Pilgrims Way
Congregational & Methodist Church
Minister: Rev Nicola VidamourTelephone: 020 8548 4945
Nicola’s day off each week is Friday.
Church Office: 020 8552 5030
Visit our Website @ http://www.pilgrimsway.org
Newsletter for week beginning
11th August 2013
Worship Today
10:30am / Revd Dr Sergei Nikolaev – Holy Communion6.30pm / Deacon Debbie Buckley
Dates for Your Diary
Wed 14th August / 10am-12 noon / Coffee Morning and Nearly NewWed 14th August / 11:00am / Prayer Meeting
Wed 14th August / 2:00pm / Wednesday Followship – No Meeting
Wed 14th August / 7:30pm / Circuit Finance, Property and Staffing Meeting at Manor Park
Pastoral Care
If you know of anyone who would like a pastoral visit, please let Nicola, or one of the Elders or the church office know. See Nicola’s and the Church telephone numbers above.
Prayer Requests
The Elders are available to pray with you after the service today and also pray during the week for any needs and concerns which have been brought to them.
Text for the Week
You have been my defence and refuge in the day of trouble...... Psalm 59 v 16
Guest Pastor, The Reverend Dr Nikolaev
Today we are delighted to welcome Revd Dr. Sergei Nikolaev to lead our morning worship. Sergei is the Rector of the Methodist Seminary in Moscow and will be participating in the Oxford Instituteof Methodist Theological Studies this coming week. His wife and four children are travelling with him and they will all be staying with Nicola for the next two weeks!
Nearly New
No more clothing until further notice, please. Thanks,Diane Charman.
Junior Church
There will be no Junior Church during the month of August butchildren will be welcome to stay in church and worship with us.
Church BBQ Fundraiser
Monday 26th August, 2:00pm at 52 Arrowsmith Road, Chigwell, Essex, IG7 4PN. Host:Gorgina Osei-Brenyah, Tel: 0203 243 2061 - Direction: Bus150 from towards Hainaut the Low and get off at Staggart Green or 462 from Ilford and get off at Manford Way. Train: Central Line to Hainaut and change to Bus 150 and get off after the 3rd stop (Staggart Green.)
Mission Trip to Ghana
The Ghana Methodist fellowship UK are organising a Mission Trip to Ghana from 20th Oct – 1st Nov 2013. Thetrip includes visits to Winneba (Diocese) – The Rafiki Satallite Village, Cape Coast Castle and Cathedral (Cape Coast Diocese) – The birth place of Methodism in Ghana,Takoradi - Nzulezu – the Village on water, Kumasi (Diocese),Tamale (Diocese),Bologatanga (Diocese).The trip is expected to cost £1500. This includes: Airfare,Travel within Ghana,Accommodation (Hotels),Entrancefee to historical sites and other places of interest,Meals throughout the duration of your stay in Ghana. For further info please contact Revd William Davis Mob: 07930843207, E-mail
Lunch Club
Lunch Club meets every Monday at Bart’s Cafe at 12.30pm. A tasty three course lunch cost £5.50, good company and lots of things to chat about - come and join us. See Sue for further details.
Weekly Offertory
Total Offertory received from Envelopes and Loose offerings for Sunday, 28th July was £297.17 and £644.11 for last Sunday, 4th August.
Please give notices to Mary King or e-mail her on:
All submissions to be received before Wednesday evening for inclusion in the next issue. Leave a message on or e-mail:
My time in America was divided between three places! I started off in Burlington, Iowa where I spent three months back in 1972 when I was just a baby and my father was serving on the staff of the First United Methodist Church. This church was burnt down in an arson attack six years ago. It had been hoped that the congregation would be worshipping in their new church by now but completion is still a few weeks away – so we joined them in exile at another church in town. My mum presented a large lectern Bible for the new church in memory of my father and I preached a sermon entitled “There’s a place for us.”
We met with dear friends we have known for over forty years. The house we were staying in had incredible views of the Mississippi river and I was also taken up in a two-seater plane by one of the church members who loves to fly when he is not working as a dentist! It was an unforgettable experience!
From Burlington I travelled through the corn and soya bean fields of Iowa for about two hours to the town of Pella where I participated in a five day Academy for Spiritual Formation. This comes out of Upper Room Ministries which is part of GBOD (General Board of Discipleship) of the United Methodist Church. I had been given a free place on this programme in the hope that I might then become part of a group which will launch the Academy in Britain. I really loved it and am looking forward to further involvement in the future. My only disappointment is that the golf cart -which I had such fun driving as I helped the less mobile members of our group to get around the college campus – is apparently not a regular feature of the programme!
From Iowa we flew to Richmond, Virginia where we lived for a year from 1981-82. My father had a scholarship to study at one of the seminaries there and my Mum – who is trained as a nursery nurse - looked after the baby triplets of two of the students. We have kept in touch with that family ever since. Two of the triplets have had baby boys in the last nine months and it was a great joy to attend the double baptism of these precious children.
So it was a moving and emotional trip which brought back many memories and filled us with deep gratitude for the special people and places that God has blessed us with.
Daily Bible Readings
Songs of Salvation / PsalmSun / 11th / Luke 12 v 30-40 / 33 v 12-22
Mon / 12th / Hebrews 12 v 18-19, 22-24 / 71
Tue / 13th / 1 Peter 1 v 3-9 / 72
Wed / 14th / 1 Peter 2 v 4-10 / 73
Thurs / 15th / Galatians 4 v 4-7 / 45
Fri / 16th / 1 Peter 2 v 21-25 / 74
Sat / 17th / 1 John 1 v 5-9 / 69
Sunday Worship Next Week 18th August 2013
10:30am / Diana Bolton6:30pm / Revd Nicola Vidamour – Holy Communion
Rotas for next Week 18th August 2013
Vestry a.m. / - / Julian and EricVestry p.m. / - / Dorothy
Elder / - / Christine
Welcome / - / Richard
Door/Books / - / Joanne and Sheena
Flowers / - / Mary
Coffee / - / Mary K, Abigail and Mike
Creche / - / Hayleigh and Mary A
Organ a.m. / - / Charles
Organ p.m. / - / Sue
Readers / - / Rosetta and Mary K
Holy Communion - pm / - / Mary
Sunday Collection Cashiers / - / Olu and Sue S
For Our Prayers
Marjorie Adelaja / Mourning the death of her sonThe Walters Family / Mourning the death of Enida
Maria Coppolo (Wednesday Fellowship) / Mourning the sudden death of her son
Lucy (Mike Danso’s sister) / Receiving treatment for breast cancer in Ghana
William, Alex and Gabrielle / Mourning the death of their grandmother (Mrs Bernadette)
Eva Dunbar / Ill and recovering at home
Sue Stinson / Awaiting further surgery for breast cancer
Geoff & Chris English / Geoff recovering from a series of heart attacks
Hannah Cole / Health problems
Janice Carter / Recovering from a fall.
Our children and young people- That they may make good use of their opportunities and fulfil their potential
Unemployed people seeking work
All those suffering from cancer
All those who are housebound or in Care Homes
Those receiving ongoing medical treatment or awaiting/receiving/recovering from surgery
All those finding life stressful
The situations in Iraq/Afghanistan/Syria/Egypt
Christians throughout the world.