F or 50% or less / Almost Sufficient:
D or 65% / Partially Sufficient:
C or 75% / Sufficient:
B or 85% / Exemplary:
A or 95%
❒Student’s answer or thesis is illegible.
❒The student’s answer isclear but it is incorrect.
❒The student’s answer or thesis is unclear – it is either too vague or too generalized to determine whether it is reasonable.
❒The thesis is merely a fact. / ❒The student offers a reasonable answer or thesis,
 / ❒The student offers a reasonable answer or thesis,
 / ❒The student offers a reasonable answer or thesis,
 / ❒The student offers a reasonable answer or thesis,

❒The student fails to offer good examples, because:
  • The student provides no evidence or examples.
  • The student merely retells the story.
  • The student offers vague examples – casesof everyone, someone, and “people” who did everything and stuff with everybody, anybody, and anyone.
  • The student provides evidence that is incomplete or only partially accurate.
  • The student provides evidence, but the evidence’s connection to the student’s answer or thesis is unclear or weak.
/ ❒The student supports the answer or thesis with accurate, relevant, and specific evidence
 / ❒The student supports the answer or thesis with accurate, relevant, and specific evidence
 / ❒The student supports the answer or thesis with accurate, relevant, and specific evidence

❒The student’s writing shows a lack of basic skills:
  • incomplete sentences,
  • basic capitalization errors,
  • inability to create paragraphs,
  • awkward or confusing sentence structure,
  • uses “you” inappropriately
  • uses pronouns where nouns are needed,
  • vocabulary is really got a lot of stuff,or
  • writes in slang, text messaging, etc.
/ ❒The student’s writing shows a mastery of at least basic skills:
  • writes in complete sentences,
  • understands basic capitalization,
  • organizes essay into paragraphs,
  • writes clear sentences,
  • uses characters’ names and not just “he” and “she”, and
  • is able and willing to use Standard English
 / ❒The student’s writing shows a mastery of at least basic skills:
  • writes in complete sentences,
  • understands basic capitalization,
  • organizes essay into paragraphs,
  • writes clear sentences,
  • uses characters’ names and not just “he” and “she”, and
  • is able and willing to use Standard English

❒The student’s writing shows little skill beyond the basics:
  • Sentences, although technically correct, are awkward or clumsily written.
  • Sentences make sense but are choppy, rambling, monotonous, or singsong.
  • Vocabulary, although used correctly, is limited.
/ ❒The student’s writing shows a mastery beyond just basic skills:
  • The writing has an easy flow, rhythm, and cadence; has energy.
  • Sentences are well built, strong, and varied.
  • Connectives between sentences show how each relates to the one before it.