It is best practice for every branch to have a Branch Newsletter Editor. If the role is part of the branch team, the holder will need to be a member of the NCT. All volunteers are covered by the conditions of the Volunteer Policy & Charter and full details of the role are available on

The Branch Newsletter Editor is:

  • able to gather together a team to produce a local branch newsletter – this may include an advertising coordinator, feature writers, diary coordinator, designers, photographers and illustrators
  • able to edit copy and consider layout to put together an interesting and useful publication for branch members and as a promotional tool.

A successful Newsletter Editor is confident, persuasive and creative, making the branch newsletter an interesting mix of local and charity wide stories, information and advertising relevant to the readership. Being the Newsletter Editor may be challenging at times, but it is fun, interesting and worthwhile. Access to MS Publisher is an advantage but not essential as NCT templates are also provided in MS Word format.


Preparation & editing

  • Decide on the theme and content of each issue of the branch newsletter in consultation with the branch team – regular items will include news from the branch, diary/adverts for parent support activities such as bumps and babies and open houses, reports on past fundraising events and adverts for future ones, volunteering opportunities etc.
  • Work with the Advertising Coordinator to include adverts (which accord with the NCT’s ethical policy, see from local companies/services to ensure that the newsletter costs for production and distribution are at least covered and preferably contribute to branch fundraising profits
  • Ensure that each newsletter contains a balance of articles on pregnancy, birth and babies, and early parenting, motivating members, other parents or health professionals to write about their experiences for the newsletter or interviewing them to create interesting feature articles
  • Ensure that the content reflects NCT wide issues and concerns, using templates and adverts provided, e.g. membership and course adverts
  • Ensure that any personal information, e.g. welcome to new members, cradle rolls, volunteer contact details, photographs, appears with consent from individuals

Layout and production

  • Work out the layout so there is a good balance between features, information and advertising
  • Liaise with printers to ensure a competitive/reasonable price per copy and confirm numbers and timetable for printing


  • Include arrangements for distribution with the printer, liaising with the Membership Coordinator for membership data to be passed on, with the necessary data processing safeguards in place
  • With the branch team ensure that arrangements for local distribution are in place, whether by post or using volunteers to hand deliver
  • Liaise with the Parent Services Administrator (PSA) via the PSA Link about numbers of newsletters needed for enquiry packs for antenatal and early days courses
  • Ensure that a copy of each newsletter is sent to the Country/Regional Newsletter Reader (if on the team) or Regional Coordinator and the Enquiries Team at UK Office