New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Level 3)


Trainee integrated assessment – Maternityfocus area – for hospitals and the health sector

Unit standard / Version / Level / Credits
23386 Support a person to meet personal care needs in a health or wellbeing setting / 4 / 3 / 5
26981 Describe risks, impacts, and actions for falls and minimise risk of falls in a health or wellbeing setting / 2 / 3 / 3
27460 Describe a person’s nutritional requirements and feeding issues in a health or wellbeing setting / 2 / 3 / 3
28520 Demonstrate knowledge of specific conditions and their impacts when providing support in a health or wellbeing setting / 1 / 3 / 9
27457 Describe the anatomy and physiology of systems and associated organs of the human body / 3 / 3 / 6
26801 Describe the benefits of breastfeeding, available support services, and Baby Friendly initiatives / 2 / 3 / 3
26802 Describe information, interactions, and strategies to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding / 1 / 3 / 3
Trainee name:
Trainee workplace:
Training start date:





Unit standards content and results

Personal cares

Falls minimisation

Nutrition and feeding

Specific conditions

Anatomy and physiology

Breastfeeding support

Trainee declaration


The unit standards in the Level 3 New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Health Assistance) are assessed in a total of three integrated assessments. Each of the assessments has an associated resource. You may also attend study days provided by your DHB which also assists you to learn and understand the expectations in the assessments. The three parts are:

1Core module one.

2Core moduletwo.

3Maternity focus area.


You must complete the questions in your own words and you will need to sign a declaration at the back of this book to say that you have done the work yourself. However you may refer back to your module resources and the education day handouts and notes and so this is known as open book assessment.

All your answers must be in accordance with your organisational policies and procedures and you will be shown how to find and access these documents. You may need to include parts of these documents as evidence to show your assessor.

There will be parts of each module which requires someone in your workplace to confirm your work or behaviour (verify or observe) and sign these off. Each book can be completed at any time during the course, once you have completed the written questions related to the verification/ observation. However it is a good idea to try to complete them as soon as possible after completing the relevant teaching days.

You do not need to have the same observer/verifier for every assessment as we recognise that you may work with several midwives/nurses or other senior staff in the course of a shift. However, each observer needs to WRITE THEIR NAME AND SIGN in the appropriate place so that the assessors are able to identify who they are in case of a query about your performance.

You will need to hand in your assessment books for marking at regular intervals during the course to ensure you are making satisfactory progress and can access additional tutorial support if required. Please post (internal mail) or deliver your assessment books for marking, to:

If you have any questions about the course or assessment, please contact as below.


The people/person you support can also be known in your organisation and workplace as the patient, client, service user or consumer.

A ‘care plan’ or ‘service plan’ in this workbook means an individual plan prepared to support a person and their care needs.

‘Trainee’ is you, the person completing this course.

‘Verifier/observer’ is the manager, supervisor or designated senior staff member who has observed you completing the described task.

Assessors in your workplace are: (insert names here):

Please do not allow verifiers to write in the assessor notes.

Unit standards content and results

The unit standards covered in this maternityfocus area are:

Unit standard / Version / Level / Credits /
23386 Support a person to meet personal care needs in a health or wellbeing setting / 4 / 3 / 5
26981 Describe risks, impacts, and actions for falls and minimise risk of falls in a health or wellbeing setting / 2 / 3 / 3
27460 Describe a person’s nutritional requirements and feeding issues in a health or wellbeing setting / 2 / 3 / 3
28520 Demonstrate knowledge of specific conditions and their impacts when providing support in a health or wellbeing setting / 1 / 3 / 9
27457 Describe the anatomy and physiology of systems and associated organs of the human body / 3 / 3 / 6
26801 Describe the benefits of breastfeeding, available support services, and Baby Friendly initiatives / 2 / 3 / 3
26802 Describe information, interactions, and strategies to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding / 1 / 3 / 3

Personal cares


When supporting a person/patient with personal care needs it is important that you understand why you are providing the support and that you provide support that is based on the care plan. The care also needs to be appropriate to that person’s level of ability (functional ability) – so that the person/patient is still encouraged to do what they can for themselves.

1Please complete the following table which asks for a description of when you have provided this care.

23386, 1.1

Person/patient description
For example, age and condition and brief outline of their ability to maintain their own personal cares (functional ability) (23386 1.1).
Describe the personal care support you gave to the person/patient? This care will have been delegated to you by the RN/RM and based on the patients care plan (23386 1.1).

