Newcastle College

Corporation Meeting

Minutes of Meeting held on 20 May 2008

2323 Present

Jon Bryan

Shaun Chapman

Graham Cook

David Faulkner

Jackie Fisher

Alan Groves

Jamie Martin Chair of the Corporation

Peter Michell

Sue Pearson

Alex Turner

2324 In Attendance

Colin Booth

John Dallinson

Linda Moore

Mark Sacco Clerk to the Corporation

Esme Winch

2325 Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Steven Broomhead, Ruth Crowther, Carole Howells and Joanne Syrett.

2326 Conflict of Interest


2327 Informal discussion


2328 Presentation on Construction

Colin Stott delivered the presentation highlighting the organisation of the School of Construction, Automotive and Land-Based Studies, planned income in the current year, the trend in student performance, environmental factors, the business outlook and development opportunities.

There had been considerable development and improvement since the last Inspection. Changes to qualifications had created some uncertainty in the short-term. However, there were ample business opportunities and the move to national provision would improve strength in the longer term.

In response to enquiries from Governors, Colin Stott outlined opportunities for business development arising from a partnership approach with industry.

Governors thanked Colin Stott for the presentation.

Colin Stott left the meeting at this point.

2329 Minutes of Corporation meetings

The minutes of the meetings held on 22 April 2008 and 24 April 2008 were accepted as an accurate record.

2330 Minutes of Audit Committee meeting held on 13 May 2008

The Corporation received the minutes of the meeting of the Audit Committee held on 13 May 2008.

The Audit Committee had recommended that the Corporation should approve the Financial Statements Audit Plans.

2331 Matters Arising


2332 Register of Actions

Minute 2056: The Procedure for Competitive Tendering was to be considered later at the meeting.

Minute 2298: It was proposed for a joint meeting in Skelmersdale to be arranged for Autumn 2008.

2333 Principal’s Report

Jackie Fisher presented the report. Governors received a copy of a briefing which the Executive had recently delivered to staff on corporate developments and the forthcoming inspection. Jackie Fisher outlined the programme for inspection and explained that the College had the opportunity to inform judgements throughout the process.

Governors discussed the role of 157 and endorsed the Principal’s view that 157 should focus on policy development and lobbying on behalf of its members rather than becoming a bidding organisation.

Governors received an update on Intraining. Following the acquisition, the Executive had gained a detailed understanding of performance and the financial position. In response to an enquiry, Jackie Fisher undertook to provide a structure chart of Intraining NTP showing the location of Directors.

Action – Jackie Fisher

Two students from the Hair and Beauty section were being considered for the national finals of the World Skills Beauty Competition. Governors asked the Clerk to forward their congratulations.

Action – Mark Sacco

A student had received the Heating and Ventilating Craft operative of the Year Award. Governors asked the Clerk to forward their congratulations.

Action – Mark Sacco

Jackie Fisher explained that she proposed to resign her position on the board of Business Link North East to increase the focus of her time on College business; Governors supported this.


The Corporation endorsed the Principal’s view that 157 should focus on policy development and lobbying on behalf of its members rather than becoming a bidding organisation.

2334 Risk Management – Facilities/IT/MIS

Linda Moore presented the report, highlighting that the risk register and action plan for this risk category had been updated to take account of recent acquisitions. Governors were asked to approve the line representing the risk appetite. Following discussion, it was suggested that the risk matrix could be improved by the addition of a mark on each arrow to show the extent to which progress with actions had reduced risk. Linda Moore undertook to present a proposal for consideration at the next meeting of the Audit Committee.

Action – Linda Moore


The Corporation approved the line representing the risk appetite.

2335 Capital Budget 2008-2009

Esme Winch presented the report which detailed the proposed routine capital budget for Newcastle College (including Skelmersdale and Ormskirk College) for 2008-2009; this totalled £4m.

In response to an enquiry, Esme Winch explained that capital spending proposed for the Lifestyle Academy was to support growth. Proposals included enhancing RWEs in Newcastle and a new hair salon in Hexham.


The Corporation approved the routine capital budget of £4m in total.

2336 Property Strategy

Esme Winch presented the report, highlighting progress with current projects.

The Corporation received the report.

2337 Procedure for Competitive Tendering

Gary Whitehead presented the report which concerned the arrangements for governance, management and control of contracts. He asked for feedback on a draft procedure which had been developed for Newcastle College and explained that further development would be undertaken to make the procedure suitable for the Newcastle College Group.

