Newham BID Committee Meeting Minutes
Venue: GE Capital
Tuesday 6th May 2014, 12.30pm
Attendees: Melinda Rickett (MR) Peter Beaumont (PB), Russell Dodge (RD); Alison Elvey (AE), Nick Skerratt (NS), Alan Treloar (AS), Cllr Rob Nolan (RN), Bill Osborne (BO), Max Lowe (ML), Terry Spargo (TS). Charles Whitehead (CW) Mark Killingback (MK)
Apologies: Karen & Cameron MacQuarrie, Simon Hendra, Michael Galligan, Nathaniel Hobbs, Lucy Mancer.
1) Attendance, apologies & introductions.
Introductions were made around the table and apologies noted (listed above)
2) Minutes of last meeting, matters arising and outstanding actions
The minutes of the last meeting were approved as a true record. AE spoke to Neil Scott concerning shopwatch radios which is a radio shared between the police and Truro shopkeepers. It was agreed this wasn’t relevant to AE as she is part time and alerted to incidents by MK he agreed he’d continue to do. PB went through the matters arising.
Totally Truro Operating Agreement amendment to encompass the Newham- still in progress due to negotiation with the Council over the services required.
PB & MR to confirm the bank documents have been submitted - everything has been submitted but waiting for docs from Totally Truro.
AE to investigate how other industrial parks are signposted – complete
AE to investigate funding for signage project. Will complete when signage proposal ready.
AE to start looking at the state of the other roads, maintenance of the roads and resurfacing - on going.
AE to encourage operating vehicles to report accidents to the police - complete / ongoing
AE to encourage all users to write to the Council regarding the state of the road including the bus companies – in progress
AE & NY to work together on a CCTV scope for the next committee meeting - complete
AT & AE to meet with Cornwall Council to discuss signage - complete
AE to approach Tescos at the appropriate time to discuss funding.
AE to circulate a survey asking businesses to choose a name for Newham - complete
AE to chase Peter Tatlow regarding the next stage of the speed monitoring – complete. The next phase has just been circulated to relevant businesses at the entrance to Newham.
AE to chase Peter Tatlow regarding the potholes on Heron Way - complete.
AE to put together the proposal for Higher Newham Lane - complete.
AE agreed to contact First again regarding a regular bus service - ongoing
AE to chase NS to look at public transport meeting - ongoing.
It was agreed that AE would put together a tender for the maintenance contract of the proposed areas on the map circulated as identified in Phase 1. Private sector businesses would be given the option to opt into the tender. AE to identify the owner of the land opposite the port – ongoing
AE confirmed that Cornwall Council (CC) have instructed Cormac to carry out patching/resurfacing works to all of Newham this financial year. This treatment will be from the roundabout at the bottom of Morlaix to the Port. Some patching and some resurfacing where really required. I have also instructed the potential resurfacing of Heron Way.
TS commented that with the repair of the potholes & resurfacing cars may start to travel faster into Newham.
3) Signage project – Committee asked to decide on the name for Newham & sign off feasibility study for the next stage.
AE referred to the Survey Monkey which was carried out to inform the Committee decision. 46 companies responded with the top three names chosen as follows:
1st Newham Business Park (13 votes)
2nd Newham and the Port of Truro (10 votes)
3rd Newham Business District (9 votes)
A discussion followed where BO stated that Newham business park was too close a name to Threemilestone business park and Newham should have something different. Other members felt this wouldn’t be a problem as there are lots of business parks. Some members felt that Newham was enough of a name, while others expressed concern that this wouldn’t tell people who don’t know Newham what Newham is. PB explained that the top three names were also the most popular identified during the signage consultation and the name had been discussed many times at length and the easiest way, now that businesses had voted, was to ask them t vote again for one of the top three. The committee agreed.
Action: AE to send out a Survey Monkey for the top three most popular names including comments from the meeting.
AE quickly ran through the Newham Signage project feasibility Study report, highlighting the main points:
The zoning had been identified as the best way to assist wayfinding;
The result of the meeting with CC was that the project will have to use Highway signs on Newham road. However colours could be used on the signs to distinguish the zones. Highways will confirm the colours;
Other road turnings & entrances to carparks for multi company offices would have designated signs such as those in the designs;
The promotion of retail businesses would be incorporated into the signage at the entrance to Newham as shown on page 17.
The first map (page 21) shows the wayfinding element of the project and the second map (page 22) shows the interpretation and public art.
PB asked members for their comments on the document.
MK asked if the BID was looking at funding for the signage project as it may be eligible for INTERREG money. AE replied that she had looked at funding and there wasn’t much relevant funding available at present but wasn’t aware of INTERREG.
Action: MK to forward AE information concerning INTERREG funding.
AT highlighted the signage proposal for the promotional sign at the entrance (page 17). He explained that by providing this it could replace the signs scattered all over Newham and also act as a way of pulling customers into Newham. He explained he’d like the views of the Committee.
Committee members asked whether the sign would display each company logo, or just have the names of the businesses to fit in with the design of the signs. Some members felt it would look too messy with a company’s own logo, while others commented that by using recognisable brands they would be more visible to visitors to Newham as they drive past, and it would defeat the object of having a promotional sign if it just listed businesses. There was some concern that every business would want to be included, so a rotational system may need to be put in place. If the sign carried logos there should be a charge for this. Would the logos be colour coded? In order to remove signs there should be a slide in panel. Members asked how many businesses would want their logo on the sign and it was estimated at 10-15.
