June 17, 1917

100 years

of service

Newsletter of the Kasson-Mantorville Lions Club

MARCH 2017District 5M-1“We Serve”

Looking Back and to the Future

As Winter wanes and temperatures ascend into the promise of Spring, the KM Lions enter into a quiet time of reduced active service and fundraising. Instead, much of the present efforts are the silent planning for the future. The Board is looking forward to outfitting the club with a new slate of officers and discussing changes to the clubs community efforts as future expectations and finances are addressed. The club remains in need ofa member to consider taking on one of the currently vacant board positions of 3rd vice-president and one of the 3 year directors The directors position has little, if any, direct responsibilities, but is nonetheless an indespensible position. The vice-president’s position will require increasing effort as it proceeds up to the president’s position. The time to get there allows for wonderful mentoring, observation, consideration which decreases the amount of work once the president’s position is attained.

If you have been remiss in attending meetings this past year, here are the enjoyable presentations you have missed while we have revelled in our camaraderie. But first, A toast to Events for picking up our burdgeoning meeting population. KM Lions Project Chairs presented short informative talks on projects and fundraisers. The September meeting was held at the NEW Kasson Library & Art Tiff, the library head,provided a vivid history of the actions taken to build this information repository. Expanding our knowledge on District activities, we were visited by District Governor Bruce Montplaisir. Lion Klaus Alberts shared several of his experiences about service in the armyThe Korean War experience. Helen Leqve relived her efforts as a “Rosie the Riveter” during WWII. Jerry Williams informed the club how the Kasson Mantorville area should plan as the Rochester Destination Medical Center becomes reality. We toured the new KMHS and were entertained while being well informed of the efforts and planning by Kent Harfmann’s, school board chair,presentation.

Now that might give you a taste for attending meetings, but to taste the food, you’re just gonna have ta join in.

Yours in Service – Lion Jim Mullen

Upcoming Activities & Meetings

Monthly club meetings are held at Events in Kasson. If you eat, there is a $10 meal charge. Beverages can be purchased from the bar and the wait staff is hopeful of a tip for their service. The board meetings are held at the County Seat in Mantorville. If you eat, there is a $10 meal charge. Remember; all members are welcome to attend the (equally entertaining) board meetings.

  • Regular Meeting March 27th @ 6:30 p.m. Project New Hope (Events in Kasson).
  • Dodge County Expo – April 1st; share a booth with Dodge Center and Hayfield Lions
  • Board Meeting April 13th @ 6:30 p.m. (County Seat in Mantorville).
  • Regular Meeting April 24th @ 6:30 p.m. (Events in Kasson).
  • Board Meeting May11th @ 6:30 p.m. (County Seat in Mantorville).
  • Regular Meeting May 22nd@ 6:30 p.m. (Events in Kasson).
  • Dodge County Fair – July 23rd; share a booth at the fair with local Lions Clubs.

K-M Lions Notes

Lion Ron Norton passed away on February 23rd. Lion Ron would be celebrating his birthday on April 13th. He also would be celebrating his Lions induction in April, his 37th year of service. Please take note of these and say a prayer for him as a gift.

Lion Paul Sorum, fell off a large truck while on the job, was transported to St Mary’s Hospital in Rochester with head injuries and some broken bones. He will be hospitalized for some time. Lion Madonna Norton continues her scheduled chemo treatments. After being hospitalized, Lion Klaus Albert has been released and is looking like the old Klaus again. Lion Pete Peterson continues to take his scheduled treatments,which tires him out. Let’s hope these Lions continue the mending progress as they deal with health issues.

Please keep these treasured Lions in your thoughts and prayers

Board Meeting Highlights

  • Administrative Account balance on 28FEB17 was $3,068.03. Administrative Account Certificate of Deposit is $1018.36; maturity date of 13MAR17. The Project Fund balance on28FEB17 was $2,468.23.
  • Lion Bob Melin provided a brief summation of K-M athletic support and thanks to all the Lions that participated. There were 36 events with sweepers and security plus parking cars for a Dance Competition. He estimated the club will receive $1,660.
  • Lion Jim Mullen presented the logistics of a new fundraiser to the Board. The Rubber Duck Regatta will be held on Stagecoach Days June 24th and 25th followed by Marigold Days. Lion Daryl Melquist made a motion to budget up to $600 for expenditures related to the fundraiser. The motion was seconded by Lion Rollie Nannestad. The motion passed unanimously.
  • Lion Steve Sherry made a motion that the club sponsor “Relay For Life” at $500 for the event. The motion was seconded by Lion Don Hower. The motion passed unanimously.
  • Lion Everett Paulson made a motion to sponsor the Dodge County Sherriff Drug Prevention Program with a donation of $200. The motion was seconded by Lion Don Hower. The motion passedunanimously.

KM Lions Goings and Doings

  • Place at the Tableis being investigated by Lion Mark Packard – No firm date is set at this time.
  • Golf Course Fundraiser.Lion Mark Packard is pursuing a Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser likely during a Boys Baseball Doubleheader in April.
  • Movie in the Park,during JUN-JUL-AUG at 1 per month,requested a donation. $350 has been set aside in the Projects Budget.
  • Dodge County Historical Society – Lion Jim Checkel said they are raising a Gazeebo and need volunteers to assemble it. Lion Jim has joined the Board for this organization.

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