Newhouse (follow up Shute connection)

1579 2. Item to the second article we find that Adam Carr, Thomas Brayshay and Oliver Newhouse are seised of and in four oxgangs of land and three tofts, containing in all by estimation 30 acres, be it more or less. The ancient rent is £3 for which they pay to the lord yearly 12½d and one pound of cumin.

Item Richard Newhouse of Giggleswick is seised of one tenement in Giggleswick, one croft being one of the 4 oxgangs abovesaid, containing by estimation ten acres of ground. The ancient rent is 15s. The free rent is paid in that 12½d and pound of cumin which the abovesaid Adam Carr, Thomas Brayshey and Oliver Newhouse do pay.

Item Richard Newhouse improvements 8d.

Item Thomas Armytsteade of Gisburn is seised of one cottage and 3 roods of ground, in the occupation of Rawlyn Newhouse. The ancient rent is 5s. The free rent is 12d.

Item George Middleton of Leghton esquire, tenant to the Queen’s majesty of the parsonage of Giggleswick, is possessed of a lease of three tenements in Giggleswick, parcel of his said lease, one in the occupation of one Richard Lemyng containing by estimation 6 acres of ground, one other tenement in the occupation of Richard Armytsteade containing 5 acres of ground, and one other tenement and two oxgangs of land in the holding of Richard Newhouse, Adam Browne, Robert Kellet and William Browne. The ancient rent is 40s.

Mathew Newhouse one cottage viz one house. Yearly rent 4d.

Richard Newhouse one close called Mylne Hill by estimation 3 acres and a rood. Yearly rent is 16d.

John Banckes, 8 October 2 James of England etc 1604 All that one messuage one lath one garden one oxgang of land and meadow and certain parcels of the demesne lands thereunto belonging etc of the yearly rent of 28s 4d And a parcel of ground within the Spring sometime parcel of Wm. Tailor’s tenement of the ancient yearly rent of 7d And certain parcels of ground lately improved at Maynes Levarthwayte Brakenber and rkettes of the rent of 2s 5½d And one close lately Wm Hynes called Cragclose lately improved of the rent of 9d And one close in Brakenber late Thomas Braysheys of the Rent of 1d One cottage late Mathew Newhouse of the rent of 4d And certain parcels of arable ground in G aforesaid Spring lately improved for the rent of 16d All being of the yearly rent of 33s 10½d and then in the tenure of the said Jo. Banckes To hold for 6000 years Yielding as before, 33s 11½d, Moore Rent, 6s 11¾d

Thomas Newehowse, 8 October 2 James of England 1604 One close called the Millhill close and one little close of arable land and meadow adjoining to the said Millhill close containing in all estimation 5 acres more or less being lately rented at 16d rent per annum To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 16d, margin:Edward Catterall muste pay this 16d rent assigne of Tho: Newhouse

Thomas Newhowse and Thomas Car, 16 July 3 King James of England All that parcel of waste ground partly enclosed commonly called Burwens containing estimation 2 acres 3 roods Two other parcels of meadow and waste ground also partly enclosed called Penderynge and Lamfells containing estimation 4 acres 1 rood. One other parcel of waste ground partly also enclosed called Berkettes close containing estimation 1 acre 2 roods And one other parcel of waste and wood ground called Brodehead containing estimation 4 acres All which parcels are lying within the fields of G aforesaid and thentofore used and accepted for as the several waste ground of the said Earl To hold to them both the said parcels of ground called Borwens Penderynge and Lamfells Berkettes close and Brodehed and the ways and paths thereof etc for 6000 years And to hold the parcel of ground called Ayshten Reynes alias Ayshten Backe and the little peece of land and meadow thereunto adjoining and the ways and paths thereof etc to the said Tho. Newhowse only The said Newhowse and Car paying for the said first parcels 2s 2d and the said Newhowse paying yearly for the other parcels 4d, 2s 6d, Thereof Tho. Carre 13d Roger Carre 3d ... Bankes 10d

3s 4d

William Newhouse holds one barn near the mansion house of Robert Bank aforesaid and two parcels of meadow ground far distant asunder (?) and remote from the said barn: together 2-1-8-0

His beastgates in the common pasture *************


Thomas Newhouse holds one parcel of pasture ground called the New Intake with one acre of meadow thereto adjoining: together 8-1-7-0

