General Science

New York Times science page; can search for occasional articles on anthropology

General Anthropology

Western Connecticut State University site with general anthropology links by category, including physical anthropology

General site for links to sources of information on all fields of anthropology including museum studies, Native America, and physical anthropology

Anthropology in the news at Texas A&M. Good general news item search site.

General Archeology and Human Evolution

(**** = most useful sites)

National Geographic’s new interactive web site on human evolution, with special emphasis on the migrations of early Homo sapiens. I’ve been having fun with it. From this site you can, for a mere $107, have your DNA ancestry traced! Whotta deal!**** is a public service site put up by people with archeological experience. Click on timeline chart for an excellent summary of each hominid species****

The Smithsonian's colorful hominid phylogeny, with links to information and images for each species ****

Best site for the evolution-creationist controversy (including links to other creation-vs.-evolution sites), and also good for general information on human evolution and the fossil record***

Archeology magazine web site; coverage of paleoanthropology is sketchy, and the majority of articles deal with more recent prehistoric peoples; nevertheless, it allows you to search for articles on a particular find, if you know what you are looking for**

News of Leakey Foundation projects, nice articles on scattered topics by foundation researchers, timeline of discoveryspecies)*

Award-winning Archeologica site, with links to stories from around the world on archeological discoveries; very thorough daily updates, but without a search function it is hard to find anything in the sea of articles about every aspect of archeology from paleontological to historic

Phylogenies (in progress)

Native America: General

Resources on indigenous cultures around the world

Native America: Prehistory

Center for the Study of the First Americans; Mammoth Trumpet newsletter

Links to articles on the Pre-Clovis debate

An article on a pre-clovis site in Virginia

Vance Haynes challenges pre-clovis evidence
