About the scholarship:

For many students, the financial and social burden that they face daily makes it difficult to undertake university study. The Law Founders’ Scholarship was established in 1997 through the generous support of the legal community, staff and law alumni donors. The purpose of the scholarship is to offer financial support to first-year disadvantaged law students so that they are given the opportunity to reach their full potential. Since its inception the Law Founders’ Scholarship has assisted many students, a number of whom have already graduated and established successful professional careers.

For commencing students in the QUT Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (LW36/LW37) course or associated double degrees (LW45, IX80, IX81, IX82, IX83, IX84, IX85, IX86, IX87, IX88)

Personal Details

Given Name:______Family Name:______

Student Number:______




HomePhone:______Mobile: ______

Work: ______Preferred Contact: (h) (m) (w) Please circle


Signature of ApplicantDate

Please Note

  • Applicants must be commencing students and must demonstrate socio-economic disadvantage;
  • Applicants holding other scholarships (eg Commonwealth or Equity Scholarships) are eligible to apply;
  • Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed by a selection panel. It is expected that interviews will be held in the third week of semester.

Please complete all sections of this form and attach to it:

  • A recent Curriculum Vitae
  • Copies of any relevant documentation to support claims (eg. Health Care Card)
  • Copies of any relevant selected materials (Please specify below)

Applications should be marked “Confidential” on the envelope and forwarded to:

Mail:Law Founders’ Scholarship, QUT Faculty of Law, GPO Box 2434, Brisbane Qld 4001

In Person:Law and Justice Enquiries, Level 4, C Block, Gardens Point (City) Campus

Applications close at 5:00pm ON day 1 of week 2 of semester ONE


Before submitting, please ensure you have signed the declaration on the final page.




The Faculty of Law is fortunate to offer students a number of scholarships generously donated by external organisations. These organisations share a keen interest in providing financial support to students during the course of their studies and, as such, they invest a lot of time and effort in choosing scholarship recipients.

Therefore, when applying for a scholarship or bursary it is important to treat it seriously, as if you were applying for a job.

The information below will assist you to understand the scholarship process. Guidelines are also provided to help you prepare your application.

The Scholarship Process

After the closing date for the scholarship an acknowledgment emailwill be sent advising you that your application has been received.

Your application will be checked to ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria (e.g. year and/or mode of study as outlined in the scholarship application package).

Your application will be copied and distributed to the shortlisting panel along with a copy of your academic results for any studies undertaken at QUT. Your original application is kept on file in the Faculty for one year. All applications are treated confidentially.

The shortlisting panel usually consists of representatives from QUT and the organisation sponsoring the scholarship. The shortlisting panel will consider your application on its merits, paying particular attention to how you have addressed the criteria outlined in the application package.

You will be advised by email of the outcome of your application following the shortlisting process. This may take a couple of weeks as it depends on the availability of the shortlisting panel to meet.

Those applicants who have been shortlisted will be invited to attend an interview with the selection panel. The Faculty will usually contact shortlisted applicants by phone to arrange an interview time, and confirm details in writing.

All shortlisted applicants will be advised of the outcome of their interview by email. The Faculty will advise the successful recipient by phone. An emailconfirming the outcome and further details of the scholarship will be provided to the successful recipient shortly afterwards.

Guidelines for preparing your application

  • Type your application. This will ensure that the information you provide is legible when it is photocopied for distribution to the shortlisting panel.
  • Do not worry about improving the appearance of the application by placing it in ring binders, folders or plastic covers. Remember, the shortlisting panel will only see a photocopy of your application, not the original, so the effect will be lost. A staple in the top left-hand corner will suffice.
  • Remember scholarships are not offered on academic merit alone and it is important that you address all the criteria asked for in the application package. It is most important that you demonstrate a NEED for the scholarship.
  • Attach only copies of information directly relevant to the application. Resist the temptation to attach information from early school years. A list of your achievements over the years may be more appropriate than copies of certificates.
  • Check for spelling and grammatical errors. Perhaps ask someone else to read your application to ensure that the information is easily understood.
  • Use the checklist at the end of the application package to double-check that you have completed everything that is required.
  • Ensure the application is submitted on time. Place your application and additional materials in an envelope with your name and the name of the scholarship clearly marked.

Finally, remember that all applicants have a chance of success! The old saying - you have to be in it to win it – is true when it comes to scholarships.

Best of luck!


Administration Officer (Student Services)

QUT Faculty of Law

Phone:(07) 3138 7789




Secondary education:

a)Name of school: ______

b)Years attended: ______

c)Please list any scholarships, special awards, achievements, prizes:


Tertiary education:

a)If you have done any study at tertiary level before, please list and attach a certified copy of your academic record.

