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News from the Office for Grants and Federal Fiscal Compliance

Title I, Part ASchoolwide Programs Webinar Series Focusing on Fiscal Issues

The Office for Grants and Federal Fiscal Compliance has developed a series of webinars to complement TEA’s current web pages describing Title I, Part A Schoolwide programs. The webinars will highlight key fiscal issues and are intended to help school districts and charter schools as they begin the process of budgetary planning for the 2016–2017 school year.
In June of 2014, TEA published several web pages describing basic concepts related to operating Title I, Part A schoolwide programs. Additional web pages were published in June of 2015 that focus on fiscal issues, including funding and accounting decisions that must be made while planning to operate a schoolwide program, and specific accounting procedures. The schoolwide programs home page is at
The webinars will be prerecorded, but LEAs can submit questions ahead of time and TEA staff will answer common questions during each webinar.
The first webinar will be published on the schoolwide programs home page no later than Friday, February 19, 2016, and will cover the following topics:
  1. Overview of TEA’s federal flexibility initiative, which includes Title I, Part A schoolwide programs.
  2. Introduction to Title I, Part A schoolwide programs.
  3. Importance of planning.
  4. Overview of the information on the Title I, Part A schoolwide programs webpages.
  5. Key federal guidance that you should read.
Please submit questions that you would like addressed in the first webinar by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 12, 2016.
The second webinar will be published on the TEA website no later than Friday, February 26, 2016, and will cover the following topics:
  1. Fiscal flexibility offered by Title I, Part schoolwide programs.
  2. Fiscal requirements that apply to Title I, Part schoolwide programs.
  3. Title I, Part schoolwide programs consolidation of funds options.
  4. Funds that are eligible for consolidation in Title I, Part schoolwide programs.
Please submit your questions that you would like addressed in the second webinar by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 19, 2016.
Nine webinars are planned. A schedule will be published on the schoolwide programs home page.
If you have any questions regarding the fiscal aspects of Title I, Part A schoolwide programs or would like to submit a question for one or more of the webinars, please send an email to nd .