
New York Underwriting Guide

General Guidelines

Preferred Appetite:

•Businesses with at least three years of experience.

•No more than two losses in the past year.

Contact Your Underwriter When:

•Three or more losses in the past 12 months.

•A single loss of greater than $100,000.

•A risk has a coastal exposure.

•Risks are located in New York City or Long Island, NY.


Market Segment Guidelines

Professional Office

•Should maintain professionally liability coverage.

Contact Your Underwriter When:

•A risk does not maintain professional liability coverage.


•Less than 10% of receipts derived from installation, service, or repair.

Contact Your Underwriter When:

•The risk has equipment rental exposures.

Out of Appetite:

•Risks with 24 hour operations.

•Risks with propane filling operations.


Contact Your Underwriter When:

•More than 25% of square footage of the operations are open to the public.

•More than 25% of sales are from Retail.

•More than 10% of receipts derived from installation, service, or repair.


Contact Your Underwriter When:

•A Risk has towing operations other than towing customers’ vehicles for repair.

Limited Service Restaurants

•Restaurants that operate less than 24 hours.

•Alcohol sales less than 25% of total receipts.

Out of Appetite:

•Risks with cooking exposures that generate grease-laden vapors. (i.e: grilling, roasting, deep frying, broiling, or barbecuing).


Contact Your Underwriter When:

•Self Storage risks have habitational, open air storage, climate controlled storage, or unfenced property exposures.

Out of Appetite:

•Self Storage risks with movable modules, guard dogs or armed security. Storage of flammables, explosives, automobiles, legal documents, wine, fine arts, or antiques are ineligible for BOP classes.


•No binding authority is granted for this program.

Contact Your Underwriter When:

•A risk hasa high hazard process (i.e. electroplating, forging, casting, smelting, spray finishing).

Out of Appetite:

•High Hazard Products (i.e. Aerospace, Automotive, Chemical, Medical, Nuclear, Oil & Gas, Pharmaceutical, Weapons, Structural Components, Pressure Vessels).


Out of Appetite:

•Chimney sweeping.

•Duct cleaning.

•Medical or hazardous waste disposal.

•Hospital housekeeping.

•Power washing >10% of sales.

•Restoration contractors.

•Risks that sub-contract more than 30% of sales.


•Limited availability in NY.

•Subcontracted work must be 25% or less of total sales.

•Sales unrelated to installation, service, or repair must be less than 25% of total sales.

Contact Your Underwriter When:

•Manufacturing products under the insured’s name.

•Renting or leasing equipment to others.

•Performing LPG work.

•Snowplowing other than driveways and parking lots.

Out of Appetite:

•Risks with exterior work over 3 stories in height.

•General Contractors.

Product Specific Guidelines

BOP/Package - Property

•Any buildings over 25 years old have been fully updated within last 20 years.

Contact Your Underwriter When:

•Property has a coastal exposure.

•Property is in Protection Classes 9 or 10.

Worker’s Compensation

Contact Your Underwriter When:

•Risk has a known exposure to the United States Longshoremen & Harbor Workers (USL&H) Act, or the Jones Act.

•Risk has an experience modifier greater than 1.00.

Business Auto

•Majority of drivers at least 21 years of age and older.

•No major violations or DUIs on any driver in the past 3 years.

Out of Appetite:

•Extra-heavy trucks.

•Long-haul vehicles.

•Restaurants or delicatessens with delivery.


•Limits up to $10 million are available.

Contact Your Underwriter When:

•Underlying coverages provided by a carrier other than Acadia or limit is greater than $2 million.

Contact Us

For more information, please contact your localAcadiaAdvantage underwriter:

Nicole Smith