Valor inde p annum redd (????) ******

A quarter of the fulling mill and a little close

Ref DD/121/29/2 1550

Gersum 20s paid Randolph Newhouse holds one fulling mill in the

to Richard Grene same place by the lord’s warrant and renders per

annum 3s 4d

Ref DD/121/31/5 1572

Gersum 20s Randolph Newhouse holds by warrant of Richard 2 Edw VI

Fully paid Grene gentleman and other commissaries of the

lord dated 27 April 2 Edward VI for the term of his

life etc the fourth part of one fulling mill in the

same place called Overwalke Mill. And it yields

per annum at the feast aforesaid; 3s 4d

DD121/32/1 1583

Wyllm Newhouse sone of Rawlyne Newhouse haithe taken the ¼ pte of one fulling mylne scytuat at the fote of the tarne there & a little Close lying to the said mylne now in the tenure of the said Rawlyn of the rent of 3s4d To have and hold Yelding and paying for his fyne 46s 8d

Provided that he shall pmytt the said Rawlyn his father to occupie the pmsses During his lief And the wife of the said Rawlyn the moytie thereof During her lawfull widowhood

DD 121/29/23 1602-03
William Newhouse for the fourth part of the fulling mill at the Tarn Foot and a little close adjoining / 3s 4d

Half the fulling mill, a cottage and 2 small closes

Ref DD/121/29/2 1550

Gersum 40s paid Hugh Newhouse holds one cottage with garden

to Richard Grene and two small closes and the moiety of a fulling

mill by warrant of the lord’s Commissaries and

renders per annum 6s 8d

Not with Newhouse in the 1621 rental

The Newhouse’s Town Messuage

Ref DD/121/29/2 1550

Gersum not Randolph Newhouse the son of John holds a small

appraised messuage, one bovate of land and a parcel of

demesne land by the lord’s warrant and renders

per annum 22s 6d

Ref DD/121/31/5 1572

It is respited. Randolph Newhouse Junior, the son of John, holds 4 Edw VI

Gersum; nothing by the lord’s warrant under the lord’s seal, dated 25

here, because he October 4 Edward VI one messuage, one bovate of

took [the land] land, and a parcel of demesne land in the same

before the lord, in place formerly in the tenure of Randolph Newhouse 22s

the 2nd year of his grandfather, to hold to him for the term of the voided

Edward VI, as may life of the lord and the life of the same Randolph because

appear in the book and his wife during her widowhood etc, with the John Foster

of lands and promise that he would allow John Newhouse his George

tenements made father peacefully to occupy the moiety of the said Foster and

in the same year. messuage, with the appurtenances, during his Robert

Note that the natural life etc. And it yields per annum, at the Crake hold

record here is feast aforesaid; the whole

through taking the of the

warrant premises

At will Robert Crake holds the moiety of the aforesaid

It is respited messuage, with the appurtenances, at the will of the

lord, by the assignment of John Newhouse and the

said Randoph, just as by various books of assign-

ment etc, giving per annum 11s

DD121/32/1 1583

Robarte Cracke haithe taken one mess one laithe one garden and half one oxgang of land medow and pasture with the apptnnces lying to the said mess and one pcell of ground improved at the nether end of the said garden lait in the tenure of Rawlyn Newhouse of the rent of 6s now in his Lpp hands to demise at his pleasure To have and hold Yelding And paying for his fyne £5 And so he is admitted Tenante

DD121/32/1 1583

Hughe Claphamson haithe taken of the said Commissioners one mess or Inn called the signe of the Bell and all houses & Buildings with thappertnnces unto the said mess or Inn belonging unto the tenement of the said Hughe of the rent of 6s Also one howse covered with slate Laytlie erected and buylded neire unto the said mess on the northe pte of the heighe way leading from thence unto Settle & one garden lying there unto of the Rent of 8d And one close of medow and pasture by estymacon one Acre and a half acre at Broadehead of the Rent of 4d & one close of land and medow cont by estymacon one Acre and a half acre of a Rent of 12d at Springclose of the rent of 12d And half one acre of land improved beside feilds thereat rent 12d & 1583 half one oxgang of land and medow & certen pcells of demeane lands there with the apptnnce sometime pcell of one tenement in the tenure of Rawlyn Newhouse of the rent of 11s & lait demised for tearm of yeares unto Richerd foster deceassed & now in his Lordshipps hands to demise and let as forfayt

