AWARDS ARE TO BE TYPED and sent on to this chairman by December 1: The NGC awards application is available online at: – Info/Forms – VFGC awards application; this can be used in your typed application. Also on this webpage are lists of NGC, SAR, VFGC and TD awards.

In typing – please use Times New Roman with a font size of10with margins no more than .6 on both margins of paper, single spaced. This should give you sufficient room for your application information. Photos may be printed (if you have Publisher on your computer) or paste them on. (Please number pages and staple) Please send this chairman three complete copies of your awards; keep one copy for your records! Binders and sheet protectors are no longer allowed. Exceptions noted. You may also apply for any state, SAR or NGC awards that may not be listed here (check in your state yearbook) (all presidents have a copy of this) for VFGC.(SAR and NGCawards are listed by title only and can be seen by clicking on: and go to the link at the end of the awards for SAR and NGC Awards. The titles are also listed in the state yearbook. There is a three page limit – using front only. No applications are returned!

CHANGES: PROCEDURE FOR APPLYING & DEADLINES – When the same project is eligible for various awards, submitting exact duplication of the application is not acceptable.

A BOOK OF EVIDENCE should be prepared onlyfor the following: a. Flower Show Achievement Award; b. Publicity Press Book; c. Member Award of Honor (not to exceed six pages).

Club size: i – under 29 members; ii – 30-59 members; iii – 60-99. Use for all awards with these designations - except club yearbook!


D-1 – Bird Protection – to the club conducting the most comprehensive and effective project for bird protection and welfare, for example: sanctuaries, providing food, houses and promoting law enforcement relative to bird welfare (i, ii, iii). S-14, SAR 2, NGC # EC-4

D-2 – Butterfly – to the club for conducting the most comprehensive and effective project on butter-flies, e.g. habitat protection, protection of migratory routes, public education, establishment of a butterfly garden at school or community site (i, ii, iii). Monarch Way Stations may be a part of this award. S-15, SAR 3, NGC # EC-5

D-3 – Chucky Chipmunk – to the club with the most complete promotion of “Chucky” and the

“STOP Throwing and START Stowing” anti-litter theme – i.e. poster contest, newsletter, school program.S-20

D-4 – Civic Beautification/Civic Achievement – to the club for distinguished civic or conservation work making permanent improvement for public benefit, e.g. establishing sanctuaries, experimental forests, municipal gardens, landscaping public buildings, etc. No commercial project is eligible (i, ii, iii). S-24, SAR 4, NGC # CS-2 A or B

D-5–Civic Projects with Native Plants - to the club for establishing wildflower gardens, memorial gardens or the restoration of historic gardens with emphasis on native plant material to our region.

(i, ii, iii) S-22, NGC #NPW-2

D-6 – Decoration of HistoricBuilding - to the club for decorating an historic building/house/

mansion. Decorations are not required to be of the period of the building, but should be creative, distinctiveand harmonize with the building’s style. Designer’s choice of all materials within purview of curator,official or owner of the building. S-30, NGC # HP-2

D-7 – DistrictAttendance - to the club with the highest percentage of members attending the two district meetings and the VFGC convention, held during the awards year. Include a list of active members and which meetings and convention attended.

D-8 – Horticulture Therapy - to the club for an outstanding program working with the physically or learning challenged in nursing homes, schools, prisons, etc. (i, ii, iii) S-31

D-9 – Horticulture Therapy GardenProject - to the club for establishment of a garden/s to benefit the physically or learning challenged residents in a nursing home, school, prison, low income housing, Habitat for Humanity, etc. Includes barrier free garden, accessible gardening, community garden, meditation garden at hospital, etc.S-32, SAR 6 or 7, NGC # G-3

D-10 – Litter/Recycling/Reclamation - to the club (i, ii, iii) for the most outstanding community

Project on litter prevention, reclamation and/or recycling, e.g. year-long program, organizing recycling program, establishing community composting site. S 19, NGC # EC-2

D-11 – Membership – to the club bringing the most new members into VFGC membership. Send list of members joining your club between March 1 and the end of February, showing joining date, to

District Membership Chairman (Susan Porter, 1524 Westerfield Road, Virginia Beach,23455-4359)by March 5. No application is required.S-33

D-12 – National Garden Week -to the club for the best overall promotion of National Garden Week. Emphasis on showing community involvement throughout the entire week and may include local and/or state proclamations. (i, ii, iii) S-34, SAR 11A, NGC # MP-2

D-13 – Penny Pines – to the club with the most donations to the NGC Penny Pines program. The reporting period for this award is January1 through December 1of each year. Checks are to be made out to NGC Penny Pines and sent to NGC, Inc. The application form is in the President’s packet (given at Fall District Meeting and on the NGC website. Fill this out and send it with your check to NGC, Inc. as requested on form. (District Chairman will decide winner.)

D-14 – Smokey Bear Posters – to the club with the most posters turned in for judging. A list of all participants is necessary. To be determined by District Chairman.