ACTION: AE to ask businesses if they’d like their name / logo at the entrance to Newham
NS highlighted that the cost of the bespoke signs was £20,000 more than off the shelf signs. MR & RD highlighted the need of a high impact sign / interpretation or public art at the entrance to Newham to ensure Newham is put on the map. RN suggested caution for this as sometimes what’s agreed in the brief and then produced can be two very different things. MR sought clarification that the committee was signing off the feasibility study but not the brand or design. It was agreed no brand could be developed without the name agreed first. RD expressed the idea of adding in the Cornish name for Newham on it’s signs.
PB confirmed the feasibility was being signed off that included:
The results of the consultation – i.e. zoning of areas of Newham to assist wayfinding;
The positions of the proposed signs (the map);
The phasing of the signage project;
The identification of bespoke & off the shelf options.
It was agreed that the signs shouldn’t be cheap, they should be high quality & easy to maintain.
It was agreed that the wayfinding Highway signs from Cornwall Council should be put in place first in Phase 1. Prior to purchasing signs from Highways it should be agreed who will maintain them and what colours & symbols could be used.
ACTION: AE to contact Highways re cost of wayfinding signs.
PB asked if anyone wanted to join the Signage Subgroup which currently consisted of AT, Peter Tatlow from Cormac and Martin Webster from Jewsons. Everyone agreed it was doing a great job and should continue. AE noted that the tender would be put on Tenders in Cornwall. It was unanimously voted to continue to the next stage.
ACTION: Signage subgroup to develop tender for the next stage of the project. Send around photos of other signs that were discussed at the meeting.
4) Road surface improvement for Higher Newham Lane – Committee asked to decide on funding
AE introduced the paper circulated regarding Newham Road. AE explained she’d got quotes for the repair and highlighted the need for the repair, the fact that the BID was about improving Newham as a whole, that she’d spoken to the owners who had agreed a contribution but who currently get no income from the road, and that Newham was getting the public sector maintained roads resurfaced and yellow lined for free.
ML said he didn’t support the BID paying for the improvements as GE Capital have to maintain Gas Hill. MR explained that the businesses near her maintain their own carpark and she didn’t want to set a precedent for the road. BO explained that lots of people were using the road who didn’t even work in the area or weren’t visiting the businesses in the area – many people were parking on the road making the situation worse.
RD commented that by having an access from Newham through to the LXB proposed development at Higher Newham, this could help unlock development in the area. However, it was thought the timescales for this weren’t relevant to the debate as any development won’t start until at least 2016. BO also highlighted the issues of the river / spring coming into Newham which has caused flooding in the past thus causing a concern regarding any development on that land.
GE said they were concerned it was setting a precedent and shouldn’t be allowed. NS suggested instead supporting a percentage of the cost why not state a set amount such as matching the owners contribution and making it clear each proposal would be taken on a case by case basis. RD said the amount should be at least £1,000 to help publicity.
A vote was taken on whether the Committee supported the concept of contributing to the repairs at Higher Newham Lane (For 7 votes, against 2 votes)
PB asked the members to vote on three options (BO declared an interest and didn’t vote):
Pay the full amount (0 votes)
Contribute £1,000 towards the cost (For: 7 votes, against: 1 votes, Abstain: 1 votes)
Contribute £1,500 towards the cost (For: 1 vote, against : 8 votes)
It was therefore agreed that the Newham BID would contribute £1,000 + VAT to the cost of the repair to Higher Newham Lane.
A discussion followed about who should project manage the repair. Some members felt that there was a risk involved if the BID manage it, others that the BID could take that role to assist the businesses.
It was agreed that AE & BO would work together to deliver the project, and the Newham BID would manage the financial side of the project.
Due to the past experience of good work, the contractor D A GILES was named the favoured contractor and would be approached to see if there was any movement on price.
ACTION: AE & BO to work together to deliver the road repair to Higher Newham Lane.
5) CCTV - Committee to sign off scope of CCTV for tendering
PB confirmed that the paper circulated was not a pitch by CDA solutions but rather a document they have put together to assist take the CCTV project to the next stage.
AE quickly ran through the main points of the document. Highlighting that the proposal provided full CCTV coverage, but that the committee may not want to proceed with this and budget would not allow.
MK confirmed that the harbour had a small budget to install CCTV but they’d deferred the decision until the BID decided what it would deliver.
PB stated that the CCTV project could be staged and that number plate recognition was required and there should be a number of strategic cameras placed. It was agreed that there was no need for constant monitoring – but certain people would have access to the system through permissions. MK stated that Waldens were another local company. PB suggested the scope provided a good template for the tendering process. The year 1 budget was £10,000 so something would be initially provided for that amount. There would need to be an annual service contract providing maintenance for the life of the BID and installation charge. The server also need to be sorted out.
It was agreed by the committee to continue to the next stage.
ACTION: AE to tender for the CCTV installation.
6) Liftshare – sustainable transport project – committee asked to approve concept for next stage
AE explained that as the bus service hadn’t worked she hoped to introduce a Liftshare scheme for Newham which would help people car share, taxi share, and buddy up for walking & cycling to work. AE would be selling the idea as a way of saving money and meeting new people at Newham. AE had spoken to Truro BID and they were interested in taking part. AE hoped to put a BID into the Council for funding for this. Cost to Newham Bid is £1600 aprox one off build for the site and £1760 annual licence. TS asked whether there’d be signs promoting liftshare and that they currently promote a scheme. It was felt GE capital would be a good case study for the promotion of the project at Newham.