journey writing group are ongoing as well as the long lived Saturday noon Vigil for Peace and Thursday afternoon worship sharing group. We have enjoyed: the annual fall retreat themed “Gifts of the Spirit,” the Christmas Eve program “Amahl and the Night Visitors,” and many well attended Adult Meeting for Learning events this year. Children and adults enjoy the First Day Program.

We continue to share Rockford Chapel with the local Havurah group, AA groups, and to work well with Antioch College. Our weekly snacks and potluck lunches are now preceded by – an often sung -- grace circle. Friends say these fellowship times are some of our best “Meetings for Eating.”

Yellow Springs Friends Meeting

Minutes of the Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business

Yellow Springs Friends met at Rockford on Fourth Month 6, 2014

In attendance were: Pat Dewees, Bruce Heckman, Alice Robrish, John Eastman, Faith Morgan, clerk, Dan Beverley, Susan Hyde, Carolyn Treadway, Carl Hyde, Tim Morand, Peg Champney, Carol Simmons, Chris Ravndal, Hazel Tulecke, Bill Houston, Kathy Wetz, Deb Kociszewski, recording clerk,

The meeting opened in waiting worship, as Friends considered the fourth query from the Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting Faith and .Practice

Do you keep to simplicity and moderation in your speech, your manner of living, and your pursuit of business? Are you careful to keep your business and your outward activities from absorbing time and energy that should be given to spiritual growth and to the service of your religious society? Are you just in your dealings and careful to fulfill your promises? Do you take care of such members as need aid, and assist them, when possible, to become self-supporting?

1. Minutes of the Third Month 2014 Meeting for Business.

The minutes of the Third Month, 2014 Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business were accepted with a correction to minute number 4 removing the language that Membership and Pastoral Care would name the Nominating Committee. The corrected language is: John Eastman reported that the Ministry and Advancement and Membership and Pastoral Care committees have met to consider the overlapping issues in the committees’ charges. Included in these overlapping issues is the nominating process. Chris Ravndal reported that the joint meeting of these committees recommended that the Nominating Committee be reestablished. John Eastman would seek Friends to serve on and will clerk the reestablished committee in consultation with Membership and Pastoral Care. Members of the Nominating Committee would be appointed for rotating three year terms. The Nominating Committee would invite committee clerks to provide a summary of the committee’s strengths and needs. The Nominating Committee would prepare a clear and detailed description of its charge. Friends approved the recommendations.

2. Miami Quarterly Meeting Representative

Deb Kociszewski will represent Yellow Springs Friends at the Miami Quarterly Meeting session on May 18, 2014 at Englewood Friends Meeting. Friends were encouraged to attend.

3. OVYM Queries

Ministry and Advancement has read and considered the draft section on Integrity that has been sent by the Faith and Practice Committee of Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting. The clerk read the draft to the assembled Friends, and called for a period of silent consideration. Friends expressed acceptance of the inclusion of a section on integrity, but concern with the biblical text regarding evil. The assembled Friends expressed unity with the statement, but discomfort with the second half of the biblical quote because it did not speak to our beliefs.

4. State of the Meeting Report

Pat Dewees read the preliminary State of the Meeting report. Friends offered suggestions and corrections. The suggestions will be incorporated into the report and be considered for final approval at the Fifth Month Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business.

5. OVYM Executive Committee

Deb Kociszewski presented a complete verbal report from the OVYM Executive Committee meeting of April 5, 2014. The full written report will be appended to these minutes. Friends accepted the verbal report with appreciation. Friends discussed the need to respond to the OVYM Budget and Finance committee regarding the increase in proportional share to $ 120 per member. Friends agreed to discuss this matter at the Fifth Month Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business.

6. Yellow Springs Friends Website

Alice Robrish reported that Carol Simmons is helping with content for the Yellow Springs Friends website. It is hoped that the website will be available on the Quaker Cloud in early May, 2014. The Facebook page currently has 31 likes. Postings are currently being added approximately twice per week.

7. Religious Education

Religious Education has proposed that a Sharing of Talents be held during the singing hour on the last First Day of May, which would be the last Religious Education hour for the current school year.

8. Meetinghouse Carpet

Dan Beverly reported that the carpets in Rockford are scheduled for cleaning on April 21, 2014. The current carpet is 24 years old. Estimates to replace the carpet range from $4000 to $5800. Dan recommended that the cleaning proceed as scheduled, and that Friends consider the expense of replacement. Friends agreed to consider the carpet in the next budget process during June and July. Friends are asked to help prepare for the cleaning on April 20, 2014.

The meeting closed in silent worship

The next Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business will be held at 1:00 PM on Fifth Month 4, 2014 at Rockford.

The Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting Executive Committee met on April 5, 2014 at Wilmington College to facilitate Friends’ wishes to attend the Memorial Meeting for T. Canby Jones. The Minutes follow:

The Budget and Finance Committee met at noon to consider budget recommendations and concerns for the coming fiscal year. Of great concern is the decline in membership highlighted by the annual Statistical Report. The number has declined from 738 to 675. That decline will have a significant impact on the yearly meeting to do its chosen work. The committee recommended a proportional share of $120 per member.

The yearly meeting is seeking someone to serve as trustee of the Braddock Trust, which was established in 1992 to support education at the Lebanon Correctional Institution.

Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting Teens will hold a week-end retreat during the Memorial Day week-end. The annual service trip will take place June 20 through June 29 to Philadelphia. The Teens will stay at Germantown Friends. Fifteen or more teens are expected to attend.

The Adult Young Friends committee has been established as part of Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting and will be a part of the budgeting process.

The Faith and Practice committee reported that 3 documents will be brought to the yearly meeting sessions, but none will be for final consideration.

Religious Nurture and Education will sponsor a 1 day retreat on Saturday, April 26, 2014 at Quaker Hill in Richmond, IN from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM. The theme of the day is renewal. The retreat is offered at no cost to attenders. Interested Friends should RSVP to Andy Garrison.

Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting sessions will take place July 30 through August 3, 2014 at Earlham College.

Middle Youth will hold an overnight May 17 and 18, 2014 at Englewood Friends.

Quaker Heights Care Community reports significant challenges to its budget due to census concerns and government requirements.

Friends Music Camp reports that applications for the 2014 sessions are lower in number. Normal numbers are in the 75-80 range, this year to date, there are 65-70. Two applicants are from Ecuador. There are active efforts to recruit the additional campers needed.

Miami Quarterly Meeting will meet May 18 at Englewood Friends. There is a committee considering alternate locations for the fall 2015 Joint Quarterly Meeting.

Wilmington Quarterly Meeting will meet April 13 at Lafayette Friends to consider new clerks, the state of the meeting, and planning for the 2014 Joint Quarterly Meeting.


Deb Kociszewski


PO Box 45

Yellow Springs, OH 45387