NewSchool of Architecture & Design will host the WORLD IA DAY 2015 event for San Diego, February 21st, 2015.

The WORLD IA DAY / World Information Architecture Day is World IA Day is a one day event that happens simultaneously across the world: a free one-day conference hosted annually by the Information Architecture Institute (IAI) and held simultaneously in selected cities all over the world.Each year, a new theme is selected, new cities are added, and our community continues to grow as more people from all across the world join this truly global celebration of Information Architecture.
The 2015 edition includes 38 cities from 24 countries across 6 continents.
The full list of the 38 cities and 24 countries is accessible at .
The Information ArchitectureInstituteis a non-profit organizationempowering local communities to shape the global practice of information architecture by providing places to share and opportunities to learn.
The information Architecture Institute supports individuals and organizations specializing in the design and construction of shared information environments.

What is Information Architecture?
We define information architecture as the art and science of organizing and labeling websites, intranets, online communities and software to support usability.
Information architecture (IA) focuses on organizing, structuring, and labeling content in an effective and sustainable way. The goal is to help users find information and complete tasks. To do this, you need to understand how the pieces fit together to create the larger picture, how items relate to each other within the system.
Read more @ / The WIAD 2015 events will be working around the theme of Architecting Happiness.
What makes us happy?
Despite having access to the most advanced tools and knowledge ever known to man, happiness still seems to elude our pursuit.
We’re in the middle of a major transformation of the infrastructure and fabric of our society: openness and access have generated an avalanche of new ideas, tools and expressions.
How can we ride this revolution and help our environments, products and systems become the backbone to build our happiness around?
Through two sessions we’ll begin charting this new territory.The two sessions are meant to be truly design-driven and cross-disciplinary:
Session 1.
Breadth: the future of urban and social structures
How do digital networks and networking services affect the development of built environments and transform social structures and local communities?
Do digital networks and services encourage the promotion of sustainable lifestyles (such as alternative transportation modes) and new forms of social gathering?
Urban planners, architects, designers, sociologists, politicians, artists, gamers, technologists, Information scientists, and other are invited to present & discuss.
Session 2.
Depth: the future of self and belonging
How to envision the next generation of products and systems that promote a new idea of well being, balance and harmony?
How to improve the existing interaction paradigmsto design compelling and meaningful experiences?
Designers, artists, sociologists, technologists, Information scientists, marketers, researchers, makers and other are invited to present and discuss.

Happy moving, Happy shopping, Happy commuting, Happy working, Happy teaching, Happy exercising, Happy eating, Happy sharing, Happy healthcare, Happy taxes, Happy meeting, Happy separating … happy WIAD day!


8:30-9:30 / Breakfast and Registration
9:30 –9:35 / Elena Pacenti / Linda Sellheim / Mike Stepner
NewSchool of Architecture and Design / Welcome
9:35-9:45 / Elena Pacenti
Director of Domus Academy School of Design at NewSchool / Overview of the Day
Session 1 / Breadth: the future of urban and social structures
9:45 – 10:30 / Darin Dinsmore
Principal, Darin Dinsmore & Associates / Next Generation Civic Engagement
10:30-10:45 / Howard Blackson
Program Manager, CivicInnovationLab, San Diego / The next urbanism
10:45-11:00 / Andres Lucero Associate Professor, University of Southern Denmark, Kolding / Playful Experiences
11:00-11:15 / Jason Alderman
Experience Designer at Cloud Chamber, San Diego / From point A to point B
11:15-11:30 / Justin Manor
Partner at SoSolimited, San Diego / Urban Landscapes as Digital Canvas : Using Media Architecture to promote Civic Dialog
11:30-12:15 / Participate as discussant:
Frank Garofalo, Bennett King, Mike Stepner / Q&A Session 1
12:15-1:15 / LUNCH
Session 2 / Depth: the future of self and belonging
1:15- 1:45 / Don Norman
Director, Design Lab at University of California, San Diego / Human Centered Design of complex systems: DesignX, Healthcare and Automated Driving
1:45-2:00 / Whitney Hess
User Experience and Personal Development Coach / Self and Belonging
2:00-2:15 / Dario Miticocchio
Designer, Faculty at Domus Academy School of Design at NewSchool / Happiness?
2:15-2:30 / Chad Q. Martin
SeniorDesigner HP, San Diego / Seeking Clarity
2:30-2:45 / Lisa C. Kaczmarczyk,PhD
Evaluation and Assessment Consulting / When Worlds Collide
2:45 –3:00 / Scott Clear
Chief Design & Innovation Officer at RKS Design / Why Wearables Don't Deliver Happiness. And How They Could
3:00 - 4:00 / Participate as discussant:
all speakers of Session 2 / Q&Aand conclusions
4:00 – 4:10 / Elena Pacenti
Don Norman / Building a great, powerful design community in the San Diego region
4:10 -6:00 / CLOSINGRECEPTION / Wine, mingling and fun!