News from Cambridgeshire County Council

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Author: / Simon Cobby


Elm Road Primary is a good school which provides a caring, supportive learning environment, according to government inspectors.

The team from OfSTED – the Office for Standards in Education – praised the quality of teaching, the behaviour of pupils and the leadership of the headteacher and senior staff.

They found teaching was good, with some outstanding practice. “Pupils want to learn and the achievement of most pupils is good because of good teaching, an interesting curriculum and the nurturing care provided by all staff.

“There are some examples of outstanding partnerships between teachers and classroom assistants that ensure all pupils are fully involved and significantly promote their learning.

“The achievement of gifted and talented pupils is good as many teachers challenge them successfully to extend their skills. Good use of a detailed tracking process allows all teachers to check carefully on pupils’ progress,” said the inspectors’ report.

They added that Reception Year children made good progress because they benefited from a well planned and organised programme of activities.

Inspectors particularly highlighted pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, adding that the social and moral aspects were particularly strong.

Pupils in turn were praised for their behaviour and attitudes to work. “Behaviour is good and pupils are attentive in lessons and concentrate on their work. They find lessons interesting and are keen to do as well as they can,” added the report.

Headteacher Graham Lockwood was singled out for his ‘supportive and enthusiastic’ personal style, which inspectors said was reflected in many aspects of the school’s success.

“The enthusiastic drive provided by the headteacher, supported well by a cohesive team of staff and the governing body, maintains a clear focus on improving the school and raising pupils’ achievements

“There is a strong team approach that enables and encourages staff and governors to work closely together and share ideas and initiatives that could improve the school. Since the last inspection, the senior leadership team, together with subject leaders, has established good procedures to check how well the school is doing,” said inspectors.

“Care, guidance and support have been maintained at the good quality reported at the last inspection and reflect the high priority given by the school. Excellent procedures for child protection ensure that the school provides a ‘sanctuary’ for many children,” they added.

The school was encouraged to raise pupils’ attainment.

Headteacher Graham Lockwood said:

Everyone involved withElmRoadSchool strives very hard to make it a vibrant and caring community for our children. A school that everyone can be proud of, where children achieve well and enjoy their learning. I am delighted that this has been recognised by Ofsted.


Notes for editors:

  1. ElmRoadPrimary School caters for 226 children aged between 4 and 11.
  2. For further information contact headteacher Graham Lockwood on 01945 584591.
  3. Follow us on Facebook Twitter