Institution / Course / Date of completion

b)Indicate any additional achievements that might be relevant to your application. Please provide details and include any relevant documentation. Please attach a separate page if insufficient space below.


Please supply the name, address and telephone number of up to two referees who can attest to your socio-economic situation.





Question 1:

  1. Are you an Australian citizen or permanent resident?
/  Yes  No
  1. Did you enter QUT through the Q-Step Program?
/  Yes  No
  1. Are you an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person?
/  Yes  No
  1. Have you received or applied for any scholarship, bursary or other financial assistance from QUT (eg Commonwealth Scholarship or Equity Scholarship). If
YES, please provide details:
………………………..:……………………………………… .……………………………………………………………….. /  Yes  No
  1. Is this the first time you have enrolled at any university?
/  Yes  No

Question 2:Do you PERSONALLY receive any of the following? Please tick ALL that apply.

a) Government Assistance (please specify)

Youth Allowance



Pension Education Supplement

Pension (type)______(e.g. Unemployment Benefit, Disability)

Student Financial Supplement (Loan)

b) Health Care Card

c) Support from family

d) Wage (pt/ft paid employment)

e) Other (specify) ______(e.g. child support, scholarship, grant)

Question 3: What is your current status with regards to receiving study assistance, pensions, and/or other allowances or income as indicated in the question above?

Single (living at home and supported financially by family)

Single (living at home but financially independent)

Single (living away from home and supported financially by family)

Single (living away from home and financially independent)

Sole parent/carer

Partnered, no dependants

Partnered, with dependants

Other (please specify) ______

Question 4: What is your average fortnightly income (please supply supporting documentation, eg. Centrelink letter):

Individual income OR Combined income with partner

Youth Allowance/Austudy/Abstudy/Pension:$______/fortnight

Paid (f/t or p/t) employment $______/fortnight

Assistance from family (e.g. allowance, board):$______/fortnight

Other (Please specify, e.g. child support/scholarships $______/fortnight

Total $______/fortnight

Question 5:If you receive assistance from your family, please advise:

The average weekly income from this source:$

Gross family income for last financial year: $

How many dependants it supported: ______

What are the ages of the dependants:______

If your family relies on a pension or benefits as part of the family income, or has been issued a Health Care Card, please tick one:

Unemployment Benefit□

Health Care Card□

Pension□ Type of pension______

Question 6:What are your average FORTNIGHTLY expenses?

Individual expenses OR Combined expenses with partner

Rent/ board/mortgage:$______/fortnight

Food/ groceries: $______/fortnight

Transport: $______/fortnight

Car (Ins/rego): $______/fortnight


Childcare: $______/fortnight

Phone: $______/fortnight

Loan repayments: $______/fortnight

Incidentals: $______/fortnight

Medical expenses:$ /fortnight

School fees:$ /fortnight

Course-related expenses: (estimation based on course requirements such as texts, materials, equipment, etc) $______/fortnight

Total: $______/fortnight

Question 7: Parental/other dependant responsibility(please provide supporting documentseg. Centrelink letter):

a)Are you a sole parent/carer of any children?
If YES, please provide details re: ages of children you support: ………………………………………………………………… /  Yes  No
b) Are you a primary carer of any children?
If YES, please provide details: …………………………….
………………………………………………………………… /  Yes  No
Other dependants
a)Do you have any dependants other than children? (eg an elderly parent or sibling who lives-in or requires part-time care)
If YES, please provide details: ………… ……..……………. .…………………………………………………………………. /  Yes  No

What level of care do you provide? Please provide brief details:......





Question 8: Special Needs

Please comment if any of your children/dependants have any special needs......





Question 9: Do you currently own a computer or have access to a computer where you live during semester?

Yes (please specify details below) No

Who owns the computer? ______

How old is the computer?

QIs the computer connected to the internet? Yes No

Question 10: Other Information (remember to provide supporting documents)

The Law Founders’ Scholarship is for students who demonstrate socio-economic disadvantage. Why do you need the Law Founders’ Scholarship and how will it benefit you in the short and long term? In responding to this question, you should provide information to show how your financial situation affects your daily life. What basic needs (food, transport, books) are you or your family missing out on? The factors that might be taken into account include, but are not limited to, financial circumstances, domestic and personal circumstances (eg you are from a rural/isolated area; difficult family circumstances; non-English speaking background family relies on you to contribute to the family income). Please attach separate page if insufficient space below.


Question 11: Please provide details of your major interests (ie. sport, hobbies etc.):


Question 12:Why have you enrolled in the QUT Bachelor of Laws (Honours) degree and what do you expect to gain from your studies? Please attach separate page if insufficient space below.



I declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all the information I have provided above is true and correct.

Signature:______Date: ______