Ref DD/121/29/2 1550

Fine etc Richard Newhouse holds 2 cottages parcels of

Warrant made meadow close by Hunthwayte Thornes by the

lord’s warrant after the widowhood of Isabel

Payley widow and renders per annum 6d

And the same Richard Newhouse released the

premises to a certain Adam Carr, to have in the form

aforesaid after the widowhood of the said Isabel, and

the aforesaid Adam took the said parcel of land from

the Commissaries aforesaid for a fine of 10s

The Little Cottage owned by Newhouse

Ref DD/121/29/2 1550

The relict of John Newhouse holds one cottage

per annum 4d

Ref DD/121/31/5 1572

Gersum 3s 4d Matthew Newhouse holds by the lord’s warrant

Fully paid dated 6 July 4 Eliz for the term of his life etc one

cottage with the appurtenance. And it yields per

annum at the feast aforesaid; 4d

DD121/32/1 1583

Mathew Newhouse haithe taken one cottage with th appurtnnce there now in the tenure of the said Mathew of the rent of 4d. To have and hold Yelding and paying for his fyne 4s

Went to John Bank before 1602/03

DD 121/29/23 1602-03

John Bank for a tenement 30s 11d, for a cottage late Mathew Newhouse 4d and for a parcel of arable land 7d / 31s 10d

Bolton Abbey MS260 1621

John Banckes holds by indenture dated 8 October 2 James of England etc 1604

One cottage, late Mathew Newhouse, of the rent of 4d,

Ref DD/121/31/5 1572

Land by the fulling mill

Gersum nothing Richard Newhouse holds by the lord’s warrant

because it stands dated 5 January 5 Edward VI for the term of his

unenclosed life three acres of waste land in the same place, to

be enclosed. And it yields per annum at the feast

aforesaid; 16d

At will The same Richard holds at the will of the lord the

half part of one rood of land at Daydaell at a rent

per annum of 3d, and the sixth part of one rood of

land at Assheton at a rent per annum of 1d. And

they yield per annum at the feast aforesaid; 4d

DD121/32/1 1583

Richerd Newhouse holdeth one close called the mylne gill conteyninge by estimacon two acres and one roode of the rent of [16d] The said Richerd dothe also hold at will one pcell of ground by est half a rode improved at Dadow side of the rent of 4d

DD121/32/1 1583

Richard NewhouseAlso one other pcell of waste called Eshton Rayne cont by est acres To be granted to Richerd Newhouse For a lik rent as appreasyd

DD 121/29/23 1602-03

Thomas Newhouse for Mill House Close / 16d

Bolton Abbey MS260 1621

Mr Robert Bankes by indenture dated 13 April 13 James

All that messuage and tenement etc before granted to him under 26s 2d rent,

A messuage and tenement sometimes John Swainsons <parcel of Tho. Newhouse tenement called Ashton Banck 4d> rent 6s 8d parcels of a tenement late Christopher Wilsons Rent 8s 9d,

Bolton Abbey MS260 1621

Thomas Newehowse holds by indenture dated 8 October 2 James of England 1604

One close called the Millhill close, and one little close of arable land and meadow adjoining to the said Millhill close, containing in all by estimation 5 acres, more or less, being lately rented at 16d rent per annum,

And all woods and underwoods etc, Except etc,

To hold for 6000 years without impeachment of waste,

Yielding 16d rent at Martinmas and Pentecost equally,

With like reservations, covenants and conditions as in the long leases of Giggleswick.

[Note in RH margin:



No Moore Rent]

[Note in LH margin:

Edward Catterall muste pay this 16d rent assigne of Tho: Newhouse]

Ref DD/121/31/5 1572

At will Oliver Newhouse holds at the will of the lord the

sixth part of one acre of land at Daydaell. And it

yields per annum at the feast aforesaid; 4d

DD121/32/1 1583

Olyver Newhouse holdeth At L. wil the 6th pte of one Acre of ground laytlie improved at Dawday of the rent of 4d for which he haithe agreed his fyne And is admitted Gr 2s 8d

Small improvements

Oliver Newhouse / 4d
Thomas Newhouse / 8d

DD 121/29/23 1602-03


Richard Brashey, Oliver Newhouse and Thomas Carr / 12 ½ d
William Newhouse / 12d

DD/121/29/8 AD 1613, ,

Thomas, Newhouse), , , , , ,

Thomas, Newhouse, , , 1, 4, ,

William, Newhouse, , , 3, 4, ,

Bolton Abbey MS260 1621

Bolton Abbey MS260 1621

William Newhouse occupies one rood of waste together with Thomas Stackhouse at Langcliffe Wath, which they now claim to be parcel of their tenements [In RH margin: never rented]