Governors suggested that: final approval or ratification of bids by the Corporation should be incorporated; the proportion of successful bids should be recorded; the process should avoid internal competition for the same contract.

The process would be co-ordinated by a bid manager and would build on experience of successful bids.

A further report would be brought to the Corporation in July 2008.

The Corporation received the report.

2338 Child Protection Policy and Procedure

Linda Moore presented the report, highlighting routine updates to the Child Protection Policy and Procedure as well as progress with the College’s Action Plan relating to DfES Guidance DfES/0027/2004 “Safeguarding Children in Education”. The need for further development following recent acquisitions was being investigated. An equality impact assessment was in progress.

The College had further developed its on-line training for staff and the need for awareness amongst Corporation members was noted. Governors received the College’s updated training material on Child Protection in hard copy.

In response to enquiries from Governors, Linda Moore explained that: the College Nursery was covered by the policy; childcare students on placements were subject to CRB checks and arrangements were in place for monitoring and reporting; the involvement of an HR specialist had been specified in line with good practice. Following discussion, Linda Moore undertook to consider whether the procedure might be strengthened by identifying a second Vice Principal to receive allegations about a member of staff when she was not available.

Action – Linda Moore


The Corporation approved the updated Child Protection Policy and Procedure.

2339 Foundation Degree Awarding Powers

Colin Booth presented the report which made initial proposals for the College to apply for Foundation Degree Awarding Powers (FDAP). Governors were asked to support this development in principle; the application documents would be brought to the Corporation for final approval.

In response to enquiries from Governors, Colin Booth explained that there was a need to develop formal systems for HE governance and to compile an evidence base.


The Corporation approved in principle that the College could apply for Foundation Degree Awarding Powers, subject to approval of the application documents by the Corporation.

2340 Corporation Matters

Mark Sacco presented the report, highlighting the recommendation by the Audit Committee to approve Financial Statements Audit Plans, progress with the action plan to achieve compliance with the 2008 Instrument and Articles of Government, documents recently signed by Governors and proposed minor updating of the Disclosure Policy and Procedure. The Executive had considered the Disclosure Policy and Procedure and had indicated that these should apply across the Newcastle College Group.


The Corporation approved:

·  The Financial Statements Audit Plans

·  The updated Disclosure Policy and Procedure

2341 Self Assessment Report

John Dallinson presented a revised Self Assessment Report for 2006-2007. The report had been amended to reflect the final results of the teaching and learning benchmarking exercise.

The Corporation received the report.

2342 Finance Report

Esme Winch presented the report. Overall the College was on target to achieve the budget surplus for the current year: an adverse variance on income had been mitigated by reductions in cost.

Governors received a letter from the LSC which confirmed that the financial health grade for the College continued to be category A.

It was proposed to increase the franchise activity at Skelmersdale to £392k. Governors noted that the overall level of franchise activity would still be significantly below the 5% recommended ceiling.

Esme Winch presented the proposed Fees and Fee Remission Policy for 2008/2009, highlighting recommended fee rates, proposals for fee remission arrangements, fee payments and fee refunds.


The Corporation approved:

·  Increased franchising to a total of £392k at Skelmersdale and Ormskirk College.

·  The fee policy, recommended fee rates and retention of the discretionary college fee levels and waivers for selected provision and learners.

2343 Human Resources

Esme Winch presented the report which provided an update about Human Resources issues affecting the College and an outline of current and future activities.

Governors discussed the requirement for teaching staff to pursue professional qualifications. Colin Booth undertook to circulate a briefing note on this development and to indicate the proportion of staff affected.

Action – Colin Booth

The Corporation received the report.

2344 Complaints and Learner Forum Feedback

Linda Moore presented the report, highlighting developments made by the College in response to suggestions made by students at Learner Forums. She presented an analysis of complaints, highlighting two complaints related to disability and one complaint relating to alleged racial abuse by a student; these complaints had been addressed. Feedback received via Student Evaluation Surveys had been excellent.

The Corporation received the report.

2345 Other Business


2346 Confidentiality of Business

Draft proposals for the re-alignment of InTraining were embargoed from publication for four weeks.

Details of proposed property transactions were deemed confidential, for review after three years.

The Financial Statements Audit Plan was confidential, disclosure being subject to written agreement by the audit firm.

2347 Date and time of next meeting

17 June 2008 at 5.00pm

Meeting closed: 7.45pm