This brief has been prepared by Newham Business Improvement District (BID) for tender purposes. The tender is for the delivery of the Newham BID Website for the business area named: Newham and the Port of Truro.

The core objective of the Newham BID Website Project is to

“To provide a website for Newham and the Port of Truro, which draws businesses and visitors to the area.”

The aims of the website project is to:

·  Promote NTPOT and its businesses throughout Cornwall and beyond to increase business trade and footfall;

·  Entice and excite Newham businesses to use the website (and associated social media) to keep abreast of events, offers, vacancies across NTPOT;

·  Create a buzz about NTPOT which encourages people to visit the area;

·  Provide Newham BID the opportunity to maintain each part of the website directly.


Newham BID became operational in September 2013. As part of the BIDs development process the Newham BID Steering Group produced the Newham BID Final Proposal May 2013 ( which was unanimously adopted through the BID ballot. The proposal identifies three key priorities for the Newham BID, of which the third is “Services to Business”.

As described in the Newham BID Final Proposal May 2013 the issue for businesses is:

Difficult economic times, rising business costs and a trading estate with a poor image create problems for businesses on top of day to day issues. There currently exists no collective buying power, little business to business trading, and no marketing of Newham as a place to do business.

The following three solutions have therefore been identified in the proposal:

1.  Cost Cutting measures: Identification of specialist organisations offering practical advice on getting the best rates for utilities and energy reduction and procurement at discounted rates for products and services.

2.  Marketing your business: A BID website with a page for your business and guides showing what businesses are and where.

3.  Marketing of Newham: Develop image and branding for Newham alongside a professional marketing campaign to promote Newham as a place to do business both locally and nationally.

A Newham & the Port of Truro website, established by Newham BID will help address solutions 2 and 3 as well as incorporating projects and information for solution 1.

Newham BID has its own website ( which is inward facing and is used to provide updated information about the BID and its activities. The new Newham & The Port of Truro (NTPOT) website will link to the Newham BID website, but provide information which is of use to those wanting to visit NTPOT.



·  In November 2014 the NTPOT brand was launched ( The branding will be used on the website and link into the Newham BID signage project which is currently under development.

·  The NTPOT website will link through to the Newham BID website (

·  As part of the Signage project a zonal map has been produced that will be incorporated into the website to assist with wayfinding. Please find latest map at:

·  Copy and images will be provided by Newham BID.



To provide a website which has a simple to use CMS system, is easy to navigate, mobile compatible, showing and linked to social media feeds (Twitter & Facebook) and has easily accessible data (page hits etc). The website should include the following:

1. Home Page

This will include an introduction to NTPOT.

2. Business Directory

Provide a Business Directory with:

·  Business listings should be able to be added by the businesses then sent to admin for approval ( before being posted.

·  A to Z listing

·  Listing by category (to be agreed with the BID and categories to be easily added if new businesses arrive)

·  Search engine

·  Each business listing should have the following:

·  Business logo:

·  Name

·  Address:

·  Post Code:

·  Contact:

·  Tel:

·  Email (including link to click straight to email)

·  Website link (link directly to their own page)

·  Opening times:

·  Description of the business.

·  A map and directions provided on where each business is located


3. Explore NTPOT

Provision of clear maps and also transport options including sustainable transport options – such as a car share page (maybe linked to something like, a taxi share scheme, info on cycle paths & shower facilities and public transport options.


4. Business Offers

·  Offers section for potential customers of NTPOT businesses with downloadable pdf ( open to all;

·  Promotion of NTPOT business to business offers (with easy way to limit the offers to only Newham businesses such as a log in) to

§  promote business to business offers between businesses based in Newham;

§  promote cost cutting measures (as identified in number 1 above)

·  Optional – dependent on costs - Information centre with recommendations and star rating but only Newham registered businesses can rate products (

Should include:

• Business logo / name:

• Tel:

• Email (including link to click straight to email)

• Website link (link directly to their own page)

• Description of the offer.


5. Businesses looking to locate in NTPOT

Promote NTPOT to potential tenants through the provision of:

·  A vacant properties section – ideas to be provided with possible links to agent’s websites or commercial property through Right Move;

·  Details about Newham BID;

6. News Events page

Create a page of latest news and press coverage including NTPOT in the news as well as promoting events across NTPOT and businesses events in Truro.


7. Contacts page

The contacts page will provide details of how to contact Newham BID but also provide useful contacts for BID members and those thinking of moving to the area.

8. Jobs vacancies page

A page where businesses can easily promote their job vacancies. A form would be provided on the website and completed by the businesses and sent to the Newham BID Manager to upload onto the website.

Tender Process

Tender Documentation

Your tender must provide information on the following:

a) Details of how you would approach this project, highlighting the steps you will go through to achieve our objectives and the tender specification;

b) CVs for your team and the identification of the person who will be leading the project team;

c) Details of examples of any similar website projects that you have completed. This should include specific relevant examples such as websites for places, multi-use industrial estates, business parks or mixed use areas. We would expect you to identify why you believe the examples are relevant to Newham;

d) Specific examples and details of your experience of working with, for example, Committees, groups of partners. If successful you will be working to the Newham BID Signage Sub Committee, and possibly a Newham BID website working group;

d) Details of any assumptions you have made in preparing the tender and conditions which apply to the tender;

e) Timescales: A detailed week-by-week programme for the implementation of the project based on the target end date specified above;

f) Project cost. This should include your total fees for the project and also itemised fees per team member including hourly rates. Due to limited funds we would expect that the price for this website development to be competitive;

Please email your tender to . We are happy to accept copies by post (please provide 2 copies) to arrive no later than the date shown. However we will require an electronic copy. Postal copies should be sent to Alison Elvey, Newham BID Manager, c/o MJ Medical Ltd, St Piran House, Truro Technology Park, Heron Way, Newham, Truro, TR1 2XN.

We would expect to invite three companies from this initial written submission to present to Newham BID Committee members to discuss in greater detail their thoughts and any initial concepts that they might like to share with the group.

The tender will be awarded on the basis of track record & relevant experience, expertise, creativity and value for money. The tender will be awarded on a ratio of quality to price of 65:35.

Dead lines

Tenders must arrive no later than 12.00 midday Friday 10th July and be valid for a minimum of sixty days from this closing date. Please submit any questions regarding the tender by Tuesday 7th July and questions and answers will be distributed to all tendering parties (without the questioner being revealed). We will not be answering questions re price.

Shortlisting agencies will be invited by Newham BID to present to Newham BID Committee members during the week commencing 27th July with a start date of the week 10th August 2015.

Timetable: The start date of the project is expected to be the week of 10th August 2015 (inception meeting). We would like to ensure that the website is live by the time the Newham BID signs are implemented which is anticipated for late summer / early autumn. Please note the Newham BID Manager only works Mondays and Tuesdays.

For any further information please contact Alison Elvey, Newham Business Improvement District Manager on 07817385998 or by emailing .

c/o MJ Medical Ltd, St Piran House, Truro Technology Park, Heron Way, Newham, Truro, TR1 2XN /

A company limited by guarantee and registered in England: No. 6070111