New YorkState Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America
RETURN ONLINE TO: Karen Thomas, State Coordinator
DATE DUE: March 1, 2017
Name / Date of BirthAddress
Telephone / County / FCCLA District
Family: / (ages, occupations if appropriate)
Name of Institution you plan to attend
Have you completed Institution application? / Yes / No
Have you been accepted? / Yes / No
What plans do you have for financing your way through school?
Savings from familyAllowance from family
Other scholarships (explain)
Other plans (explain)
Do you plan to work while attending college? / Yes / No
Scholarship Application (Continued)
Whatcareer or Family and Consumer Science related career do you plan to follow when you graduate?
List the Family and Consumer Science courses you are taking or have completed since eighth grade:
Check grades active in FCCLA: ___ 7 ___8 ___ 9 ___ 10 ___ 11 ___ 12
Describe your participation in FCCLA activities at each of the following levels:
(Use additional sheet if necessary)
List additional school and community activities and ways you have participated in each:
Scholarship Application (Continued)
The following should be e-mailed to: Karen Thomas, State Coordinator
1.A typed or neatly printed essay of not more than 200 words telling why you plan to major in your chosen field.
2.A photograph (optional)
3.Written recommendations from each of the following persons:
- local or district FCCLA advisor
- principal, guidance counselor or teacher (other than family and consumer science)
- one community leader
- executive council member of your FCCLA chapter
The following information will help the committee make a fair decision:
- seriousness of purpose
- ability to get along with others
- sense of responsibility
- emotional stability
- leadership ability
- financial need
Mail an official transcript to Karen Thomas, 37073 County Route 46, Theresa, NY 13691
The following signatures must be included:
ApplicantParent or Guardian / Administrator
Chapter President / Local FCCLA Advisor
New York State Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America
A $1,000 in scholarships is offered annually by the New York State FHA/FCCLA Foundation. The selection of the recipients will be made by the State Scholarship Committee. The scholarships are awarded based on scholastic achievement, pursuit of further education, leadership ability, character, and financial need.
1. To further the interest and ideals of FCCLA members through higher education
2. To provide some financial assistance to members best meeting the qualifications.
1.Have assumed some leadership responsibility in a chapter which has been affiliated with the New York State Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America during the past two years.
2.Be a senior who plans to be graduated from an accredited New YorkState high school in the year the award is granted.
3.Be qualified to enter the two or four-year program of the New York State institution or college the candidate plans to attend.
4.Have a scholastic standing as follows:
a. Two-year institution:
- Will have successfully completed at least 1/2 unit in the senior high school program in family and consumer science.
- Has maintained an average of 80% or above in courses completed in high school (based on 3 1/2 years).
b. Four-year college:
- Will have successfully completed at least 1/2 unit in the senior high school family and consumer science program
- Has maintained an average of 85% or above in courses completed in high school (based on 3 1/2 years).
5.Possess qualities which indicate possible success in the field of family and consumer sciencerelated fields, such as interest in home and family life, good character, and leadership ability.
The scholarship amounts will be paid directly to the Institution or college afterthe recipient is officially enrolled.
Send application online to: Karen Thomas,
Official transcript to: Karen Thomas, 37073 County Route 46, Theresa, NY 13691
Deadline date: March 1, 2017
Updated 1/17