D-15 – VISION OF BEAUTY CALENDARS – to the club selling the largest number of Vision of

Beautycalendars. Club needs to supply the number of members and number of calendars sold as evidence. A – based on total calendars sold. B – based on calendars per member. S-36, SAR 18


D-16 – Club Membership Brochure–to the club creating the most unique club promotional

brochure for promoting membership. Enclose one copy of brochure and one NGC application in manila envelope. Glue other copy of NGC application to outside of envelope (i, ii, iii) S-42-5, NGC # PUB-2


State number of issues per year on award application. Submit three sample issues (2 copies each in separate envelopes – one to be sent on to SAR, one to be sent on to NGC) in an envelope with one application form secured to outside and one enclosed inside each envelope.

D-17 – Club Newsletter A– to the club (i, ii, iii) publishing a one-page newsletter, at least three issues. Note the total number of issues published at least three times per year under one editorship or management. S-43A, SAR 9-1, NGC # PUB-1-1A

Club Newsletter B - to the club (i, ii, iii) publishing a newsletter of 3-12 pages – at least three issues. Note the total number published during the year. S-43B, SAR 9-2, NGC # PUB-1-2 A

Club Newsletter C - to the club (i, ii, iii) publishing a newsletter of 13-24 pages at least three issues. (S-43C, NGC # PUB 1-3-A

D-18 – CLUB YEARBOOK – may be awarded to the best yearbook in each of the following categories – Check for club size: 1. Under 20 members; 2. 20-29 members; 3. 30-44 members

4. 45-69 members. S-44, SAR 26-A, NGC# YB-1

D -19 – CLUB SCRAPBOOK -A – to a club up to 20 members; B - to a club 20-29 members; C - to a club of more than 29 members. (Judging Scale is included with the awards list.)

D-20 – SMOKEY BEAR/WOODSY OWL POSTERS – to the club judging the most SB/WO posters. Submit a list (by grade) of all poster entries received to CLEMAE SMITH – DISTRICT CHAIRMAN with the winning posters submitted.

D-21 – PUBLICITY PRESS BOOK - to winning books exhibiting quality, quantity and diversity of coverage in the print media promoting garden clubs and NGC goals and objectives. No limit on pages.

Complete the necessary information on the application form and attach to the inside front cover; second form clipped to outside. Books must be sent to VFGC Awards Chairman by January 25.

A. club (i, ii, iii) B. group of clubs, councils, and districts. S-48, SAR # 27A or B) The judging scale is included with this list.

For #22 and 23 – no state award application is needed!

D-22 – Youth Activities- Poetry–All grade levels (K-9 and Special Education.)– 2017-2018 – Theme – “Let It Grow”; 2018-2019 - Theme – “Pop Goes the Seed” Y-4, SAR

D-23 – Youth Activities – Essay – Open to all High School students. Essay of 600-700 words. –2017-2018Title – “CommunityGardens – A Solution to Blight, Crime and Hunger.” 2018-2019 – Title –“The Impact of Bottled Water on the Environment and the Water Supply”. Y-3, SAR 31

D-24 – Youth Activities - “The Saved Seed” Education Award – To the club with the best project utilizing the new NGC book. It must involve more than reading the book to children and demonstrate connecting children with nature.S-40

D-25 – Youth Activities – Smokey Bear/Woodsy Owl Posters – All posters that you deem worthy to be sent on. A list of all participants (by grade) is necessary to come with the posters. These posters are sent to District Youth Chairman by December 10each year. Chairman – Clemae Smith, 2848 Meadow Wood Drive W, Chesapeake, VA23321. Y-2, SAR #33

D-26 – Youth Activities -“The Frightened Frog Youth Project” – To a club with the most outstanding project in the conservation of amphibians. Must be sponsored by a garden club. Y-6



FORMAT ...... 15

A. Book Structure ...... 3

1. Durability and neatness ...... 2

2. Cover – Name of club ...... 1

B. Arrangement of contents ...... 12

1. Title page (2 points each): Club name, city and state, number

of members, president’s name ...... 8

Year ...... 1 Affiliations ...... 3 (4)

CONTENTS ...... 85

A. Table of Contents ...... 5

B. Monthly meetings – program and exhibits, awards received, etc. 23

C. Publicity (neatly cut, dateline attached) ...... 6

D. Projects – club (suggested – not required) ...... 23

Arbor Day, Fund Raising Drive, Garden Therapy, Civic

Beautification, Youth Activities, Miscellaneous, etc.

E. Projects – Council, District and State ...... 6

F. Contributions – monetary and/or volunteer work (copies of

checks suggested; any kind of acknowledgement ...... 5

  1. Miscellaneous (Suggested – not required): Flower Show

Participation, Conservation, Yard of the Month, Garden

Tours, etc...... 5

H. Copy of Yearbook ...... 6

I.. Club History ...... 6


(Projects are not always “Hands-On” projects, but some of these projects should be included: i.e. -pictures, certificates, thank-you notes, canceled checks, etc.