Kendal Business Improvement District
13th Meeting of the BID Board
Monday 20th April 2015
5.30 PM – 7.15 PM – Beales Kendal
Item / Notes1. Welcome, introduction, apologies. / Apologies from Sylvia (replaced by Tom), Giles, Rory, Richard, Derek
Additional attendees from the Dementia Action Alliance (Laura Roberts, David vice chair)
2. Dementia presentation / Presentation provided by the Dementia Action Alliance whose purpose is to encourage businesses and organisations to commit to becoming dementia friendly. An action plan has been produced that outlines how the businesses can quickly become DF. Online courses available for staff members.
3. Updates / SWIPII has been met extremely well by the businesses of Kendal and a proposal was put forward to increase the number of business funded in the first year of the scheme. An additional £22.750 plus VAT was granted. Rory Black gave his yes vote by proxy.
Your Street and updates next meeting
4. Christmas, Market, Bus, Ice Rink, Parking / Information has been requested from SLDC re parking statistics to decide if BID should support free parking and/ or if it is more economical to use a park and ride bus.
A decision has to be made to whether or not BID is involved in the Christmas markets. Council can help with the tender process, manage the contract and can do permissions for closures etc. £2000 was allocated to KTC fro the Kenal Light switch on.
5. Update Park and Cycle / Attached Brians reports.
6. AOB / The board unanimously voted that 2 debit cards should be issued for treasurer and chair to limit the amount of expenditure being claimed back. Both debit cards will have a £500 limit.
A problem was noted on the Kendal BID website regarding the contact form- Rory is dealing with this.
Brian reported on the Kendal Futures need to do a report on public transport. KF will progress with this.
Kendal BID has a 97% collection rate and the operation Agreement from 2014 was given for signature.
SJW introduced a Digital Media course that has been funded through the college for businesses in the town. Info will be put on the website.
SLDC gave an update;
1- An operating group needs to be formed for the BID levy collection. SJW informed SLDC that she was awaiting the new manager to get back in touch re his timetable.
2- Kendal Enterprise Hub is going back to tender at the end of the month
3- Free WIFI for the town centre is in place
4- Kendal BID will not be taken part in Independents Day
5- SLDC are going to do evaluations on the impact of festivals to the town. Food Festival had a £1.5 million impact on the Kendal.