2Describe five different personal cares you have provided in accordance with the patient’s/person’s personal plan eg shower, bed sponge, oral care, shaving, hair wash/brush, dressing or undressing, continence cares.

You may include those used in Q1 or others you have cared for.

23386 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5

Brief description of care given, as determined by care/personal plan.

Verification/observation form

This form is for the trainee’s supervisor, CNM or an RN/RM to fill out.

You have been asked to verify that you have observed the trainee exhibiting certain behaviours or tasks as a healthcare assistant.
You have been asked to do this in your capacity as the trainee’s manager, supervisor or senior staff member (eg RN) who works closely with the trainee.
Please tick  each statement below if you agree that the trainee meets the requirements described and their performance over time is consistent with answers provided by the trainee in this section..
Please add comments to support your verification, where indicated.
Relevant unit standards / 23386 – Support a person to meet personal care needs in a health or wellbeing setting.
I confirm that the trainee:
Follows organisational policies and procedures.
Uses patient/person’s preferred name.
Respects privacy.
Keeps patient information confidential.
Respects cultural identity.
Communicates using the preferred method of the patient/person.
Takes into account the persons/patients functional ability and care/personal plan.
Name of verifier ______
Signature ______ / Date______
Title ______

Falls minimisation


3Choose threeof the fourfactors below and for each of the three you have chosen, give three examples that may increase a person’s risk of falling.

26981 1.1

a) Environmental factors

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

b) Physical factors

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

c) Medication(You do not have to use the brand name, just the type of medication.)

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

d) Psychological factors

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

4Describe three potential physical impacts (effects) on the health and wellbeing of the person who has fallen.

26981, 2.1




5Describe three potential social impacts (effects) on the health and wellbeing of the person who has fallen.

26981, 2.2




6Describe what happens in your workplace if a patient/person you support falls.

26981, 4.1

Make sure your answer reflects your organisational policies.

7How are falls reported and recorded in your workplace according to your organisation’s policy?

26981, 4.2

8Describe four actions that you can do to prevent falls in your workplace.

These will need to be verified on the form following your answer.

26981, 3.1





Verification/observation form

This form is for the trainee’s supervisor, CNM or an RN to fill out.

You have been asked to verify that you have observed the trainee exhibiting certain behaviours or tasks as a healthcare assistant.
You have been asked to do this in your capacity as the trainee’s manager, supervisor or senior staff member (eg RN) who works closely with the trainee.
Please tick  each statement below if you agree that the trainee meets the requirements described and their performance over time is consistent with answers provided by the trainee in this section..
Please add comments to support your verification, where indicated.
Relevant unit standards / 26981 Describe risks, impacts, and actions for falls and minimise risk of falls in a health or wellbeing setting.
I confirm that the trainee:
Has been observed completing these actions and that they follow the organisational policies/procedures (26981 3.1).
Name of verifier ______
Signature ______ / Date______
Title ______

Nutrition and feeding


9Identify three people/patients you have supported and describe their nutritional requirements (as in their care plans/clinical notes) and the reason for their requirements.

Each requirement must be different.

27460 1.1, 1.2

Person/patient / Nutritional requirements / Reason for requirement

10Name one guideline that can be used to plan nutritional care for a person you support.


11Identify three issues/symptoms related to safe feeding and describe what you would do to ensure the patient’s safety.

This may require the use of techniques/assistive aids.

27460 2.1, 2.2

Person/patient / Feeding issues/symptoms / How you ensure safety when supporting them

Specific conditions


12Please complete the following for three specific conditions (illness, disability, disease) that you provide patients with support for in your workplace.

The condition you have chosen: / 1. / 2. / 3.
Characteristics of condition (three) – may include signs, symptoms, how it is caused, risk factors, impact on body/mind (28520 1.1). / a)
c) / a)
c) / a)
Describe three effects that the condition has on the person in their health, ability to do activities of daily living, ability to live their usual life. (28520 1.2). / a)
c) / a)
c) / a)
What support do you need to give this person due to the condition? (under the direction and delegation of the nurse) (28520 2.1).
What changes would you need to report about this person/their condition? Why is it important that you report these? (28520 2.2)

Verification/observation form

This form is for the trainee’s supervisor, CNM or an RN to fill out.

You have been asked to verify that you have observed the trainee exhibiting certain behaviours or tasks as a healthcare assistant.
You have been asked to do this in your capacity as the trainee’s manager, supervisor or senior staff member (eg RN) who works closely with the trainee.
Please tick  each statement below if you agree that the trainee meets the requirements described and their performance over time is consistent with answers provided by the trainee in this section..
Please add comments to support your verification, where indicated.
Relevant unit standards / 28520– Demonstrate knowledge of specific conditions and their impacts when providing support in a health or wellbeing setting.
I confirm that the trainee:
Provides support to people with these conditions within the boundaries of their role, following organisational policies and procedures (28520 3.1).
Recognizes and reports changes in a timely and appropriate manner (28520 3.2).
Name of verifier ______
Signature ______ / Date______
Title ______

Anatomy and physiology


For this question you need to choose six body systems. Choices include cardio-vascular, respiratory, musculo-skeletal, endocrine, nervous, urinary, gastro-intestinal, reproductive, skin, sensory, immune.

13For each of the sixsystems you choose you will need to name the main organs and structures of that system and describe the function of the system (what it does and how it works).

You might like to draw a diagram to show the main parts of each system and how they are linked. If you do then don’t forget to name each part (the diagram doesn’t need to be an exact replica).

a) System name / What it does (function)
Main organs and structures
How it works
b) System name / What it does (function)
Main organs and structures
How it works
c) System name / What it does (function)
Main organs and structures
How it works
d) System name / What it does (function)
Main organs and structures
How it works
e) System name / What it does (function)
Main organs and structures
How it works
f) System name / What it does (function)
Main organs and structures
How it works

Breastfeeding support

26801, 26802

14Describe at leastone benefit of breastfeeding for each of the following.

26801, 1.1

The community

15Choose two of the following support services and describe their role in assisting breastfeeding for mothers and families/whānau.

26801, 2.1

Lead maternity carers, La Leche League, general practitioner, lactation consultant, Plunket Society, Well Child/Tamariki Ora.

Support service / Description of role in assisting breastfeeding

The WHO/UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiatives (BFI) were developed to promote, support and protect breast-feeding. The next set of questions refers to these initiatives.

16How have the BFI contributed to promoting, supporting and protecting breastfeeding in NZ?


Include in your answer when they were introduced and how they are applied in NZ.

17What does the BFI say about supporting women who cannot/choosenot to breast feed?

26801, 3.2

18Why was the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiatives (BFHI) developed?

26801, 3.3

Include in your answer how it contributes to the healthcare sector.

19How do the BFHI 10 steps to successful breastfeeding assist the promotion, protection and support of breastfeeding?

26801, 3.4

Refer to your resource book for the 10 steps.

20How do the seven steps of the Baby Friendly Community Initiatives (BFCI) assist the promotion, protection and support of breastfeeding?

26801, 3.5

Refer to your resource book for the seven steps.

21In your organisation what information is given to mothers/whānau that will assist them to make an informed decision about breastfeeding?

26802, 1.1

22Describe four ways (attitudes) you can use to acknowledge and show respect for the culture, values and beliefs of mothers and their families/whānau in relation to breastfeeding.

26802, 2.1

Two attitudes have been identified for you– you need to think of two more and then answer the question for each one.

Attitude / How does this show respect for culture, values and beliefs?
a) Accepting differences
b) Respecting dignity and privacy

23Identify and describe four interpersonal skills that can be used to meet the communication needs of mothers and their families/whānau (particularly around breastfeeding).

26802, 2.2

Use your resource book for definition and examples of interpersonal skills.

Interpersonal skill / Description – include how it assists to meet communication needs

24Describe two things (strategies) that you as a healthcare assistant can do to support, promote and protect breastfeeding in your area of work.

26802 3.1, 3.2

Please note that these strategies must take into account the mothers/families cultural needs.



Trainee declaration

I understand the requirements of this assessment.

I have prepared all answers myself.

Where patient’s/staff/care situations have been used as examples I have protected the privacy of individuals concerned and not used real names.

I agree that this document can be photocopied for the purpose of moderation, as part of quality control processes.

I agree that once the assessment decision has been made, my personal details and results will be sent to Careerforcefor registration of credits in the New Zealand Qualification Framework.

Trainee name:______

Trainee signature: ______

Date: ______

Assessor feedback on trainee performance

Assessor comments:
Assessor decision / Credit awarded: Yes/No / Date:
Reassessment / Credit awarded: Yes/No
More evidence required: Yes/No / Date:
Loaded on Iportal / Yes/No / Date:
Assessor name / Assessor signature / Assessor number
Moderator comments:
Moderator signature / Date:

Health Assistance (Level 3) Maternity(23386, 26981, 27460, 28520, 27457, 26801, 26802)Trainee Assessment
© Careerforce – Issue 1.1 – 18 August 20171