I.L.P. 463 / 464 (No. of ILPs in current year / Total number ILPs)
Date Devised: 12/5/11 / Review Date: 20/5/11
Student: Ryan / Year Level: Grade 3 / D.O.B. 20/01/02 / Age:9 yrs 5 months
Program Support Group Members consulted in devising this plan:
Class Teacher: Mrs White
Parents: Mr & Mrs Robinson
Principal Rep(PSG Chair): Mr Wall
Consultants to the PSG: Classroom teacher, School literacy coordinator, reading recovery staff, Vice principal, parents and
This individual learning plan addresses the principles stated in the National Safe Schools Framework by promoting care and by respecting and cooperating with others.
Additional Reports:
Entry Skills (What the student has achieved)
·  Has high achievement in numerous sports.
·  Has a vivid imagination, and enjoys tasks that stimulate his creativity.
·  Has an active interest in AFL football players, and enjoys researching match reports, and player statistics.
Challenges (Areas for Improvement)
·  He has difficulty with written tasks in that he seems to have gaps in his knowledge of phonics, spelling and punctuation.
·  He is reluctant to write and tends to write very brief pieces.
·  He lacks an understanding of the importance of standard spelling and punctuation in writing and overall presentation of his work.
·  He rarely if ever proof reads work to ensure it makes sense.
·  He is aware of his difficulties, and therefore lacks confidence when sharing his work with teachers/peers.
Learning Priorities (Future Learning)
·  Develop strategies to improve the overall quality of his writing, ie. Spelling, punctuation.
·  Learn resilience strategies to help cope when he makes mistakes, and appreciate his unique strengths and abilities.
·  Improve phonological awareness.
National Safe Schools Framework (2003)
Retrieved May 15 from:


STUDENT NAME: Ryan Devised 00/00/00

Semester Goals
(Long Term) / Short Term Goals
(WHAT) / Strategies/Methods
(HOW) / Mode of Delivery
(WHO / WHEN) / Mode of Assessment / Evaluation
By the end of the semester, Ryan will be able to demonstrate, the importance of standard spelling and punctuation in his writing, by proofreading and correcting his work, 80% of the time. / By the end of the first term, Ryan will be able to practice spelling strategies, using at least one strategy, 75% of the time. / To give him opportunity to revise and practice spelling strategies, through the use of words from the 300 most common used words and weekly spelling tests of 10 words. / Ryan will be in a special group for spelling, working through a revision program of basic rules and principles of spelling and punctuation, once a week. / Including weekly spelling tests, there will be a test at the end of the term of 50 words including the words he had challenges with, in the weekly test, to access spelling progress. / 1 2 3
Focus on teaching how to decode words by providing opportunities to learning/use specific strategies such as, “look, say, cover, write, check,” the use of “word shapes” and create a word bank with the words he personally finds challenging. / He will receive a tally mark for each error in his writing and will have to see how many of his own mistakes he can find. These will then be placed in his word bank and will have to use two strategies to work on these words. / The use of sport related passages which require Ryan to, correct spelling errors, add punctuation and selection of correct homophone use from a paragraph of writing. / 1 2 3
By the end of the second term, with every piece of work, specifically published work, Ryan will proof read his work, get a pair to proof read and then re-proof read prior to showing the classroom teacher. / There will be a focus on proof-reading skills by providing opportunities to proof read others work, by using phonic and visual skills to pick up spelling errors and reading work aloud to pick up punctuation. He will then move onto self-correction with these skills. / Once a week the class will have a writer’s workshop, where each group is involved in the different steps of creating a piece of work. Ryan will take part in the proof-reading group and will be responsible for using his spelling and punctuation strategies. / Ryan can demonstrate his proof reading skills in his own written work. / 1 2 3
By the end of the semester, Ryan will be able to write complex sentences and longer pieces of writing of at least one paragraph or more, 80% of the time. / By the end of the term Ryan will be able to write longer sentences that join one or more ideas together by using a conjunction, 75% of the time. / There will be a focus on using conjunctions to create complex sentences and by focussing on more than one idea in written work to make it longer. / Once a week during class journal writing time, Ryan will have the opportunity to express his thoughts into written work which will be checked by the teacher. / Ryan can write a long passage containing complex sentences about his topic of choice, sport. / 1 2 3

KEY: 1 = Little or No Progress 2 = Satisfactory Progress 3 = Excellent Progress/Goal Achieved

Below is a list of learning priorities that may be included in the Individual Learning Plan:

Daily Living Skills Social Skills Behaviour

Motor Skills Communication Literacy Numeracy

Evaluation (Comments pertaining to the students’ performance/ learning against the set goals).

______’s achievements as of dd/mm/yy

Number of days absent: