Technology Unit: Tararua Chocolates Year Level: 11 Duration: Up to 14 weeks
/ Learning Experiences/ Activities / CoP /Predetermined Learning
1 lesson1 lesson
1 lesson
ongoing through-out the unit of work
8 lessons
Work if needed / Introduction to Technology:
- Expectation of course
- Carol Pound to come in and talk about Technology in relation to Technology, the Market and the Consumer.
- Introduction to unit and assessments for NCEA
- Look at previous class’s practice in this unit.
- Look at Organic Chocolate producer as case study for tech practice.
- Planning – using plan of action as a planning tool in RRR.
- Introduce other planning tools e.g. Gantt chart. Use for this unit of work as formative assessment for 1.1.
- Students need to experiment with a variety of planning tools on offer or develop their own ways that help in the management of their project.
- Students need to Review, Reflect and Revise class Plan of Action and use this throughout their practice by recording changes, selection, management and use of resources related to their environment, stakeholder needs and constraints imposed on their projects.
- Introduction to ongoing production – HACCP, flow charts and production flow symbols.
- Building up knowledge and skills in food technology including brief development using “One out of the Box” resource.
- Personal hygiene and safe food practices.
- Use of videos to case study food production.
- Use simple food preparations and written exercises to practice developing ongoing production:
– Subways
- Hamburgers
- Salad making
- Muesli bars. / Planning for Practice
(formative and ongoing throughout the unit of work) / Students will:
- Gain insight into technology in the area of food technology and its relationship to our lives and this setting of “Tararua Chocolates”.
- Be introduced to the assessments related to the course this year.
- Develop understanding of how to carry out ongoing critical analyses and evaluation of their own and others’ past and current planning and organisational practices.
- Develop understanding of how to make informed projections about future activities that are supported by dynamic planning tools in order to document and justify planning decisions in terms of the physical and social environment in which their brief is embedded.
- Develop understanding of how to justify the management of resources to undertake technological practice in terms of the physical and social environment, in which their practice is occurring, as well as the opportunities and/or constraints resulting from the specific practice they undertake.
- Develop understanding and skills in ongoing production within familiar settings.
- Reinforce the need to adhere to codes of practices related to food technology within their project. / - Students’ design journal
- Digital camera
- Student handouts on course.
- Newspaper articles case studying student tech practice in Tararua Chocolates Unit.
- Magazine article case studying organic chocolate producer.
- Plan of action sheet
- Gantt chart
- Planning sheets
- Students’ design journals
- Safety and Technology Education: A Guidance Manual for New Zealand school for Food Technology and Materials Technology.
- Safety handbooks
- Videos –
“Mass Production of Food”
“Confectioners at work.”
Muesli Bar videos.
- Recipes for practicals
- Ingredients for recipes
- Student’s knowledge and skills book.
- ‘One out of the Box’ article - circa 2003. / AS 1.2/1.4/1.5
AS 1.1 formative assessment
Ongoing production exercises
AS 1.4
Technology Unit: Tararua Chocolates Year Level: 11 Duration: Up to 14 weeks
/ Learning Experiences/ Activities / CoP /Predetermined Learning
1 lessonplus
Work if needed
1 lesson
1 lesson
1 lesson
1 lesson
3 lessons
Work / - Ongoing production resource pack given out to students to enable them to complete AS1.4 as we proceed with unit of work: including: information on Sweet Foods Factory production stages, critical control points, key variables and charts to fill in to develop a process for ongoing production – HACCP sheet, inputs and outputs, flow chart, production flow symbols.
Exploratory work for “Tararua Chocolates” Unit:
- Client to come in and talk about needs and opportunities related to developing a chocolate product.
- Address labeling and packaging issues if needed.
- Visit to “Sweet Foods” factory to see ongoing production of chocolate products in factory setting.
HOMEWORK: Task 1 on Investigations into chocolate making.
- Investigation of current products from “Sweet Foods” factory. Using sensory test method and descriptors to describe the chocolate products on sensory attributes chart.
- Class discussion about constraints of production – moulds, chocolate, flavouring, textures, equipment, health and safety related to factory setting.
- Brainstorm key factors with class related to stakeholders within the constraints of the chocolate production at the factory. This may or may not include labeling and packaging needs of stakeholder.
HOMEWORK: key factors task related to assessment AS1.2 - 1 week given.
- Develop knowledge and skills in food technology sensory testing and safe food and hygiene practices.
- Investigate chocolate making including practice in chocolate making using different chocolates and flavours and textures.
HOMEWORK: Investigations into chocolate making -1 week given.
HOMEWORK: Investigations into labeling /packaging if needed – 1 week given / Brief Development / - Consult with stakeholders to develop solution to meet brief requirements.
- Explore the provided context and issue in order to identify and justify a need or opportunity.
- Investigate ongoing production in a real factory setting to gain understanding of constraints imposed in brief development.
- To identify desirable key attributes in current products related to mass production of chocolate in the factory setting.
- Identify key factors and explain their implications to the need or opportunity.
- Prioritise the key factors in relation to their importance for consideration while developing a solution to the issue.
- Discuss the interactions of key factors to one another and the importance of this related to developing a solution to the need or opportunity.
- Discuss the need to adhere to codes of practices related to food technology within their project.
- Use food technology practice to test and trial designs within concept and product development.
- Understand specific technological practice related to chocolate making. / - Ongoing production pack
- Students’ design journals
- Stakeholder wanting a chocolate product.
- Students’ design journals
- Digital camera/printer
- “Sweet Foods” factory.
- Students’ design journals
- Chocolate products from “Sweet Food“ factory.
- Sensory testing procedure sheet
- Descriptors for evaluating food / Sensory Attributes testing chart.
- Sample of moulds made by factory.
- Power point presentation of ongoing production at “Sweet Foods “ factory.
- Students’ design journals
- Key factors chart
- “The Cook’s Guide to Chocolate” book –history etc
-“Moulding and Packaging Chocolates – A Guide for Teachers”
- Sensory test sheets
- Bulk supplies of ingredients – chocolate, textures and flavours.
- Task sheet: Technology practice: Chocolate making
- Students’ design journals / AS 1.4
AS 1.4
AS 1.2/1.4
AS 1.2
AS 1.5
Technology Unit: Tararua Chocolates Year Level: 11 Duration: Up to 14 weeks
/ Learning Experiences/ Activities / CoP /Predetermined Learning
3 lessonsplus
Work if needed
1 lesson
2 lessons
Work if needed
12 -15 lessons
Work if needed / - Develop knowledge and skills related to materials for mould making - including use of plastic former, equipment in materials room, materials available for formers.
- Get Materials teacher to help with familiarization of room and equipment.
- Practice using materials available and equipment in room adhering to the codes of practice related to the room.
- Introduce class to focus group for stakeholders – who are they / what will their role will be in the unit.
- Students will need to record key decisions related to this key milestone stage.
- Students will need to RRR.
Brief development:
- Identify a need or opportunity to address related to the stakeholder/s.
- Develop a conceptual statement.
- List constraints related to stakeholder and factory key factors
- Develop specifications related to stakeholder and factory key factors.
Development work:
- Develop concept drawings and model chocolate design/s - model and trial as a former, mould and make into chocolate to test fitness for purpose.
- Consult with focus group about brief and concept drawings.
- Develop labeling and packaging ideas if needed.
- Refine selected concept design to suit stakeholder needs and ongoing production at factory.
- Choose most suitable materials to use for mould making ready for product development. / Planning for Practice
(formative and ongoing throughout the unit of work
Brief Development
(Ongoing throughout unit.)
Outcome Development and Evaluation / - to become familiar and confident in using materials, equipment as well as adhering to the codes of practice imposed in the Materials room while developing skills needed for modeling a conceptual design.
- To be familiar with the stakeholders’ focus group members to feel confident to consult and take advice related the development of a solution.
- Develop a brief that: - clearly communicates an outcome that allows for the resolution or realisation of the need or opportunity; - reflects the opportunities and constraints on both the outcome and the practice to be undertaken.
- Demonstrate the need to adhere to codes of practices related to food technology within their project.
- Carry out ongoing critical analyses of their own and others’ outcomes, to inform their technological outcome/s development.
- Develop (through research, discussion with key and wider community stakeholders etc.) conceptual ideas that communicate feasible technological outcomes that are justifiable in terms of the brief and the physical and social environment in which their technological outcome is to be developed and finally placed.
- Determine the suitability of resources to enable the development and production of a technological outcome/s appropriate to the physical and social environment in which it will be developed and placed. / - Materials room and equipment available
- Plastic former
- Plastic PVC .5mm sheets
- Students’ design journals
- Digital camera/printer
- Focus group
- Students’ design journals
- Feedback / investigative information from stakeholders.
- Food Lab
- Materials room and equipment available
- Plastic former
- Plastic PVC .5mm sheets
- Stakeholder/focus group feedback
- Students’ design journals
- Bulk supplies of chocolate
- milk and white
- flavours
- textures – coconut, peanuts, hokey pokey.
- Focus group feedback
- Pak-it resource to help with Packaging ideas / AS 1.5
AS 1.1 formative assessment
AS 1.2
AS 1.2/1.5
Technology Unit: Tararua Chocolates Year Level: 11 Duration: Up to 14 weeks
/ Learning Experiences/ Activities / CoP /Predetermined Learning
1 lessonplus
Work if needed
5 lessons
Work if needed / - Consult with stakeholder focus group on flavours and textures – do they want any?
- Trial chocolate making with textures and flavours.
- Develop protocol for testing with focus group.
- Implement protocol testing with focus group.
- Record results and write conclusion from results.
- Students will need to record key decisions related to this key milestone stage.
- Students will need to RRR.
Brief refining
- Students will need to refine their briefs based on stakeholder feed back on individual concept development and skills and knowledge development.
- Develop performance specifications related to developed product so far.
Final Product Development:
- Make refinements to chocolate concept design - model and trial as a former, mould and make into chocolate to test fitness for purpose.
- Get stakeholder feedback on final development.
- Make changes to design to suit ongoing production – either on paper or modeled. (AS1.4)
- Complete final prototype former if needed.
- Mould and make into chocolate.
- Present conceptual design modeled in chocolate to stakeholders’ focus group to test fitness for purpose.
- Develop labeling/ packaging ideas related to product if needed.
- Use Nutritional-labeling programme if needed as well as publisher or word document to make up labels.
- Record comments made by stakeholders’ focus group.
- Students will need to record key decisions related to this key milestone stage.
- Students will need to RRR. / Outcome Development and Evaluation
Planning for Practice
(formative and ongoing throughout the unit of work
Brief Development
(Ongoing throughout unit.)
Outcome Development and Evaluation
Planning for Practice
(formative and ongoing throughout the unit of work / - Develop technological outcome/s through:
- informed experiments (based on developing knowledge and skills) that test, evaluate and refine their evolving outcome/s;
- trial and evaluate their outcome/s within the physical and social environment in which they will be placed.
- Undertake brief refinement and/or modification as based on their developing skills and knowledge, including understandings of physical and social environment and feedback from key and wider community stakeholders.
- Demonstrate the need to adhere to codes of practices related to food technology within their project.
- Trial and evaluate their outcome/s within the physical and social environment in which they will be placed.
- Present a technological solution that addresses the brief and reflects the needs of the stakeholders and ongoing production in the form of a conceptual design.
- Model the conceptual design to demonstrate fitness for purpose to the stakeholders. / - Sensory test sheets, ingredients, materials and equipment
- Focus group feedback
- Digital camera/printer
- Students’ design journals
- Feedback / investigative information from stakeholders.
- Food Lab
- Materials room and equipment available
- Plastic former
- Plastic PVC .5mm sheets
- Stakeholder/focus group feedback
- Students’ design journal
- Bulk supplies of chocolate
- milk and white
- flavours
- textures.
- Sensory test sheets, ingredients, materials and equipment
- Focus group feedback
- Digital camera/printer
- Computer suite
- Foodworks NPC / AS 1.2/1.5
AS 1.1 formative assessment
AS 1.2
AS 1.2/1.5
Formative 1.6
AS 1.1 formative assessment
Technology Unit: Tararua Chocolates Year Level: 11 Duration: Up to 14 weeks